

凯瑞kerry SV Technology Review 2024-04-14

Andreessen Horowitz(简称为a16z),它是一家知名的风险投资公司,成立于2009年,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州的门洛帕克。目前投资了81家AI相关公司,覆盖基础设施/工具、模型提供商、横向应用、纵向应用、自主性、生物科学、医疗保健等多个领域。最近推出的AI+a16z系列文章包括对AI监管、行业应用和未来发展趋势的思考。本篇AI术语表AI经典作品集(原文链接见文末)适合对AI有兴趣,但没有深厚技术背景的读者作为入门学习材料。


· Accelerator加速器

A class of microprocessors designed to accelerate AI applications.


· Agents代理人

Software that can perform certain tasks independently and proactively without the need for human intervention, often utilizing a suite of tools like calculators or web browsing.


· AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)人工通用智能

Though not widely agreed upon, Microsoft researchers have defined AGI as artificial intelligence that is as capable as a human at any intellectual task.


· Alignment对齐性

The task of ensuring that the goals of an AI system are in line with human values.


· ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence)人工超级智能

Though subject to debate, ASI is commonly defined as artificial intelligence that surpasses the capabilities of the human mind.


· Attention注意力

In the context of neural networks, attention mechanisms help the model focus on relevant parts of the input when producing an output.


· Back Propagation反向传播

An algorithm often used in training neural networks, refers to the method for computing the gradient of the loss function with respect to the weights in the network.


· Bias偏见

Assumptions made by an AI model about the data. A “bias-variance tradeoff” is the balance that must be achieved between assumptions a model makes about the data and the amount a model’s predictions change, given different training data. Inductive bias is the set of assumptions that a machine learning algorithm makes on the underlying distribution of the data.

AI 模型对数据所做的假设。"偏差方差权衡"是在模型对数据做出的假设和模型的预测在不同的训练数据下发生变化之间必须实现的平衡。归纳偏见是机器学习算法对数据的基础分布所做的一组假设。

· Chain of Thought思维链

In AI, this term is often used to describe an AI model's reasoning steps to arrive at a decision.


· Chatbot聊天机器人

A computer program designed to simulate human conversation through text or voice interactions. Chatbots often utilize natural language processing techniques to understand user input and provide relevant responses.


· ChatGPT

A large-scale AI language model developed by OpenAI generates human-like text.


· CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining)对比式语言-图像预训练

An AI model developed by OpenAI that connects images and text, allowing it to understand and generate descriptions of images.


· Compute计算

The computational resources (like CPU or GPU time) used in training or running AI models.


· Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)卷积神经网络

A type of deep learning model that processes data with a grid-like topology (e.g., an image) by applying a series of filters. Such models are often used for image recognition tasks.


· Data Augmentation数据增强

The process of increasing the amount and diversity of data used for training a model by adding slightly modified copies of existing data.


· Deep Learning深度学习

A subfield of machine learning that focuses on training neural networks with many layers, enabling the learning of complex patterns.


· Diffusion扩散

In AI and machine learning, a technique is used for generating new data by starting with a piece of real data and adding random noise. A diffusion model is a type of generative model in which a neural network is trained to predict the reverse process when random noise is added to data. Diffusion models are used to generate new samples of data that are similar to the training data.


· Double Descent双重下降

A phenomenon in machine learning in which model performance improves with increased complexity then worsens, then improves again.


· Embedding嵌入

The representation of data in a new form, often a vector space. Similar data points have more similar embeddings.


· Emergence/Emergent Behavior (“sharp left turns,” intelligence explosions)紧急性/突发性行为(“急转弯”,智能爆炸)

In AI, emergence refers to complex behavior arising from simple rules or interactions. “Sharp left turns” and “intelligence explosions” are speculative scenarios where AI development takes sudden and drastic shifts, often associated with the arrival of AGI.


· End-to-End Learning端到端学习

A type of machine learning model that does not require hand-engineered features. The model is simply fed raw data and expected to learn from these inputs.


· Expert Systems专家系统

An application of artificial intelligence technologies that provides solutions to complex problems within a specific domain.


· Explainable AI (XAI)可解释的人工智能

A subfield of AI focused on creating transparent models that provide clear and understandable explanations of their decisions.


· Fine-tuning微调

The process of taking a pre-trained machine learning model that has already been trained on a large dataset and adapting it for a slightly different task or a specific domain. During fine-tuning, the model’s parameters are further adjusted using a smaller, task-specific dataset, allowing it to learn task-specific patterns and improve performance on the new task.


· Forward Propagation正向传播

In a neural network, forward propagation is the process where input data is fed into the network and passed through each layer (from the input layer to the hidden layers and finally to the output layer) to produce the output. The network applies weights and biases to the inputs and uses activation functions to generate the final output.


· Foundation Model基础模型

Large AI models trained on broad data, are meant to be adapted for specific tasks.


· General Adversarial Network (GAN)对抗生成网络

A type of machine learning model used to generate new data similar to some existing data. It pits two neural networks against each other: a “generator,” which creates new data, and a “discriminator” which tries to distinguish that data from real data.


· Generative AI生成性AI

A branch of AI focused on creating models that can generate new and original content, such as images, music, or text, based on patterns and examples from existing data.


· GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer)生成预训练转换器

A large-scale AI language model developed by OpenAI generates human-like text.


· GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)图形处理单元

A specialized type of microprocessor primarily designed to quickly render images for output to a display. GPUs are also highly efficient at performing the calculations needed to train and run neural networks.


