
Stories of China Retold in English Challenge

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Stories of China Retold in English Challenge

In order to promote cultural exchange and meaningful communication among global youth, New Channel International Education Group, together with the Center for Language Education and Cooperation, China Education Television, and China Education Press Agency, will hold the 2nd "Stories of Chinese Retold in English Challenge".

This year, for the first time, international students have been invited to participate and showcase their talents. Details of this challenge are as follows:



Non-Chinese students and "Chinese Bridge" participants are eligible to apply.


Enrollment method

Deadline: Jun. 15, 2021

Step 1: Click the Register Now button after scanning the QR code and fill in the registration information.

Step2: Having completed registration, please follow the prompts to record or upload your submissions.


Preliminary selection method

All participants are required to upload a 3-minute recitation video of a passage in Chinese or English by themselves, which can be delivered in mp4, flv, mkv or rmvb format.

Please note each participant is only allowed to upload one video in the preliminary selection, but additional resources, powerpoint presentations, costumes, props, etc. can be used as needed.


Semi-final,regional final and national final rounds

After each round of the challenge, those participants who have been successfully selected to move on to the next round will be notified by a message in the system or by SMS.


Review and award methods


 Challenge evaluation

English- and Chinese-language experts will be invited to act as judges for this challenge based on whose evaluations 20% to 60% of the outstanding participants in each selection stage will have a chance to advance to the next round.


Award Setup

There will be one first prize, two second prizes, three third prizes and several distinction prizes in the national final selection.


Award Measure

The awards in various categories are as follows: 

RMB 20,000 scholarship for the first prize winner;

RMB 10,000 scholarship for the second prize winners;

RMB 8,000 scholarship for the third prize winners;

and RMB 2,000 scholarship for the distinction prize winners;

All participants and instructors who participate in the semi-final, regional final or national final selection will receive an official certificate certified by the organizing committee.



1. Participants shall ensure that personal information provided is authentic and accurate, and that the submissions uploaded are original. The organizing committee may disqualify any submission deemed to include plagiarized or copied material or to have been produced through any form of cheating. Any prizes connected with such a disqualified submission may also be revoked.

2. Due to the fact that the international students participating in the challenge are from different regions of China, the organizing committee wll cota date for each selection according to relevant local conditions at the time. The notification after each round of those who have been selected for the next round will be deemed final and irrevocable.

3. All participants and instructors participating in the semi-final, regional final or national final rounds will receive a certificate corresponding to the level attained by the candidate and officially certified by the organizing committee. This can be certified, checked or downloaded in the system.

4. In addition to the copyright on the scripts, video submissions, and other video materials produced, the right to the final interpretation and arbitration of this challenge shall be held by New Channel International Education Group.

Contact information

Tel: 010-82869766-8056 Ms.Yan

E-mail: CHNSrories@xhd.cn

