
GAMEFACE X BLVCK ▏一场源于黑暗的Trap魔咒即将到来

2016-11-22 万代南梦宫上海文化中心

最近两年,Trap(陷阱)音乐像病毒一样迅速遁入国内地下音乐的环境中,当低频响起,周围的一切都将致使你产生坠入地壳底端的幻觉。凛冬将至,我们联合了暗黑教主GAMEFACE 和Drak Trap新生力量BLVCK,给你们准备了一场源于黑暗的Trap魔咒,在深邃低沉的节拍循环往复下,将你的意识和听觉都放入虚无之中,享受黑暗迷惘的过程吧。

In recent years, Trap has penetrated the Chinese underground market like a deadly virus. When the bass turned up, all things surrounding you will create an illusion that they are bringing you to the deep end. Winter is coming, and we summoned the dark master GAMEFACE and his prodigy BLVCK to present you a Trap magic originated from the darkenss. Soak your consciousness in a complete void, and enjoy the spectacular experience in the loops of the evil rhythm.

通过那首充满阴邪魔力的Holy GhostGAMEFACE逐渐被国内的Trap爱好者熟知,怪奇的节拍不断循环,导致听者陷入他所营造的奇妙而魔性的世界里。

Through the song Holy Ghost fueled by black magic, GAMEFACE give his fans a magical world, and in return earned their love and respect.

对于GAMEFACE来说,生与死的界定并没有太大意义。作为Dark Trap的顶尖制作人,朝拜他的人将他称为教主,这个将多重音乐方式做以交融的暗黑之王,不仅发散着各种来自遥远异域的声音、还有来自中世纪的魔咏、日式的怪奇音域、甚至还夹杂着Glitch故障艺术感的制作。

To GAMEFACE, the line between life and death is vague. As the top producer in the Dark Trap sphere, those who worshiped him called him the king of darkness. GAMEFACE blended several styles of music into an organic whole.

而同样作为Drak Trap的新生力量——BLVCK,他的音乐也具有同样的魔性,与GAMEFACE的搭配合作,将黑暗的陷阱涌流汇合到了极致:在trap节拍和浓郁厚重的808低音的强调下,这种异域感的扭曲被无限放大。

For the new force of Dark Trap – BLVCK – he imposes the same amount of magic on his creations. Together BLVCK and GAMEFACE have pushed this stream of Dark Trap to the maximum strength.

两人合作的经典曲目ZombiesXanax Dump (Zende),更是加入了仿若来自地狱深处的呢喃,还有Rap的元素,将复杂的音乐方式和奇异的声音采样融于一身,兄弟俩如同身处地底的深处,穿着防化服做着各种关于宇宙暗涌之声的化学实验。

They have worked on many classics including Zombies and XANAX DUMP (ZENDE). They are living in the deepest cave of the Earth, conducting experiences on the dark sounds of the Universe and sending the moans from the hell to your ears.

这次演出我们还邀请了国内Dark Trap的神秘制作人,一同参与这场神魔混杂的异声陷阱,全面虏获你的视听体验。

In this tour, we have also invited several great Trap producers to capture your heart and your soul.





GAMEFACE died in 2004.His soul was absorbed by an artificial intelligent machine that simulates this universe.




为扩大教徒群体以及更好地传播黑暗世界的声音,GAMEFACE在SoundCloud及YouTube上建立了黑暗低音电台Dark Trap,在国际上享有盛誉。

他同时还挖掘了BLVCK, Bruno Alison, Gank, NextRO等优秀Dark Trap制作人。

与此同时,GAMEFACE还与顶级电音厂牌Mad Decent的巴西著名Trap组合Tropkillaz有过合作,将地下的声音通过更大的平台展现于众。


BLVCK是Dark Trap界最顶级的制作人之一。只有二十岁的他却已经在欧洲范围内举行过多次人气爆棚的演出。BLVCK在SoundCloud和Facebook上拥有超过20000的忠实追随者,是Dark Trap领域人气最旺的焦点人物。他的作品Hypnosis、Shangri-LA、Medusa以及一些与Dark Trap教主GAMEFACE合作的单曲都大受好评。这位才华横溢的年轻音乐制作人是地下Trap界一颗冉冉升起的巨星。

BLVCK is one of the leading producers in Dark Trap. He is only 20 years old and already accomplished to sell out multiple shows around Europe. BLVCK has gained a lot of attention from blogs and fans alike, and currently has more than 15,000 followers on Soundcloud and more then 6,000 fans on Facebook. He is most known for his tracks Hypnosis, Shangri-LA and Medusa, as well as big collaborations with artists such as GAMEFACE. This talented young producer is set to become really big in the underground Trap scene, and is currently working on a huge project that remains a mystery for outsiders.

