

6月29日 成都豪宅代表·麓湖·麒麟荟





Perhaps best known as the "panda capital of theworld," Chengdu—now one of the most affluent cities in southwesternChina due to its recent swift economic uptick—has evolved into averitable hotspot among moneyed individuals looking to invest in some seriousreal estate.


Hoping to leverage the intensifying demand for ritzy residences in theSichuan capital, Chinese developer Chengdu Wide Horizon Real Estate Developmenthas charged Hollywood-based architecture firm 5+ Design with creating a plush,one-of-a-kind enclave on the outskirts of the city, inspired by the notion of a“vertical village.”

为了满足成都日益增长的高端地产需求,成都万华投资集团(一家立足于成都的房地产开发商)与来自于美国好莱坞的建筑设计公司 5+Design 展开通力合作,以“垂直村落”为理念,在拥有绝佳景观资源的湖心岛上成功地打造出了一处高端住宅组团。

Dubbed “Crystal Laputa,” the “floating” high-end complex centers onthree modular edifices—a pair of 30-story, 100-meter towers, and one 20-level,70-meter podium—linked together by a string of elevated roads, walkways, andbridges.


Inspired by the concept of a vertical village, “Crystal Laputa” willfeature a trio of interconnected luxury residential buildings.


Sheathed in glass and insulated metal, the buildings’ texturedfacades—though apparently random in configuration—are formed by “a series ofinterlocking units with occasional rotated floorplans,” created to avoidreflecting the jejune aesthetic of uniform, flat-faceted structures.


The complex offers three types of units: a 210-square-meter(~2,260-square-foot), double-height podium apartment outfitted with fourbedrooms and a den (priced at $1,600 to $3,000 per square meter); asingle-level tower spread ranging from 210 to 240 square meters with threebedrooms and a casita (listed at $3,000 to $5,000 per square meter); and adouble-height tower penthouse spanning 370 to 400 square meters, comprised ofsix bedrooms and a guesthouse (tagged at $3,700 to $6,000 per square meter).


  • 板楼小跃层:210㎡左右,卧室数量:4 + 1 den;单价RMB1.1万-1.6万/㎡

  • 塔楼平层:210-240㎡左右,卧室数量:3 + 1 casita;清水单价RMB1.1万-1.7万/㎡,精装单价:RMB1.9万-3.1万/㎡

  • 塔楼跃层:370-400㎡左右,卧室数量:6 + 1 casita;精装单价RMB2.3万-3.8万/㎡

The glassy complex offers three unit layouts ranging from 210 to 400square meters in size.


Every “Crystal”home—accessible via a personal elevator that leads into a garden entryway—isblessed with 270-degree scenic views and accompanied by at least one carparking space (depending on their apartments’ square-footage, tenants may begranted a second spot). Each equipped with an outdoor pool, the penthousesshowcase large private terraces seamlessly blended with communal interiorspaces (i.e. living rooms and family rooms).


“Crystal” penthouses showcase oversized private terraces blended withindoor communal spaces.


“[Wide Horizon] hadfairly specific requirements and worked with us through the entire process,”reveals studio principal Tim Magill, who adds that the developer’s on-staffarchitects had a huge hand in drafting the scheme, applying their knowledge ofChinese market trends in helping devise the best possible design solutions.Such strategies include the integration of high-efficiency lighting and smartgrids for optimal energy management, and utilization of locally-sourcedconstruction materials in order to lower costs and up sustainability.

“万华(对于麒麟荟的设计)提出了相当明确的要求,并参与了整个设计过程,”5+D建筑师事务所的主席 Tim Magill 说到。他也特别指出万华的建筑师团队在建筑设计过程中对 5+D 所提供的巨大帮助,比如对高效照明系统及智能能源管理系统的整合、通过应用本地建材来降低建筑成本并同时增加建筑的可持续性等,正是万华对中国房地产市场趋势的精确把控推动了 5+D 对麒麟荟设计的不断优化。

Due to the buildings’ strategic configurations, every residentwill enjoy 270-degree views of the lake and distant cityscape.


The undertaking—which broke ground in 2014—is part of a largerdevelopment known as “Luxelake,” a venture spurred by Wide Horizon’s desire toform a distinct community centered around a man-made loch (once ailing,the natural pool was refilled in order to revitalize the waterways and canalsthat once existed in the region).


Now home to a thriving ecosystem, the lake’s waters—part of irrigationrun-off—are organically filtered by aquatic wildlife before flowing downstream.“The restoration of the lake brings in a powerful environmental element and areal urge to connect residents with [nature],” Magill asserts.

虽是人工湖,但经过科学的规划及生态搭建,麓湖已形成了自成一体的有机生态循环系统。Magill 断言:“麓湖的形成不光赋予了麓湖生态城极佳的自然环境,也唤起了麓湖的居民与大自然接触的渴望。”

While only somedenizens will relish the convenience of docking their boats at marinas directlybeneath their buildings, the entire community will enjoy use of a privatefleet of on-site water taxis, which will allow residents to easily navigate andexplore the glittering expanse at their leisure.


Some residents will be able to park their personal vessels atmarinas situated at the foot of their buildings.


Tailored to providenot only a sumptuous lifestyle but also an environment that fostersinteraction with the great outdoors, the plan is peppered with bicycle lanesand footpaths and incorporates several parks and recreationalspaces. Perched on land bridges linking the three buildings, the greenstretches—which will serve as venues for a host of regularly-scheduledprograms and activities to be offered exclusively to tenants—form a “sky park”suspended three stories above the lake.


The scheme features a “sky park” linking the three buildings.


“Crystallites” willalso have access to a number of communal indoor spaces, including ahigh-end club with a large banquet hall and small private suite; afully-equipped fitness hub with sports courts; and a tea housecantilevered over the water, not to mention various retail, educational,and cultural facilities located at a Luxelake community center nearby.


Residents will have access to a number of communal facilities includinga cantilevered tea house.


“Residential towersare common, but one thing that a lot of other developments lack is a real senseof community… so we looked closely at the types of amenities that go intocreating a real community and incorporated them [all into this project],”Magill says. “Sure it’s luxurious to stay and own one of these units, but it’salso a totally complete lifestyle.”

“塔楼住宅很常见,但大多数都未构成真正意义的社区……因此,我们仔细研究了构建一个真正社区所需要的各种设施,并将其整合到了麒麟荟中,”Magill 说道,“(麒麟荟)在显露奢华之外,也让生活变得更完美。”

Investors hoping toscore one of the high-class modules are out of luck for now, with every apartmenthaving already been sold well before the development’s anticipated completionearly next year. But if it’s any consolation, pieces of another “crystal” sprouting up in the city willlikely soon be up for grabs…



