

以下文章来源于汤森路透ALB ,作者汤森路透ALB

中闻律师事务所主任 吴革




优异的成绩也离不开中闻逾1500名团队成员的努力与团结。今年,中闻上榜2023 ALB China年度雇主榜单,事务所主任吴革律师向ALB分享了中闻独特的律所创新制度、人才培养战略与所内文化建设。


对于律所发展而言,取之不尽用之不竭的根本动力是制度创新。吴革律师告诉ALB,经过这些年的不断优化,中闻依靠制度办所,以 “修炼内功”的方式获得低调成长。在他看来,产权制度的明晰是律所做好管理的基础。











“律所管理不能只看创收指标的考核,这无疑对律师构成了一个长期的折磨和压力。如何让科学管理这只‘看得见的手’为律师发展提供更多帮助与赋能,如何通过社团活动让大家生活得更加愉快,并增加律师之间的信赖与合作是我们在努力的方向。” 吴革律师表示。

Innovating rules to promote growth, and enhancing training to forge unity

-- Interview with 2023 ALB China Employer of Choice Winner: Zhong Wen Law Firm

Focusing on professional development, pursuing intelligence-guided smart operation, and always investing in young talents, Zhong Wen Law Firm has won the recognition of employees, the market and the industry for its solid professional competency and leading soft power since its establishment in 2001.

The firm’s expansion and professional development have been accompanied by independent, efficient, quality, and reliable support, such as a smart office space exceeding 10,000 square meters, a robust data system, a powerful legal information search and retrieval system and electronic information database, an advanced communications network, and the continuous upgrading of the five "Zhong Wen Development" modules.

Its excellent report card is also inseparable from the efforts and unity of more than 1,500 team members. With the firm being crowned the 2023 ALB China Employer of Choice, Wu Ge, Director of Zhong Wen Law Firm, shares with ALB the firm’s unique innovation system, talent training strategy and internal culture building.

Equity incentive mechanism

The fundamental driver behind a firm’s development is institutional innovation. According to Wu, after years of continuous optimization, Zhong Wen has been relying on its systems and rules to "build up internal strength" for low-key growth. In his view, having a clearly defined ownership system is the basis for a firm’s sound management.

"Zhong Wen does not divide partners into different grades. Instead, we offer different equity incentives according to the contributions of partners. When a lawyer becomes a partner in Zhong Wen, he/she will subscribe for equity in the firm, thus becoming an equity partner with greater voice. In this way, he/she will truly get involved in the management of the firm."

Therefore, Wu believes that equity incentives not only bring to Zhong Wen a simple financial division structure, but also create an integrated sense of belonging between lawyers and the firm, which is also the fundamental motivation for lawyers and the firm to grow together.

Emphasizing internal training

"Talent" is the top priority of Zhong Wen. With post-90s and even post-00s entering the workplace, the intergenerational differences brought about by different growth environments also create new challenges to the talent training strategies of law firms.

In Wu's view, a firm is like a talent processing factory, an education and training base, and a "post-graduation law school" for young lawyers. Therefore, a firm can help young lawyers transform from learning legal knowledge to improving their ability to solve real problems for clients, and from working on their own to working in teams and achieving greater results, which will give legal professionals the opportunities to make an amazing leap forward.

Zhong Wen has a common team system and a clear promotion path. Apart from basic promotion channels, the shift from external recruitment to internal training will become the focus of its talent strategy going forward. The progression from a trainee lawyer to a partner generating tens of millions in revenue could happen within seven years.

Wu says frankly: "Too long a promotion process is actually not conducive to the growth of legal professionals. At Zhong Wen, we don't want to see a lawyer become a partner only after meeting harsh revenue-generating standards. On the contrary, we hope lawyers can become even more capable by being promoted as partners."

Uniting the team with culture

The vertical division of professional fields enables Zhong Wen to have outstanding professional skills and in-depth legal service experience in various practice areas, while horizontal teamwork can further promote different teams in Zhong Wen to work closely together, share resources, and effectively improve the comprehensive abilities to solve various complex legal matters for clients.

Wu shares that to further enrich training as well as cultural and sports activities in the firm, Zhong Wen holds regular "Zhong Wen Lecture Hall" lectures and "Zhong Wen Academy" series of training courses and has also increased investment in culture building this year. These efforts enable Zhong Wen lawyers to relax after high-intensity work, improve their quality of life, and enhance non-work communication among each other, thereby nurturing a greater sense of belonging and cohesion of the firm.

"Law firm management should not just focus on revenue indicators; otherwise, it will undoubtedly create long-term suffering and pressure on lawyers. How to leverage the 'visible hand' of scientific management to provide more help and empowerment for lawyers' growth, and how to make use of social activities to let everyone enjoy life more and trust and cooperate with each other more are what we are striving for," says Wu. 




·  北京市中闻律师事务所主任、常委会主席、创始合伙人。任北京市第十四届政协委员,中国法学会案例法学研究会常务副会长,中国刑法学研究会第三届理事,中国残疾人福利基金会第五届监事会监事,中华海外联谊会第五届理事会常务理事,北大、清华、人大法学院法律硕士导师,获得首届“全国优秀律师”荣誉称号。是影响性诉讼评选活动发起人,主张通过个案促进法治,积极参与各类社会法治活动。

·  业务领域:公司,金融,宪法及行政法


中闻所入选2023 ALB China 年度雇主榜单 



