

TIIT 甲申同文翻译 2021-03-17



The risks of keeping schools closed far outweigh the benefits
Millions of young minds are going to waste

All around the world, children’s minds are going to waste. As covid-19 surged in early April, more than 90% of pupils were shut out of school. Since then the number has fallen by one-third, as many classrooms in Europe and East Asia have reopened. But else where progress is slow. Some American school districts, including Los Angeles and San Diego, plan to offer only remote learning when their new school year begins. Kenya’s government has scrapped the whole year, leaving its children idle until January.

①go to waste = be wasted 浪费掉;白费;付诸东流
eg. The boy's work on the model plane went to waste when he dropped it.这男孩做的模型飞机因摔在地下而付诸东流。


②shut out to prevent sb./sth. from entering a place 使…不能进入

eg. sunglasses that shut out 99% of the sun's harmful rays 能遮挡 99% 的太阳有害射线的太阳镜


③scrap sth

to cancel or get rid of sth that is no longer practical or useful 废弃;取消;抛弃;报废
eg. They had been forced to scrap plans for a new school building. 他们已被迫撤销了建筑新校舍的计划。



adj. (of people 人) without work 没有工作的;闲散的

eg. Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle. 现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。


leave sb + adj

是一个常见用法,除了文中的leave its children idle,还有leave me alone,leave sb high and dry(让某人处在一种孤立无援的困境里)。

eg.The cruel man took all the money and left his own grandmother high and dry. 那个冷酷的家伙把钱都拿走了,撇下他自己的外祖母一人无依无靠。

Many parents are understandably scared. Covid-19 is new, and poorly understood. Schools are big and crowded. Small children will not observe social distancing. Caution is appropriate, especially when cases are rising.

v. to do what you are supposed to do according to a law or agreement 遵守,奉行〔法律或协议〕
eg. So far the ceasefire has been observed by both sides. 到目前为止,双方都遵守着停火协定
However, the costs of missing school are huge. Children learn less, and lose the habit of learning. Zoom is a lousy substitute for classrooms. Poor children, who are less likely to have good Wi-Fi and educated parents, fall further behind their better-off peers. Parents who have nowhere to drop their children struggle to return to work. Mothers bear the heavier burden, and so suffer a bigger career setback. Children out of school are more likely to suffer abuse, malnutrition and poor mental health.

adj. ofvery bad quality 非常糟糕的
在本文中,也可以用a poor substitute for
n. a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use or have 代替者;代替物;代用品
eg. The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car. 他们坐当地的公交车,这比坐自己的汽车可差远了。
③bear the burden
类似表达:carry/shoulder the burden
减轻负担:ease/reduce the burden
n. when someone becomes ill or weak because they have not eatenenough good food营养不良
常用搭配:suffer (from) 营养不良,die from/of 死于营养不良
School closures are bad enough in rich countries. The harm they do in poor ones is much worse. Perhaps 465m children being offered online classes cannot easily make use of them because they lack an internet connection. In parts of Africa and South Asia, families are in such dire straits that many parents are urging their children to give up their studies and start work or get married. The longer school is shut, the more will make this woeful choice. Save the Children, a charity, guesses that nearly 10m could drop out. Most will be girls.

①be in dire straits 
to be in a very difficult situation, especially a financial one陷于极度的困境中
eg. The firm is now in dire financial straits. 该公司目前的财务状况极度困难。
adj.  very bador serious 极坏的,糟透的; 极严重的
a woeful lack of information信息极其匮乏
③drop out 
to leave aschool or university before your course has finished 退学,辍学
n. someone who leaves school or college before they havefinished 辍学者,退学者
Places that have restarted schooling, such as France, Denmark, China and New Zealand, offer tips for minimising the risks. They let the most vulnerable teachers stay at home. They commonly reduced class sizes, even though that meant many children could spend only part of the week with their teachers. They staggered time tables to prevent crowding in corridors, at school gates and in dinner halls. They required or encouraged masks. They boosted school-based testing and tracing.
n. school education 学校教育,不可数名词
children in their final year of compulsory schooling(=the time during which children have to attend school by law) 学校义务教育最后一学年的儿童
v. to arrange people's working hours, holidays etc so that theydo not all begin and end at the same time 错开(工作时间、假期等)
eg. Jim and his wife stagger their work hours so one of them can beat home with the kids. 吉姆和妻子把工作时间错开,以便两个人中有一个可以在家照料孩子。
adj. if you are based somewhere, that is the place where youwork or where your main business is 办公地点在……的; 以……为总部的
school-based adj. 在学校开展的……
a London-based firm of accountants 总部设在伦敦的一家会计师事务所
Reopeningthe world’s schools safely will not be cheap. Besides billions of bottles of hand sanitiser, it will require careful organisation, flexible schedules and assistance for those who have fallen behind to catch up. Rich countries should help poor ones with some of the costs. Steep as these will be, they are nothing like the costs of letting the largest generation in human history grow up in ignorance.
①fall behind 落后
②catch up 赶上
adj. steep prices, charges etc are unusually expensive〔价格、收费等〕过高的,过分昂贵的
Steep as these will be 此处as表示“尽管”,部分倒装,表语steep放在as前。
相同用法例句:Unlikely as it mightseem, I'm tired too. 尽管看起来不像,但我也累了。
④nothing like


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