

孟庆伟Justin 孟庆伟英文写作 2022-09-01
In Shanxi where I grew up, tattoos raised an eyebrow. They were met with suspicion and contempt, if not associated with unorthodoxy and hooliganism. TV shows and movies perpetuated the stereotype: the bad guys usually have a tattoo, the good guys rarely do. To many, tattoos were not sightly, if not entirely off-putting.

For a long time, I didn't understand the necessity of the tattoo, namely its practical or emotional value. Nor did I find tattoos aesthetically appealing. To me, it was neither something essential nor something that is nice to have.

As I saw more examples and learned more about the tattoo, my take has completely shifted. First, the tattoo can be pragmatic: it is used to beautify or blur a scar, for example. Second, it provides emotional support. I have read stories in which a parent would get a tattoo that mimics an ugly birthmark of their child to give her a sense of safety. Third, the tattoo serves as a great mode of self-expression. Why don't you share with the world what you believe through a tattoo? Fourth, people use tattoos to remember something: a number, a date, a character, a quote, a picture. 

What fascinates me the most is the tattoo as a reminder of spiritual and cultural traditionsA while back, I met a Kiwi named Sione. A native of Dunedin, New Zealand, he is a former rugby player, with dark skin, curly hair, and a sturdy, muscular physique. When wearing a tank top, he sports a magnificent tattoo. Impressed and curious, I asked him about the story behind it. 

His tattoo story is the coolest I have ever heard.

“My tattoo is the shape of a Samoan fish hook. It represents family, culture,  and where I came from. Certain patterns represent parts of my upbringing. 

From my elbow to my forearm identifies my Samoan side/my grandmother and my shoulder represents my Niuean side/grandfather. The armband is in memory of my grandfather. He passed away from cancer. 

Black Sun represents my family grannies, parents, brothers, and one sister. Patterns around it identify strength, unity, respect. My chest represents an armour by combining all those things together. Its sense of self-belief that wherever I go I will carry them close to me.” 

I was awed by the telling tale. What appears to be a complicated tattoo, in fact, boasts structural clarity and rich symbolism. In the story, I see the Samoan way of life, the values the Samoans hold, and the deep love of and strong identity with family and the people. Thanks to the thoughtfully designed tattoo, I am able to view Sione in a completely new light. 


I translated my awe and admiration into one sentence, "Man, you've got a walking Samoan monument right there." Hopefully, that sums up his story as well as the magic of the tattoo as an art form. 

P.S. What do you think about tattoos? Do you have one? What motivated you to get one? Any story behind it? If you could get one, what kind would you like to have? 

孟庆伟 Justin

个人微信 ID:justinqmeng


雅思写作 8 分,口语 8 分


插图:由 Sione 提供





写在恩师 Justine 逝世三周年纪念日


