
Authorized Release | China Mobile Phone Market Report (2017.4)

2017-05-10 中国信通院 中国信息通信研究院CAICT


Part 1. Overall Mobile Phone Market in China

April domestic mobile phone shipmentsreached41.1 million units, down 3.3percent year over year. 116 new models were released in the month, down 35.6percent year over year.


YTD domestic mobile phone shipments reached 159.4million units and YTD number of new model release reached341, up0.4 percent and down 32.9percent year over year, respectively.

Chart 1: Domestic mobile phone shipmentsfrom April 2016 to April2017

Part 2.Development of 4G Mobile Phones

April domestic 4G mobile phone shipments were 38.8million units, down 2.2 percent year over year, and represented 94.3percent of the total shipments. 91new 4G models were released in the month, down 40.5 percent year over year, accounting for 78.4percent of the total new models this month.


YTD domestic 4G mobile phone shipments were 151.2 million units, up 4.8percent year over year, and represented 94.8percent of the total shipments. YTD number of new model release reached280, down 34.1 percent year over year, accounting for 82.1 percent of the total new model release.


Out of the total 4G mobile phone shipments this month, 81.8 percent of which were all networks supported, and94.1%, 98.1%,93.3%, 82.6% of the 4G mobile phones shipped supported FDD LTE, TD-SCDMA, WCDMA, cdma2000 network, respectively.

Part 3.Local and MNC Brands of Mobile Phones

April mobile phone shipments by the local brands reached 38.4million units, up 0.5percent year over year, accounting for 93.5 percent of the domestic mobile phone shipments. Number of new models released by the local brands(109 units)decreased by 38.4 percent year over year, and represented 94.0percent of the total number of new model release in the month.


YTD mobile phone shipments by the local brands reached143.5million units, up 3.3percent year over year, and accounted for 90.0 percent of the domestic mobile phone shipments. Number of new models released by the local brands (322 units) decreased by 33.6 percent year over year,and represented94.4 percent of the total number of new model release in the domestic market.

Chart 2: April 2017 mobile phone shipments by local and MNC brands

Part 4.Development of Smart Phones

April smart phone shipments were38.6million units,down 3.3 percent year over year, and accounted for 93.8percent of the domestic mobile phone shipments in the month.Of the total smartphone shipments,33.3 million units were Android-based.


YTD smart phone shipments were150.8million units, up 3.6percent year over year, and represented 94.6percent of the YTD domestic mobile phone shipments. Of the total smart phone shipments,124.0million units were Android-based.


In April, 89 new smart phone models were released, including 62Android smart phones. Number of new smart phones released in the month was down 42.2 percent year over year, and accounted for 76.7 percent of the number of new release.


YTD number of new model release reached 275, including 199Android smart phones,down 35.7 percent year over year, and represented 80.6 percent of the YTD total number of new model release.


Authorized Release | China Mobile Phone Market Report,March,2017

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