

2017-01-03 孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作

Even a beggar can stand out

San Francisco is the Mecca for the homeless, but some are faring better than others. While most idle around and shake their paper/plastic cups asking passers-by for coins, this man 10 feet away from me is holding the Starbucks door with one hand for customers walking in and out of the store and holding a paper cup in the other hand. Not everybody feels obligated to tip him, of course; but some surely do, as the coins (and occasionally paper bills!) trickling down to his cup testify. I assume some people who spare a few quarters know they are going to tip as they walk in--the man's kind gesture is a reminder. Coins that are likely to end up in the Starbucks tipping jar are now likely too to end up in the man's cup. If you are amazed by the number of Starbucks customers flowing in, don't be surprised how well this man is doing.

题图:拍摄于旧金山 442 Geary Street. 写于2015年6月1日旧金山。

