

2018-02-08 HIT专家网news




















8:30-8:40Welcome speech


Luciano Brustia







Zhu Xiaobing

Chief Editor

of HIT180.com



8:40-8:50Welcome Speech


Dr. Jiajie Zhang, Dean and Professor,

University of TexasSchool of Biomedical Informatics(UTH)

张家杰 博士


8:50-9:10A Chinese healthcare IT Practice




9:10-9:50InterSystems most proven technology and innovative healthcare practice


Don Woodlock

VP of InterSystems HealthShare


InterSystems HealthShare 副总裁

9:50-10:10A Brief Introduction to Healthcare Big Data Analytics in US


Dr. Hua Xu, UTH

徐华  博士

美国德州大学休斯顿生物医学信息学院终身教授(Robert H. Graham Professor)和生物医学计算中心主任

10:10-10:30An Informatics Solution for Patient-centered Care


Dr. Lixia Yao, Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic

姚丽霞 博士


10:30-11:10FHIR in HealthShare—how new standard working well with existing products and new application based on FHIR

HealthShare当中的FHIR – 新标准如何融入已有产品和基于FHIR的新应用

Russell Leftwich,

InterSystems,Board member of HL7

Russell Leftwich MD


11:10-11:30Research on avoiding on clinical mistake


Dr. Yang Gong, UTH

巩洋 博士


11:30-11:50Speech Recognition in Healthcare


Dr. Li Zhou,

Harvard Medical School

周丽 博士

哈佛医学院 副教授





12:05-13:00Lunch and Break午餐、休息
13:10-14:30InterSystems Booth参观InterSystems展台InterSystems









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Luciano Brustia 卢侠亮 InterSystems大中华区总经理



任职于InterSystems之前,卢侠亮在意大利数个医院集团任职IT总监。1996年他加入当地的InterSystems合作伙伴,并在当地及全球成功地推广实施了 TrakCare系统。卢侠亮曾在米兰理工大学学习电子工程,并于1995年在SDA博科尼商学院完成信息技术管理硕士学位。



Luciano Brustia ,InterSystems Country Manager, Greater China

Luciano Brustia currently serves as the Country Manager for InterSystems, Greater China region, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

In this leadership capacity, Mr. Brustia is responsible for the region’s business strategy and growth, and supervision of the company’s general management activities for the Beijing office.

Mr. Brustia has been with InterSystems for more than ten years and has been instrumental in building strong relationships with customers and implementation partners worldwide, including Chile, Spain, Portugal, GCC countries, South Africa and China.

During the last 5 years  Mr. Brustia spent a great deal of time working in China, providing his extensive expertise and experiences in hospital information systems to many of China’s leading world-class hospitals and helping the customers to succeed.

Prior to joining InterSystems, Mr. Brustia worked as IT director for several groups of hospitals in Italy.  In 1996 he joined the local InterSystems distributor and has been involved in several successful TrakCare implementations in Italy and around the world. Mr. Brustia studied Electrical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and received his Master’s degree in Information Technology Management in SDA Bocconi, 1995.

When Mr. Brustia is not busy travelling across China visiting customers, you will find him at local museums and historical sites during his leisure time as he is passionate in learning about China’s local culture and language.

张家杰教授:德州大学休斯顿健康科学中心生物医学信息学院院长、教授,Glassell 家族基金会Distinguished Chair,美国国家认知信息学和决策中心(National Center for CognitiveInformatics and Decision Making)主任,于2010年获得美国联邦政府1500万美元的“国家医疗信息化战略性高级研究项目”(SHARP项目)的支持。研究方向包括:生物医学信息学、认知科学、人机交互、离散认知、电子病历易用性及工作流程、医疗决策、健康大数据、信息可视化。

张家杰教授曾获John P. McGovern杰出教学奖、美国亚太传统文化协会布什总统奖, 并且是代表美国医学信息学领域杰出成就和荣誉的 “美国医学信息学院”(American College of MedicalInformatics)Fellow。他是中国科技大学少年班毕业,并于加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得世界上第一个认知科学博士。

Jiajie Zhang, PhDDean and Professor,The Glassell Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in Informatics Excellence

Dr. Jiajie Zhang is Dean, Professor, and Glassell Family Foundation Distinguished Chair in Informatics Excellence at the School of Biomedical Informatics (SBMI) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). He is also the Director of the National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare. Since appointed as the Dean, he has created a phenomenal growth for the school, tripling both faculty and student body in five years. He has more than 30 years of research experience in biomedical informatics, cognitive science, and human technology integration. He has authored numerous publications and has been the principal investigator or co-investigator on numerous grants and contracts. He has trained many PhD students, Master’s students and postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Zhang was a recipient of John P. McGovern Outstanding Teacher Award from UTHealth, a recipient of the George H. W. Bush Award from the Asian Pacific American Heritage Association, and an elected Fellow of American College of Medical Informatics. Dr. Zhang received his PhD in Cognitive Science (world’s first) from the University of California at San Diego and his BS in biological sciences from the University of Science and Technology of China (through the Special Class of Gifted Young). Dr. Zhang’s current focus is on strategic thinking about transforming healthcare and biomedical discovery through informatics, data science, and artificial intelligence.