· Gradient Descent梯度下降

In machine learning, gradient descent is an optimization method that gradually adjusts a model’s parameters based on the direction of the largest improvement in its loss function. In linear regression, for example, gradient descent helps find the best-fit line by repeatedly refining the line’s slope and intercept to minimize prediction errors.


· Hallucinate/Hallucination幻觉

In the context of AI, hallucination refers to the phenomenon in which a model generates content that is not based on actual data or is significantly different from reality.


· Hidden Layer隐藏层

Layers of artificial neurons in a neural network that are not directly connected to the input or output.


· Hyperparameter Tuning超参数调整

The process of selecting the appropriate values for the hyperparameters (parameters that are not learned from the data) of a machine learning model.


· Inference推断

The process of making predictions with a trained machine learning model.


· Instruction Tuning指令调优

A technique in machine learning where models are fine-tuned based on specific instructions given in the dataset.


· Large Language Model (LLM)大型语言模型

A type of AI model that can generate human-like text and is trained on a broad dataset.


· Latent Space潜在空间

In machine learning, this term refers to the compressed representation of data that a model (like a neural network) creates. Similar data points are closer in latent space.


· Loss Function (or Cost Function)损失函数(或成本函数)

A function that a machine learning model seeks to minimize during training. It quantifies how far the model’s predictions are from the true values.


· Machine Learning机器学习

A type of artificial intelligence that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.


· Mixture of Experts专家混合

A machine learning technique where several specialized submodels (the “experts”) are trained and their predictions are combined in a way that depends on the input.


· Multimodal多模态

In AI, this refers to models that can understand and generate information across several types of data, such as text and images.


· Natural Language Processing (NLP)自然语言处理

A subfield of AI focused on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of human language in a valuable way.


· NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)神经辐射场

A method for creating a 3D scene from 2D images using a neural network. It can be used for photorealistic rendering, view synthesis, and more.•


· Neural Network神经网络

A type of AI model inspired by the human brain. It consists of connected units or nodes—called neurons—that are organized in layers. A neuron takes inputs, does some computation on them, and produces an output.


· Objective Function目标函数

A function that a machine learning model seeks to maximize or minimize during training.


· Overfitting过度拟合

A modeling error occurs when a function is too closely fit to a limited set of data points, resulting in poor predictive performance when applied to unseen data.


· Parameters参数

In machine learning, parameters are the internal variables that the model uses to make predictions. They are learned from the training data during the training process. For example, in a neural network, the weights and biases are parameters.


· Pre-training预训练

The initial phase of training is a machine learning model where the model learns general features, patterns, and representations from the data without specific knowledge of the task it will later be applied to. This unsupervised or semi-supervised learning process enables the model to develop a foundational understanding of the underlying data distribution and extract meaningful features that can be leveraged for subsequent fine-tuning on specific tasks.


· Prompt提示

The initial context or instruction that sets the task or query for the model.


· Regularization正则化

In machine learning, regularization is a technique used to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the model’s loss function. This penalty discourages the model from excessively relying on complex patterns in the training data, promoting more generalizable and less prone-to-overfitting models.


· Reinforcement Learning强化学习

A type of machine learning where an agent learns to make decisions by taking actions in an environment to maximize some reward.


· RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback)人类反馈的强化学习

A method to train an AI model by learning from feedback given by humans on model outputs.


· Singularity奇点

In the context of AI, the singularity (also known as the technological singularity) refers to a hypothetical future point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, leading to unforeseeable changes to human civilization.


· Supervised Learning监督学习

A type of machine learning where the model is provided with labeled training data.


· Symbolic Artificial Intelligence符号人工智能

A type of AI that utilizes symbolic reasoning to solve problems and represent knowledge.


· TensorFlow

An open-source machine learning platform developed by Google that is used to build and train machine learning models


· TPU (Tensor Processing Unit)张量处理单元

A type of microprocessor developed by Google specifically for accelerating machine learning workloads.


· Training Data训练数据

The dataset is used to train a machine-learning model.


· Transfer Learning迁移学习

A method in machine learning where a pre-trained model is used on a new problem.


· Transformer

A specific type of neural network architecture is used primarily for processing sequential data such as natural language. Transformers are known for their ability to handle long-range dependencies in data, thanks to a mechanism called “attention,” which allows the model to weigh the importance of different inputs when producing an output.

Transformer 是一种特殊类型的神经网络架构,主要用于处理自然语言等顺序数据。由于拥有一种名为“注意力”的机制,Transformer 能处理数据的长范围依赖性,该机制允许模型在生成输出时权衡不同输入的重要性。

· Underfitting欠拟合

A modeling error in statistics and machine learning when a statistical model or machine learning algorithm cannot adequately capture the underlying structure of the data.


· Unsupervised Learning无监督学习

A type of machine learning where the model is not provided with labeled training data, and instead must identify patterns in the data on its own.


· Validation Data验证数据

A subset of the dataset used in machine learning that is separate from the training and test datasets. It’s used to tune the hyperparameters (i.e., architecture, not weights) of a model.


· XAI (Explainable AI)可解释的 AI

A subfield of AI focused on creating transparent models that provide clear and understandable explanations of their decisions.

一个关注创建透明模型的 AI 子领域,这些模型提供其决策的清晰和易于理解的解释。

· Zero-shot Learning零样本学习

A type of machine learning where the model makes predictions for conditions not seen during training, without any fine-tuning.







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