
林大新加坡| 蒋朔、吴少湘双个展「诸色皆可美」正在展出

Linda Gallery 林大艺术中心 2023-06-21

诸色皆可美 All Colors Can Be Beautiful

艺术家:蒋朔 Jiang Shuo、吴少湘 Wu Shaoxiang
地点:林大艺术中心 新加坡空间

Paragon, 290 Orchard Rd, Singapore 238859







策展人:Maddy Byrne


 关于艺术家 About Artists 


近期个展项目包括:2019 无果花的诱惑,双个展(和吴少湘),林大艺术中心,北京;2018 诱惑,舒尔茨画廊,维也纳科技馆,维也纳,奥地利;2017 艺术登陆印度尼西亚,林大艺术中心,雅加达,印度尼西亚;2015 隐形之手,双个展(和吴少湘),林大艺术中心,北京,中国;2014 红与绿的对抗,双个展(和吴少湘),维纳博格美术馆,布莱博格,奥地利;玩偶与面具,双个展(和吴少湘),印度尼西亚国家博物馆,雅加达, 印度尼西;玩偶与面具,双个展(和吴少湘),新加坡当代美术馆,新加坡;向钱进,双个展(和吴少湘),万玉堂画廊,香港。

Jiang Shuo, was born in Beijing in 1958. She graduated from the Sculpture Department at the Central Academy of Arts and Design ( now Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University) in 1982. And she graduated from the Sculpture Department with Professor Zheng Ke in 1985, at the Central Academy of Arts and Design, and stayed to teach. She was Appointed as lecturer at the Central Academy of Arts & Design, Beijing, China in 1987. She moved to Austria with her husband, set up studio and joined the Austrian Artist Association in 1989. She built new studio and gallery with Wu Shaoxiang in Klagenfurt, Austria in 1998. She set up studio in Beijing, China in 2006 and set up studio in Berlin, German.

Recenet solo exhibitions included: 2019 Linda Art Centre, 798, joined by Wu Shaoxiang, Beijing, China; 2018 Temptation of Fruitless Flower, Linda Art Centre, 798, joined by Wu Shaoxiang, Beijing, China; Temptation, Gallery Scheutz Fine Art Vienna, Austria; 2017 Jiang Shuo, Art Stage Indonesia, Linda Art Centre, Indonesia; 2015 Invisible Hand, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Linda Art Centre, 798, Beijing, China; 2014 Red VS Green, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Werner Berger Museum , Bleiberg, Austria; Dolls and Masks, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Indonesia National Museum, Jakarta, Indonesia; Going for Money, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong; Dolls and Masks, Joint exhibition with Wu Shaoxiang, Museum of Contemporary Art, Singapore.

吴少湘,1957年出生于中国江西。1982年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院雕塑专业,获学士学位。1987年毕业于中央工艺美术学院雕塑专业,师从著名雕塑家郑可教授,获硕士学位并留校任教。1991 独创以钱币为材料做雕塑,载入吉尼斯世界记录大全。吴氏曾任上海复旦视觉艺术学院兼职教授和天津美术学院特聘教授。

近期个展项目包括:2022 舒尔茨美术馆,恩格尔哈茨采尔,奥地利;2020 林大艺术中心(和蒋朔),北京,中国;2019 林大艺术中心(和蒋朔),北京,中国;2018 艺倡画廊,香港;2017 艺术天津,北宁公园,天津,中国;2016 回顾展,江西省美术馆,南昌,中国;2015 回顾展,今日美术馆,北京,中国;回顾展,天津美术学院美术馆,天津,中国;林大艺术中心(和蒋朔),北京,中国;2014 维纳、博格博物馆(和蒋朔),柏莱堡,奥地利;万玉堂画廊,香港;海塞公司(和蒋朔),克拉根福,奥地利。

Wu Shaoxiang, was born in Jiangxi, China in 1957. He graduated from Sculpture Department of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute with a Bachelor's degree in 1982 and graduated from Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, Under Professor Zheng Ke, with a Master degree in 1987. He is the first person to do sculpture by use the material coins and recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1991. Wu has previously served as a part-time professor at the Shanghai FuDan Institute of Visual Arts and as a distinguished professor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.

Recenet solo exhibitions included: 2022 Schütz Art Museum, Engehartszell, Austria;  2020 Linda Gallery, joined by Jiang Shuo, Beijing, China; 2019 Linda Gallery, joined by Jiang Shuo, Beijing, China; 2018 Alisan Fine Arts Gallery, Hong Kong, China; 2017 Art Tianjin, Beining Park, Tianjin, China; 2016 Jiangxi Art Museum, Nanchang, China; 2015 China Today Art Museum, Beijing, China; Art Museum of Tian Jing Academy of Fine Art, Tian Jing, China; Linda Gallery, joined by Jiang Shuo, Beijing, China; 2014 Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong; Werner Berg Museum (with Jiang Shuo), Bleiberg, Austria.