唐·伍德洛克  InterSystems HealthShare 副总裁

唐·伍德洛克(Don Woodlock)于 2017 年加入 InterSystems,负责HealthShare产品线,该系列产品旨在通过全面、共享的信息驱动医疗服务转型与变革。在这一职位上,伍德洛克的职责确保HealthShare的前瞻性,以应对医疗行业在服务品质、易用性和效率方面面临的各项挑战。

在加入 InterSystems 之前,伍德洛克曾出任通用医疗(GE Healthcare)企业医疗成像业务部门副总裁兼总经理职务。他在医疗 IT 行业拥有近 30 年的丰富经验,其职业生涯始于 IDX 系统公司,之后在通用电气工作超过 15 年,期间负责管理过通用医疗的多个业务部门,并负责整合公司收购的业务及技术。


Don Woodlock,Vice President, InterSystems HealthShare

Don Woodlock joined InterSystems in 2017 to oversee HealthShare, our comprehensive family of products created to empower the transformation of health and care through comprehensive, shared health information. In his role, Woodlock is responsible for advancing the HealthShare vision to meet the challenges associated with delivering improved quality, accessibility, and efficiency across the health and care.

Prior to joining InterSystems, Woodlock was the vice president and general manager for the Enterprise Imaging division of GE Healthcare. He brings nearly 30 years’ experience in the healthcare IT industry, beginning his career at IDX Systems Corporation before spending more than 15 years at GE. His tenure at GE included overseeing several divisions of GE Healthcare along with the integration of acquired companies and technologies.

Woodlock holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

徐华博士美国德州大学休斯顿生物医学信息学院终身教授(Robert H. Graham Professor)和生物医学计算中心主任, 美国医学信息学院Fellow。多年来从事医学信息学相关的方法研究、软件开发和实际应用,主要研究方向包括: 生物医学领域的自然语言处理,电子病历数据挖掘, 以及人工智能在医疗领域的应用。主持和参与多项美国大型医学信息研究项目,现任多个美国国立卫生研究院重大课题的首席研究员(Principal Investigator), 已发表140余篇论文。

Dr. Hua Xu is Robert H. Graham Professor at the School of Biomedical Informatics in The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). He directs the Center for Computational Biomedicine at UTHealth. Dr. Xu received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics from Columbia University. His primary research interests include biomedical natural language processing and data mining, as well as their applications in secondary use of electronic health records data for clinical and translational research. Dr. Xu has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers and is an elected fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics.

姚丽霞博士:目前是梅奥医院的医学信息学领域的助理教授。她于2010年从哥伦比亚大学生物医学信息学专业获得博士学位。随后,曾就职于葛兰素史可(2010-2013)和北卡大学(2013-2016)。她的研究方向在于挖掘和整合各种非结构化的文本数据(如电子健康档案、医保、科研文献和在线医学、病人论坛等),并将这些不完整的、充满噪音的数据转化为有意义的生物医学知识和软件应用。她已经以一作和通讯作者的身份在自然-生物技术(Nature Biotechnology)、基因组学研究(Genome Research)等顶级专业期刊上发表多篇论文。她还是美国国家医学图书馆(The United States National Library of Medicine)2016-2019生物医学信息学职业发展奖的获得者。

Lixia Yao, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Sciences Research at Mayo Clinic. She received her Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Informatics from Columbia University in 2010. She then worked as a Principal Investigator at GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as an assistant professor prior to Mayo. Her research focuses on mining, integrating, and transforming unstructured, incomplete, and noisy data (i.e., electronic health records and claims databases, literature, patents, and social media) into meaningful biomedical knowledge and informatics applications. By leading a team of data scientists and healthcare professionals at the Health Informatics Lab, and by collaborating with world-class scholars and clinicians, she has published in several high-profile journals including Nature Biotechnology and Genome Research. She is also the recipient of Career Development Award in Biomedical Informatics from the National Library of Medicine for 2016-2019.

