
剑桥新词汇 6月12日

剑桥词典网 走马堂 2023-06-13

New words – 12 June 2023

  password child

  noun [C]

  a humorous way of referring to a parent’s favourite child, supposedly because the parent will often use the name of that child as a computer password

  It’s common knowledge that older parents are notoriously bad at remembering passwords, which is probably why they use the same thing repeatedly. And that usually involves using one of their kids’ names, so they have less of a chance of forgetting it. Hence, the creation of the password child. While every family has their own, they all tend to have one thing in common: They are mom or dad’s undeniable “favorite.”

  [intheknow.com, 24 March 2023]

  lucky girl syndrome

  noun [U]

  the idea that you can make good things happen simply by imagining them happening and believing you are lucky

  “Lucky girl syndrome” is the latest trend doing the rounds online, with the concept being that if you repeatedly tell the universe how fortunate you are, that you will be rewarded with that promotion, proposal or pay rise, depending on what you’re wishing for.

  [harpersbazaar.com, 23 January 2023]

  Generation Beta

  noun [S]

  a way of referring to the group of people who will be born between 2025 and 2039

  Before we know it, Generation Beta will be here. Gen Beta will be born between 2025 and 2039. These new kids, just like the other younger generations, are projected to have different values, behaviors, and preferences than older generations. The technological advances they will live through will make today’s children look like amateurs.

  [studentcenteredworld.com, 5 July 2022]