 部分参展作品 Selected Works 


Jiang Shuo, Angle and Mask – Makeover 2, Bronze

21 x 22 cm, 2022


Jiang Shuo, Angle and Mask – Lucky Cat, Bronze

40 x 20 x 16 cm, 2023


Jiang Shuo, Angle and Mask 1, Bronze

21 x 23 cm, 2021


Jiang Shuo, Angle and Mask 3, Bronze

37 x 20 cm, 2021


Jiang Shuo, Echoes on the Blue Waves - Girl, Bronze

48 x 31 x 20 cm, 2021


Jiang Shuo, Angle and Mask – Golden Toad, Bronze

40 x 36 x 25 cm, 2022

Wu Shaoxiang, All Colors Can Be Beautiful
Oil, Acrylic and Paper on Canvas
100 x 100  cm, 2022

吴少湘,诸色皆可美 VIII,布面油彩和纸
Wu Shaoxiang, All Colors Can Be Beautiful VIII
Oil and Paper on Canvas
100 x 100 x 1 cm, 2023

Wu Shaoxiang, All Colors Can Be Beautiful, Oil on Canvas
60 x 60 cm, 2022

吴少湘,诸色皆可美 XIII,布面丙烯、纸
Wu Shaoxiang, All Colors Can Be Beautiful XIII
Acrylic and Paper on Canvas
100 x 50 x 1 cm, 2023

Wu Shaoxiang, Naked Education, Oil and Paper on Canvas
150 x 100 x 1 cm, 2023

Wu Shaoxiang, Surviving Aphrodite Head with a New Brain
Bronze, Stainless Steel
128 x 100 x 72 cm, 2023

Exhibition Views

We at Linda Gallery, are honored to present the work of Jiang Shuo and Wu Shaoxiang in the duo exhibition All Colors Can Be Beautiful. Jiang Shuo is one of the few Chinese contemporary sculptors to garner an international reputation. She is among the first generation of women to graduate with a Master of Fine Arts degree in China and the first female in the country to acquire an MFA in sculpture. She graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University) in Beijing in 1984 and stayed to teach. In June 1989, she and her husband, Wu Shaoxiang, emigrated to Austria with their children and set up a studio to become freelance artists. In the mid-1990s she gained widespread international attention from institutions and collectors alike for her distinctive Red Guard series. Her work depicts the spiritual changes of the Chinese people in the tide of globalization and the conflicts between the pursuit of wealth and the preservation of traditional values and morals.

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Wu Shaoxing is one of the pioneers of modern Chinese sculpture and was a leading figure in the field of sculpture during the mid-1980s as a prominent member of the New Wave avant-garde art movement in China. Like Jiang, he also taught at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts after obtaining a Master in Fine Arts degree from the school in 1987. After moving to Austria in 1989 he garnered widespread acclaim for his sculptural works made of coins. In the 2000’s he started depicting the American dollar in his bronze works and added the currency through a paper mache technique into his paintings. In recent years he has focused more heavily on paper mache, utilizing the pages of newspapers and magazines to make paper sculptures and paintings. Wu's works often tackle sensitive social issues, from sex in the 1980s to money and art in the 1990s. His current works consider the effects of globalization on the commercialization of culture, the deterioration of the environment, and the recent cultural conflicts of skin color and body type.

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This exhibition will look at how both artists have approached play, capital, and commonality throughout their careers. They lived through the socialist era in China which valued realism in art represented by the promotion of heroes and loftiness in mainstream visual arts spaces during the period. This trend gradually died down after the 1980s but has impacted the careers of Wu and Jiang who reflect on the socialist art education they received within their sculptural practices. This reflection has allowed them to gain a deeper connection to realism which they portray through humorous and often sardonic observations and critical expressions of social life.

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These expressions have been highly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected life, spirit, material possessions, and work. Amidst this turmoil, Jiang Shuo and Wu Shaoxiang have created work that depicts how they have considered, moved through, and been affected by these changes. What they make reflects their deeply held beliefs that there is no singular artist who has mastered an artform, no singular artist who has mastered an aesthetic, no most beautiful color, and no most beautiful shape in the world; depending on the viewer and surroundings, all colors and all shapes can be beautiful.

Join us on the first and fourth floors of Paragon from 10 am to 9 pm any day of the week to view the incredible legacies of these two artists.

Curator: Maddy Byrne

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