Russell Leftwich MD,InterSystems高级临床顾问,互操作性专家

Russell Leftwich博士具有工程专业背景和20余年的医疗从业经验,现担任InterSystems互操作高级临床顾问,并担任范德堡大学医学院生物医学信息学助理教授。他获得了内科与临床信息学资格认证。Russell曾担任田纳西州电子医疗办公室首席医学信息官,并因其在标准推广、质量提升和患者参与方面发挥的出色领导作用,荣获2011年医疗卫生信息和管理系统协会(HIMSS)医疗IT领导奖。

Russell现任美国IHE USA执行委员会联席主席、是HL7五大董事成员之一,HL7 Learning Health Systems工作组联席组长和the Sequoia Project Content Testing工作组成员。他曾牵头制定临床标准,是HIT Standards & Interoperability Framework Longitudinal Coordination of Care Initiative全国协调办公室(ONC)负责人之一;HL7 Health Professional Engagement Initiative项目负责人;HL7患者关爱工作组共同负责人之一。此外,他还曾担任HIT Standards Committee Consumer Technology工作组全国协调办公室联席组长。现为医疗卫生信息和管理系统协会(HIMSS)Interoperability and Standards Committee, the Physician Community和the Management Engineering-Process Improvement Community的活跃成员;the National Quality Forum(NQF) HIT 咨询委员会、Care Coordination Measures Steering Committee(协同医疗评估方法指导委员会)和Prioritizing Measure Gaps Care Coordination Committee成员。


Russell Leftwich MD,Senior Clinical Advisor, Interoperability, InterSystems Corporation

With an engineering background and over 20 years of medical practice, Dr. Russell
Leftwich is Senior Clinical Advisor of Interoperability, InterSystems Corporation. He is also Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He is board certified in internal medicine and clinical informatics.

Russ was previously Chief Medical Informatics Officer for the State of Tennessee Office of eHealth.  He received the 2011 Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Physician IT Leadership award for his role in leadership in standards adoption, quality improvement initiatives, and patient engagement.

He is currently co-chair of the IHE USA Implementation Committee, co-chair of the HL7 Learning Health Systems WG, and a member of the Sequoia Project Content Testing WG. He has served a leadership role in clinical standards development as co-lead of the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for HIT Standards & Interoperability Framework Longitudinal Coordination of Care Initiative, chair of HL7 Health Professional Engagement Initiative, and co-chair of the HL7 Patient Care Workgroup. He has served as co-chair of the ONC HIT Standards Committee Consumer Technology Workgroup. He is an active member of the HIMSS Interoperability and Standards Committee, the Physician Community, and the Management Engineering-Process Improvement Community. He is a member of the National Quality Forum (NQF) HIT Advisory Committee, NQF Care Coordination Measures Steering Committee, and NQF Prioritizing Measure Gaps Care Coordination Committee.

He holds a B.S.E. degree in chemical and bioengineering from Arizona State University and an M.D. from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

巩教授是美国医学信息协会临床决策支持工作组主席。AHRQ Health IT 评审专家。指导并培养多名博士后、博士,主要开展临床决策支持系统、健康数据展示和临床沟通方面的科研。

Yang Gong,MD, PhD, Associate Professor,UTHealth

Professor Gong is a federally funded physician informaticist on patient safety at the School of Biomedical Informatics at UTHealth. He received his medical training in China and his PhD of clinical informatics from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. His research areas are human-computer interaction in clinical settings, including patient safety reporting system, clinical communication and clinical decision support. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals. He is a frequent presenter at national/international conferences, including AMIA, Medinfo, HIMSS, AHIMA, HIMSSasia, etc. Professor Gong is Chair of clinical decision support working group at American Medical Informatics Association. He mentors postdoctoral fellow, doctoral and masters students of health informatics and teaches clinical decision support system, health data display and clinical communication.

周丽博士,哈佛医学院副教授、波士顿布莱根妇女医院内科科研项目负责人。她还在麻州伙伴医疗集团担任高级医学信息专家十多年。周博士的主要研究领域包括医院电子病历糸统, 自然语言处理、语音识别、信息标准和临床决策支持。她还参与主持了多项面向医院领导的关于领导力,医学质量和临床信息学的国际培训项目。

Dr. Li Zhou is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and a Lead Investigator at Division of General Internal Medicine and Primary Care of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She also serves as Senior Medical Informatician at Partner Healthcare Information Systems for more than ten years. Dr. Zhou’s primary research areas include natural language processing, speech recognition, knowledge representation, and clinical decision support. She co-directs multiple international informatics and quality training programs to hospital leaders.

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