
ChatGPT爆火,OpenAI CEO预言下一个时代的人工智能(附中英双语版)

期待为你赋能的 AI秘塔






未来20年AI的发展方向会是什么样的?AI和元宇宙的关系是?人工智能的继续发展,会出现哪些社会问题?生活中的哪些方面不会被人工智能改变?…… 2022年9月,OpenAI的CEO Sam Altman曾与LinkedIn联合创始人Reid Hoffman进行了一场对话,主题是AI for the Next Era(下一个时代的人工智能),Altman对大家关心的诸多关于人工智能的问题进行了回答。 以上问题,你在这场对话中都能找到答案。 我们使用一分钟能翻6w字的秘塔翻译(fanyi.metaso.cn),为大家整理了本次对话的中英双语版,大家可以通过文末的方式自取。 接下来我们来看本次对话的重点内容。

AI 对于科学/金融的影响;AI&元宇宙


Reid Hoffman: What are some of the things – whether it’s building on the APIs, or use of APIs by scientists – what are some of the places where science will get accelerated and how? 

有哪些事情——无论是基于 API的研究,还是科学家对 API的使用——科学将在哪些方面得到加速,如何加速?
Sam Altman:So I think there’s two things happening now and then a bigger third one later. One is there are these science dedicated products, like AlphaFold. And those are adding huge amounts of value, and you’re going to be seeing this way more and way more. I think if I had time to do something else, I would be so excited to go after a bio company right now. I think you can just do amazing things there.
 我觉得现在有两件事在发生,还有更大的第三件事。一是有这些科学专用产品,比如 AlphaFold。而这些都会增加巨大的价值,你会看到越来越多的这样的东西。我想,如果我有时间做其他的事情,我会很高兴现在就去做一家生物公司,你可以在那里做一些很棒的事情。 
Anyway, there’s another thing that’s happening, which is tools that just make us all much more productive that help us think of new research directions that write a bunch of our codes so we can be twice as productive. And that impact on the net output of one engineer or scientist, I think, will be the surprising way that AI contributes to science that is outside of the obvious models. But even just seeing now what I think these tools are capable of doing, CoPilot is an example. There’s much cooler stuff than that. That will be a significant change to the way that technological development, scientific development happens. So those are the two that I think are huge now and lead to just an acceleration of progress.
 不管怎么说,还有另一件事正在发生,那就是那些让我们变得更有效率的工具,它们帮助我们思考新的研究方向,编写我们自己的代码,这样我们的效率就能提高一倍。我认为,这种对工程师或科学家净产出的影响,将是 AI在明显模型之外对科学的贡献,令人惊讶的方式。
But then the big thing that I think people are starting to explore is – and I hesitate to use this word because I think there’s one way it’s used, which is fine, and one that is more scary – but AI that can start to be an AI scientist and self-improve. Can we automate our own jobs, as AI developers very first, the very thing we do? Can that help us solve the really hard alignment problems that we don’t know how to solve? That, honestly, I think is how it’s going to happen.
 但接下来,我认为人们开始探索的一件大事是——我犹豫要不要用这个词,因为我认为有一种用法是好的,也是一种更可怕的用法——那就是 AI可以开始成为一名 AI科学家并进行自我提升。我们能不能把我们自己的工作自动化,作为 AI开发者的第一件事,也就是我们所做的事?
The scary version of self-improvement (and the one from the science fiction books) is editing your own code and changing your optimization algorithm and whatever else. But there’s a less scary version of self-improvement, which is what humans do, which is if we try to go off and discover new science, we come up with explanations. We test them. We think.
Whatever process we do that is special to humans, teaching AI to do that, I’m very excited to see what that does for the total. I’m a big believer that the only real driver of human progress and economic growth over the long term is the societal structure that enables scientific progress and then scientific progress itself. And I think we’re going to make a lot more of that.
 无论我们所做的对人类来说是什么特别的过程,教 AI这样做,我都非常兴奋地看到它对整体的影响。我坚信,从长远来看,人类进步和经济增长的唯一真正驱动力是使科学进步和科学进步本身成为可能的社会结构。而且我认为我们会做得更多。 
Reid Hoffman: What do you think is going to happen vis-a-vis the application of AI to these very important systems, for example, financial markets?

