
讲座PPT | 全球电力电子高峰论坛报告:Prof. Liuchen Chang

中国电源学会 中国电源学会 2023-10-08

往期精选:线上线下双向联动 共襄电源学术盛会 —— CPEEC & CPSSC 2022顺利举行

2022中国电力电子与能量转换大会暨中国电源学会第二十五届学术年会及展览会(CPEEC & CPSSC 2022)和第三届国际电力电子技术与应用会议(IEEE PEAC 2022)于2022年11月4日-7日在厦门召开。会议特邀19位国内外电源领域顶尖专家,对电源领域前沿方向、最新技术动态、产业应用最新热点进行精彩演讲,分享最新的研究成果。中国电源学会微信公众号将陆续发布大会报告公开版PPT文件,并提供官网会员专区免费下载。

本次分享的是IEEE电力电子学会主席、加拿大工程院院士、加拿大纽布伦斯威克大学Liuchen Chang教授在 “全球电力电子高峰论坛”所做的报告《Power Electronic Technologies for Distributed Energy Resources》。

Prof. Liuchen Chang



Power Electronic Technologies for Distributed Energy Resources


Liuchen Chang received B.S.E.E. from Northern Jiaotong University in 1982, M.Sc. from China Academy of Railway Sciences in 1984, and Ph.D. from Queen’ University in 1991. He joined the University of New Brunswick in 1992 and is now a Professor Emeritus. He was the NSERC Chair in Environmental Design Engineering during 2001-2007, and the Principal Investigator of Canadian Wind Energy Strategic Network (WESNet) during 2008-2014. He is a long-time volunteer for IEEE of 30 years and is the President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society.

Dr. Chang was a recipient of CanWEA Templin Award for his contributions in the development of wind energy technologies, Innovation Award for Excellence in Applied Research in New Brunswick for his contributions in smart grid and renewable energy technologies, and PELS Sustainable Energy Systems Technical Achievement Award for his contributions in distributed energy systems. He is a fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering. He has published more than 400 refereed papers in journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Chang has focused on research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDDD) of distributed energy systems.


