
CCG to host Metropolis Conference in Beijing in June 2020

CCG 中国与全球化智库 2019-08-30

From June 24 to 28, the 2019 International Metropolis Conference was held in Ottawa, Canada. This annual event brings together experts from around the world to discuss issues of diversity, integration and migration. 

On 28 June, the International Steering Committee (ISC) announced that the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) will host the 2020 International Metropolis Conference. It will be the first time that the conference is held in China.

Award recognizes China’s rise and CCG’s work 

At the closing ceremony of the 2019 conference, Jan Rath, ISC co-chairman, officially announced to hundreds of participants that CCG will host the conference next year. 

Dr. Wang Huiyao, President of CCG, presented China's work on global talent mobility, domestic population mobility, urbanization and globalization development in last decades, after introducing CCG’s preparations so far for the 2020 conference. 

Meanwhile, a promotional video for the 2020 Conference made by CCG was released showing how Beijing combines the ancient and modern to an enthusiastic audience.

The 2020 conference will last 4 days and involves 60-80 activities of various kinds such as panel discussions, workshops, and cultural exhibitions. It is expected to attract more than 1000 experts from government, academia, and international organizations to discuss a wide range of issues, including talent mobility, global governance, migration, urbanization and technological innovation. 

The successful bidding for the 2020 International Metropolis Conference reflects how China is playing an increasingly important role in shaping international agendas and global governance. It is also in recognition for CCG's work on global talent mobility and global governance. CCG will continue to promote forward-looking perspectives, invite more experts at home and abroad to exchange ideas and gather expertise, and actively contribute to further research regarding globalization and global governance.

CCG participates in the 2019 International Metropolis Conference

During the 2019 International Metropolis Conference, CCG’s expert delegation presented CCG research and studies on a variety of issues such as global talent, integration, migration and the sustainable development of cities. They also offered the latest updates on preparation for the 2020 conference and learned from other organizers’ experiences about hosting the conference.

Furthermore, CCG joined Carleton University from Canada in hosting a seminar to discuss how to recruit and retain international talent. Experts and scholars who are from China, Canada, Germany, the UK, Australia, the Netherlands and many other countries shared their insights and ideas on issues related to international talent. 

Dr. Wang Huiyao said that the sustainable development of China's economy would continue to promote a great number of Chinese people to study abroad and attract more international talent to study and work in China. This would contribute to talent circulation for global development.

Between June 24 and 28, Dr. Wang Huiyao also met Lu Shaye, the Chinese ambassador to Canada; Peter Harder, Canadian Senator, former president of the Canada-China Business Council; Yuen Pau Woo, Canadian Senator, former President and CEO of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Ed. Greenspon, President of Public Policy Forum, former Editor-in-Chief of Global and Mail. The meetings covered a variety of topics, including relations between China and Canada and avenues for further cooperation between two countries. 

CCG expert delegation who participated in the 2019 conference included Dr. Wang Huiyao, CCG President; He Mei, CCG Vice Chair; Li Qing, CCG Director of Talent-Globalization Research Department; Yang Jingmin, CCG Vice Director of Talent-Globalization Research Department; Zhao Zhanjie, CCG Project Manager at Public Affairs Department. 

About the International Metropolis Conference and the Project

The International Metropolis Conference is an annual conference organized by the International Metropolis Project where experts from around the world in diversity, integration, sustainable development, migration, talent mobility, global governance, migration, urbanization and technological innovation converge to engage in policy discussions and formulate policy proposals. Ever since the event was launched in 1996, it has been held in major global cities such as Milan, Bonn, Washington DC, The Hague, Nagoya, and Sydney.

The International Metropolis Project is the largest international network of researchers, policy makers, and community groups engaged in identifying, understanding, and responding to developments in migration and diversity. Its events have been effective in connecting researchers, key decision-makers, and practitioners around the globe, facilitating the production and effective communication of policy-relevant knowledge among different stakeholders since the mid-1990s. The network of the International Metropolis Project has steadily developed to include partners in North America, Europe, and Australia, with a growing presence in Africa, Latin America, and the Asia-Pacific region.

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