你认为将 AI应用于这些非常重要的系统,例如金融市场,会发生什么?
Sam Altman: I think [AI] is going to just seep in everywhere. My basic model of the next decade is that the marginal cost of intelligence and the marginal cost of energy are going to trend rapidly towards zero, surprisingly far. And those, I think, are two of the major inputs into the cost of everything else, except the cost of things we want to be expensive, the status goods, whatever.
I think you have to assume that’s going to touch almost everything because these seismic shifts that happen when the whole cost structure of society changes, which happened many times before, the temptation is always to underestimate those. So I wouldn’t make a high confidence prediction about anything that doesn’t change a lot or where that doesn’t get to be applied.
But one of the things that is important is it’s not like the thing trends all the way to zero. They just trend towards there. And so it’s like someone will still be willing to spend a huge amount of money on compute, and energy. They'll just get unimaginable amounts about that.
The thing got 10 or got 100 times cheaper than the cost of energy, 100 million times cheaper than the cost of intelligence, and I was still willing to spend 1,000 times more in today’s dollars. What happens then?
Reid Hoffman: Metaverse and AI, what do you see coming in this?

Sam Altman: I think they are both independently cool things. It’s not totally clear to me other than how AI will impact all computing.
I would bet that the metaverse turns out, in the upside case, which I think has a reasonable chance of happening, the upside case, the metaverse turns out to be more like something on the order of the iPhone, a new container for software and a new computer interaction thing and AI turns out to be something on the order of a legitimate technological revolution. And so I think it’s more like how the metaverse is going to fit into this new world of AI than AI fit into the metaverse. But low confidence.
 我敢打赌,元宇宙最终会变成向上的情况,我认为有合理的机会发生,向上的情况,元宇宙最终会变成类似于 iPhone的东西,一个新的软件容器,一个新的人机交互的东西,而人工智能最终会变成一个合法的技术革命的东西。所以我认为这更像是元宇宙将如何适应人工智能的新世界,而不是人工智能如何适应元宇宙。我不太确定。



Reid Hoffman: So one of the things I think a lot of folks here are interested in is, based on the APIs, that very large models will create, what are the real business opportunities? What are the ways to look forward? And then given the APIs will be available to multiple players, how do you create distinctive businesses on them? 

我想在座的很多人感兴趣的一件事是,基于 API,大型模型将会创造出什么巨大的商业机会?如何对未来进行展望?然后,鉴于市场有多位玩家提供API服务,你如何在 API上创造独特的商业机会
Sam Altman: So I think so far, we've been in the realm where you can do an incredible copywriting business or you can do an education service or whatever. But I don't think we've yet seen the people go after the trillion dollar take on Google. And I think that's about to happen. Maybe it'll be successful. Maybe Google will do it themselves. But I would guess that with the quality of language models we'll see in the coming years, there will be a serious challenge to Google for the first time for a search product. And I think people are really starting to think about “How did the fundamental things change?” And that's going to be really powerful.
 我认为,到目前为止,我们已经进入了一个领域,你可以做很棒的文案生意,或者你可以做教育服务,或者其他任何事情。但我不认为我们还没有看到人们追求万亿美元、挑战 Google。并且我认为这即将发生。也许它会成功。也许 Google会自己做。但我猜,随着语言模型的质量(提升),我们将会在未来几年看到,在搜索产品上, Google将会第一次面临严峻的挑战。并且我认为人们真正开始思考“基本的东西是如何改变的?”,这将会非常强大。 
I think that a human level chatbot interface that actually works this time around. I think many of these trends that we all made fun of were just too early. The chatbot thing was good. It was just too early. Now it can work. And I think having new medical services that are done through that, where you get great advice or new education services, these are going to be very large companies.
I think we'll get multimodal models in not that much longer, and that'll open up new things. I think people are doing amazing work with agents that can use computers to do things for you, use programs and this idea of a language interface where you say a natural language – what you want in this kind of dialogue back and forth. You can iterate and refine it, and the computer just does it for you. You see some of this with DALL-E and CoPilot in very early ways.
 我认为,我们将会在不久的将来推出多模态模型,并且将会开辟新的领域。我认为,人们正在用代理做惊人的工作,他们可以使用计算机为你做事情,使用程序和这种语言界面的想法,你可以说一种自然语言——在这种来来回回的对话中你想要什么。你可以多轮迭代和提出改进意见,并且让计算机会为你做这些。你可以在DALL-E和 CoPilot中看到一些这样的雏形。 
But I think this is going to be a massive trend, and very large businesses will get built with this as the interface, and more generally [I think] that these very powerful models will be one of the genuine new technological platforms, which we haven't really had since mobile. And there's always an explosion of new companies right after, so that'l‘l be cool.

Audience member: I was curious, what aspects of life do you think won't be changed by AI?

