
TEXT PRINT CULTURE| William Shenstone and Media Practices

This lecture will be co-hosted by the Literature Team of the School of Foreign Studies and the SUFE Centre for the Study of Text and Print Culture

 讲座摘要/ Abstract 

The Worcestershire poet William Shenstone was not only an innovative landscape gardener, creating a spectacular, intermedially conceived and much visited ferme ornée, The Leasowes, he was also the designer of illustrations that embellished his manuscript and printed verse, which should be contextualized and understood in relation to his landscaping activities. He embedded his poetic productions within the larger textual framework of a landscape garden that allowed him to control, to a degree, in which ways his work was read through the material and visual cultures he created or commissioned. Shenstone’s works, which depended on relational readings of a range of media, did not continue to be mediated, beyond his death, through the illustrations to which he had assigned such a central signifying role. Except for engraved images Robert Dodsley commissioned for his edition of Shenstone’s productions, the poet’s own illustrations depended for their meanings on an intermedial dynamic of apprehension that was regulated by him in various roles as author, inventor of material and visual culture, and pseudo-hermit. It is the aim of this lecture to recover the visual culture that the poet devised in relation to his landscaping activities, to explain its relational working and to shed light on the different practices of meaning-making that are supported by his production of visual and textual media.

 主讲人简介/ CV 

A Past President of the East-Central American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies and recipient of two long-term Marie Curie fellowships, Sandro Jung is Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Director of the Centre for the Study of Text and Print Culture at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, where he also serves as Head of Literature. He is General Editor of the A&HCI-indexed quarterly journal, ANQ, as well as General Editor of the Lehigh University Press book series “Studies in Text and Print Culture.” Jung is the author of nine monographs, including David Mallet, Anglo-Scot: Poetry, Politics, and Patronage in the Age of Union (2008), The Fragmentary Poetic: Eighteenth-Century Uses of an Experimental Mode (2009), James Thomson’s ‘The Seasons’, Print Culture, and Visual Interpretation, 1730-1842 (2015), and The Publishing and Marketing of Illustrated Literature in Scotland, 1760-1825 (2017). Over the past twenty years, he has published more than 120 A&HCI articles. He has edited numerous collections of essays, including the 2013 volume of the English Association’s Essays & Studies (on “British Literature and Print Culture”) series and co-edited the 2015 number of the Modern Humanities Research Association’s Yearbook of English Studies (on “The History of the Book”). In 2018 he curated a major exhibition on transnational literary history and eighteenth-century book illustration, Kleine artige Kupfer, which was undertaken as part of a Senior Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Herzog August Library. He is currently working on a monograph on book illustration, transnational literary history, and the genre of the robinsonade. 

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SUFE Centres Launch Ceremony

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