- 嘉宾 -


Anti-General电子音乐制作人/DJ,中国Trap音乐代表人物之一,Mavericks厂牌合创者。Anti-General寻求特立独行的制作理念,其独具匠心的音乐作品在国内各大音乐平台都获得了广泛好评,代表热度作品:《人间地狱》、《百鬼夜行》、《雪之咏女》等。在国际上,其作品Revenge of the Pharaoh获得了国际知名Trap电台Trap Party在SoundCloud上的认可及转发;为国际顶尖Dark Trap制作人Gamface制作的混音作品Holy Ghost (Anti-General Remix)也得到了原作的高度赞赏 


Anti-General, the co-founder of Mavericks Records, is an electronic music producer/DJ who qualifies for one of the Trap Music representatives of China. Anti-General has always been aspiring to the most unique approach of music production, as a result of which, his unorthodox music production has received huge praise on multiple domestic music sites. Anti-General’s previous work Revenge of the Pharaoh was reposted by Trap Party, an internationally acknowledged trap music channel. His remix GAMEFACE – Holy Ghost (Anti-General Remix) has gained support from the original artist - GAMEFACE, one of the most renowned Dark Trap producers in the word




Since he started out as a drummer, Dutch born INSTATIC (Nick Ribbens) has constantly been pushing his creative limits as both a producer and DJ since 2010. Keeping musicality at the forefront of his diverse production abilities (and with a keen ear for producing a wide range of styles, genres, and sounds), he's developed a way to reach every crowd that he’s put in front of and get them moving. As a DJ, his skills behind the decks have brought him in front of many prestigious nightclubs and festivals alike throughout The Netherlands, home to the toughest and most exceptional DJ climate on earth.

\\ 北京场特别嘉宾 // 

Bloodz Boi

除了说唱歌手的身份外,Bloodz Boi 也是北京最炙手可热的DJ之一, 他的DJ set深受Hip-Hop和低音音乐的影响,贯穿 Trap, Beats, Club 以及 Footwork ,他实验性的选曲在各个流派和节奏中倘佯,游刃有余。他独特的音乐品味不仅影响了大量的同龄人,更为他赢得了各大音乐节的一席之地和众多国际级制作人的指定暖场嘉宾 ,包括 DJ Krush, Daedelus, LEFTO, DJ Vadim, UZ, Grandtheft, Lex Luger, Hucci, Stooki Sound, Troyboi, Aazar, Two Fresh, Slugabed, Mumdance, Visionist, Flava D, Mr. Carmack, Jarreau Vandal, 813, Pixelord, Gameface, ELOQ, DJ PayPal, Mike Q, Air Max ’97, QT & TREEKIE TRAX 等。


现居北京,是奇怪的音乐收藏家。穿梭在Grime、Uk Bass、Club Trax、Jungle及Uk Garage的混音中。Dancer经历让她对节奏有不同理解,认为音乐是保存情感记忆的介质。在她的set里能听到不同寻常的律动及新鲜有趣的声音。


LUXIXI, a strange music collector, who lives in Beijing. Mixing with Grime, Uk Bass, Club Trax, Jungle and Uk Garage. Dancing experience makes she has unique understanding of rhythm. She also considers that music is a media which preserves emotional memories. You will find unusual rhythms & fresh and interesting sounds in her set. Watch out! She’s gonna boil the dance floor!



 时间: 2016.12.16

地点: 愚公移山

 地址: 东城区张自忠路3-2号段祺瑞执政府旧址西院(段祺瑞执政府旧址大门西侧)

 票务信息: 100(早鸟)-限50张 / 120(预售)-限250张 / 150(现场)


 时间: 2016.12.17

地点: 浅水湾文化艺术中心

 地址: 普陀区宜昌路179号(近江宁路)

 票务信息: 100(早鸟)-限50张 / 120(预售)-限250张 / 150(现场)


 时间: 2016.12.23

地点: 声音啤酒馆

 地址: 成都市成华区建设南支路4号42栋(东郊记忆东大门)

 票务信息: 100(预售)/ 150(现场)


 时间: 2016.12.24

地点: VOX 汉口店

 地址: 武汉市汉江经济开发区园博东路特1号汉口里4-3-1号

 票务信息: 100(预售)/ 150(现场)


 时间: 2016.12.25

地点: 红糖罐

 地址: 深圳福田区车公庙泰然九路皇冠科技园2栋1楼 红糖罐空间

 票务信息: 100(预售)/ 150(现场)



Nov. 演出预告

11月25日 2016法国当红电音王子 ANORAAK 中国巡演上海站

12月02日 鹿先森乐队新专辑巡演上海站

12月07日 雅马哈管乐50周年-Premium Y 萨克斯四重奏音乐会

12月08日【万有音乐系】“Just You&Me”

季小薇Zee Avi 2016巡回演唱会 上海站

12月9日 清汤音乐呈献:瑞士后摇名团KOVLO新专辑《Timelapse》中国巡演

12月17日 X-LIVE全力呈现:日本知名唱作歌手RIE FU2016中国巡演

12月17日 Gameface X BLVCK中国巡演

12月23日 “二维折叠”沼泽乐队京沪专场音乐会