Sam Altman: All of the deep biological things. I think we will still really care about interaction with other people. We’ll still have fun, and the reward systems of our brain are still going to work the same way. We’re still going to have the same drives to create new things and compete for silly status and form families and whatever. So I think the stuff that people cared about 50,000 years ago is more likely to be the stuff that people care about 100 years from now than 100 years ago.
Reid Hoffman:  I think the term AGI is thrown around a lot. And sometimes I’ve noticed in my own discussions, the sources of confusion just come from people having different definitions of AGI. And so it can be the magic box where everyone just projects their ideas onto it. And I just want to get a sense for me, how would you define AGI, and how do you think you’ll know when we achieve it?
 我认为 AGI(通用人工智能)这个词经常被人们使用。有时我在自己的讨论中注意到,混淆的根源来自于人们对 AGI的不同定义。所以它可以是一个魔盒,每个人都可以将自己的想法投射到它上面。我只想知道,你会如何定义 AGI,你认为你如何知道我们何时实现了它? 
Sam Altman: I should’ve defined that earlier. It’s a great point. I think there’s a lot of valid definitions to this, but for me, AGI is basically the equivalent of a median human that you could hire as a coworker. And then they could do anything that you’d be happy with a remote coworker doing just behind a computer, which includes learning how to go be a doctor, learning how to go be a very competent coder.
 我应该更早地定义它。这是一个很好的观点,我认为对此有很多有效的定义,但对我来说, AGI基本上等同于你可以雇佣的一般水平的人作为同事。然后他们可以做任何你和远程同事一起在电脑后做的事情,包括学习如何成为一名医生,学习如何成为一名非常称职的程序员。 
I think one of the skills of an AGI is not any particular milestone but the meta skill of learning to figure things out and that it can go decide to get good at whatever you need. So for me, that’s AGI. And then super intelligence is when it’s smarter than all of humanity put together.
 我认为 AGI的技能不是什么特别的里程碑,而是学习解决问题的元技能,它可以决定做好任何你需要的事情。所以对我来说,这就是 AGI。而超级智能是指它比所有人类加起来都要聪明的时候。 
Reid Hoffman: Just what would you say in the next 20, 30 years are some of the main societal issues that will arise as AI continues to grow? And what can we do today to mitigate those issues? 


Sam Altman: Obviously, the economic impacts are huge. And I think if it is as divergent as I think it could be for some people doing incredibly well and others not, I think society just won’t tolerate it at this time. And so figuring out when we’re going to disrupt so much of economic activity, and even if it’s not all disrupted by 20 or 30 years from now, I think it’ll be clear that it’s all going to be.

What is the new social contract? My guess is that the things that we’ll have to figure out are how we think about fairly distributing wealth, access to AGI systems, which will be the commodity of the realm, and governance, how we collectively decide what they can do, what they don’t do, things like that. And I think figuring out the answer to those questions is going to just be huge.

什么是新的社会契约?我的猜测是,我们需要弄清楚的事情是,我们如何考虑公平分配财富,使用 AGI系统,以及治理,我们如何集体决定他们能做什么,不能做什么,诸如此类的事情。并且我认为弄清楚这些问题的答案将会是非常重要的。


I’m optimistic that people will figure out how to spend their time and be very fulfilled. I think people worry about that in a little bit of a silly way. I’m sure what people do will be very different, but we always solve this problem. But I do think the concept of wealth and access and governance, those are all going to change, and how we address those will be huge.

Audience member:  So where do you think the line is between these tools to allow a creator to be more productive, and artificial creativity and sequential creativity itself?

Sam Altman:  And I think we’re seeing this now that as tools for creatives, that is going to be the great application of AI in the short term. People love it. It’s really helpful. And I think it is, at least in what we’re seeing so far, not replacing. It is mostly enhancing. It’s replacing in some cases, but for the majority of the kind of work that people in these fields want to be doing, it’s enhancing. And I think we’ll see that trend continue for a long time. Eventually, it probably is just like we look out 100 years, it can do the whole creative job.
I think it’s interesting that if you ask people 10 years ago about how AI was going to have an impact, with a lot of confidence from most people, you would’ve heard, first, it’s going to come for the blue collar jobs working in the factories, truck drivers, whatever. Then it will come for the low skill white collar jobs. Then the very high skill, really high IQ white collar jobs, like a programmer or whatever. And then very last of all and maybe never, it’s going to take the creative jobs. And it’s going exactly the other direction.
There’s an interesting reminder in here generally about how hard predictions are, but more specifically about we’re not always very aware, maybe even ourselves, of what skills are hard and easy, what uses most of our brain and doesn’t or how difficult bodies are to control or make or whatever.
Sam Altman:  I think no one knows we’re sitting on this precipice of AI. And people are like, “It’s either going to be really great or really terrible.” You got to plan for the worst. It’s not a strategy to say it’s all going to be okay, but you may as well emotionally feel like we’re going to get to the great future and work as hard as you can to get there and play for it rather than act from this place of fear and despair all the time.



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