
Jay-Z 投资维根饼干点公司 | Jay-Z Invests in Vegan Cookie Company

PBC 吃货一族 2022-09-11

照片来原Source: Partake

美国的超级巨星和商业大亨,Jay-Z,近期也投资3亿美金加入了维根肉公司Impossible Foods,同时也刚刚投资给一家叫Partake Foods 的维根初创公司。

American megastar and business tycoon, Jay Z, who also participated in vegan meat company Impossible Foods’ recent $300M investment round, has just funded vegan cookie startup Partake Foods.

Jay-Z,是被正式宣布成为第一个身价亿万的说唱歌手。2018年和风险资本家 Larry Marcus一起创立了风险投资公司Marcy Venture Partners。Marcy领导了100万美元的种子融资轮,其中包括工厂后台资本(The FactoryBackstage Capital),Sofi Ventures以及Beyond Meat的首席增长官Chuck Muth。

The rap star, who was revealed as officially the first billionaire rapper, founded venture firm Marcy Venture Partners in 2018 with venture capitalist Larry Marcus. Marcy led the $1M seed funding round which included The FactoryBackstage Capital, SoFi Ventures, and Beyond Meat’s Chief Growth Officer, Chuck Muth.

Marcus在一次新闻发布会上说说:“Partake拥有打造大众市场品牌的基因:令人信服的价值观、美味的产品,以及一个坚韧不拔、经验丰富的运营团队。”“我们很荣幸支持[Partake创始人],Denise [Woodard]和他们的团队,帮助他们发展业务。”

“Partake has the ingredients to build a mass-market brand: compelling values, a great tasting product, and a tenacious and experienced operator,” said Marcus in a press release. “We are honored to back [Partake Founder] Denise [Woodard] and the team and help grow their business.”

创始人Founder, Denise Woodard 

(照片来原Source: Partake Foods)

2016年,前可口可乐总监Denise Woodard在女儿被诊断出对几种食物过敏时,创立了Partake Foods。这位企业家在Kickstarter上筹集了超过3万美元的资金,做为该公司的启动资金,他表示现金注入将用于增加团队人员和加速业务增长。

Former Coca-Cola national director Denise Woodard founded Partake Foods in 2016 when her daughter was diagnosed with several food allergies. The entrepreneur raised over $30,000 on Kickstarter to initially fund the business, and stated that the cash injection will be used to increase the team and accelerate growth.

照片来源Source: NJ Mom

目前,这种纯素和无过敏原饼干在亚马逊、Whole Foods全食品商店、Wegmans和美国各地的独立天然食品商店都可以买到。

The vegan and allergen-free cookies are currently available on Amazon, at some Whole Foods stores, Wegmans, and independent natural food stores across the USA.









