

期待为你赋能的 AI秘塔









  • 新增内容,作为第十六条:


  • 秘塔翻译 fanyi.metaso.cn

"With the consent of the parties, civil proceedings may be conducted online through an information network platform. Civil proceedings conducted online through an information network platform shall have the same legal effect as offline proceedings."




  • ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍将第三十九条改为第四十条,



  • 秘塔翻译:

"Civil cases for which trial using simplified procedures is appropriate shall be tried by one judge. Trial of first instance of civil cases for which basic facts are clear and rights and obligations clear and definite by grassroots people's courts may be tried by one judge applying ordinary procedures. "


  • 将第四十条改为第四十一条,



  • 秘塔翻译:

"Trial of second instance of civil cases for which trial of first instance is based on simplified procedures or civil cases for which appeal is lodged due to dissatisfaction with a ruling by Intermediate People's Courts, where facts are clear and rights and obligations clear and definite, may be tried by one judge with the consent of both parties."


  • 增加一条,作为第四十二条:








  • 秘塔翻译:

"A people's court trying the following civil cases shall not be tried by one judge alone:

(1) cases which involve national interests or public interests;

(II) cases which involve group disputes which may affect social stability;

(III) cases which attract widespread public attention or have other significant social impact;

(IV) cases of a new type or complex nature;

(V) cases for which a collegiate shall be formed pursuant to the provisions of the law; and

(VI) any other cases which are not suitable to be tried by one judge alone."


  • 增加一条,作为第四十三条:



  • 秘塔翻译:

"Where a people's court discovers in the course of trial that a case is not suitable to be tried by one judge alone, it shall rule to transfer the case to a collegiate.

A litigant who believes that trial of a case by one judge alone violates the provisions of the law may raise an objection to the people's court.

The people's court shall examine the objection raised by the litigant, where the objection is established, the people's court shall rule to transfer the case to a collegiate for trial; where the objection is not established, the people's court shall rule that the objection be thrown out."



  • 将第八十七条改为第九十条,修改为:



  • 秘塔翻译:

"Upon consent by the party being served, the People's Court may adopt an electronic method for service of litigation documents which is able to confirm receipt. For judgments, rulings and mediation statements served by electronic means, where the recipient requests for paper documents, the people's court shall provide them.

Where the documents are served via a method stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the date of service shall be the date on which the information is deposited in the specific system of the party being served."



  • 将第九十二条改为第九十五条,



  • 秘塔翻译:

"Where the party being served is missing, or it is impossible to serve the documents using any method stipulated in this Section, the documents shall be served by way of a public announcement. With effect from the date of public announcement, the documents shall be deemed served after 30 days.



  • 将第一百六十二条改为第一百六十五条,




  • 秘塔翻译:

"Where the basic people's courts and the tribunals dispatched by them try simple civil cases of payment of money with clear facts, definite relationship of rights and obligations and minor disputes, the amount of which is less than 50% of the annual average salary of the employees of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in the previous year, the petty lawsuit procedures shall apply and the judgment of first instance shall be final.

For civil cases tried by Grassroots People's Courts and their branches stipulated in the preceding paragraph, where the subject matter amount exceeds 50% but below two times the annual average wages of employees in the preceding year of various provinces, autonomous regions and centrally-administered municipalities, both parties to a lawsuit may agree on application of small claims litigation procedures."


  • 增加一条,作为第一百六十六条:








  • 秘塔翻译:

" Small claims litigation procedures shall not apply to the following civil cases tried by People's Courts:

(1) Cases of confirmation of personal relations and property rights;

(II) Foreign-related cases;

(III) Cases that require evaluation or authentication or where there is any objection to the pre-trial evaluation or authentication results;

(IV) Cases for which the whereabouts of a party to the lawsuit is unknown;

(V) Cases for which a litigant files a counterclaim; and

(VI) Any other cases for which small claims procedures are not applicable."


  • 增加一条,作为第一百六十九条:



  • 秘塔翻译:

"Where a People's Court discovers in the course of trial that small claims procedures are not appropriate for the case, it shall apply other provisions of simplified procedures for trial of the case or rule on conversion of trial to general procedures.

Where a litigant asserts that the application of small claims procedures for trial of the case violates the provisions of the law, it may raise an objection to the People's Court. The People's Court shall examine the objection raised by the litigant, where the objection is justified, it shall apply other provisions of simplified procedures for trial of the case or rule on conversion of trial to general procedures; where the objection is not justified, it shall be thrown out. "


  • 将第一百九十四条改为第二百零一条,





  • 秘塔翻译:

"Where an application for judicial confirmation of a mediation agreement reached under the mediation of a mediation organization established pursuant to the law, both parties shall, within 30 days from the effective date of the mediation agreement, jointly file an application with the following People's Court:

(I) where a People's Court invites a mediation organization to conduct preliminary mediation, the application shall be made to the People's Court that has made the invitation; and

(II) where a mediation organization conducts mediation on its own initiative, the application shall be made to the grassroots People's Court at the place where the parties are domiciled, the subject matter is located or the mediation organization is located; where the dispute involved in the mediation agreement shall be under the jurisdiction of Intermediate People's Courts, the application shall be made to the corresponding Intermediate People's Courts."


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