
No.24 Do What You Love - 纽约时报"观点"

2014-05-19 英语学习笔记

首先,很抱歉上一期的Elon Musk的演讲笔记中, 我有一个拼写错误:应该是be counter-intuitive.望见谅.

今天与大家分享的是来自New York Times的opinion专栏,学习一下如何做一个"opinionator," 提取论点,发展论据. 当然也少不了词汇的学习-联系“实用性.” 在这里只是文章的前半部分,如果您有兴趣,可以点击左下角的阅读全文.

文章标题: A life beyond "Do What You Love"

1.Student advisees often come to my office, rubbing their hands together, furrowing their brows and asking me to walk along with them as they ponder life after graduation. Just the other day, a sophomore made an appointment because he was worrying about whether he should become a doctor or a philosophy professor. A few minutes later, he nervously confessed that he had also thought of giving stand-up comedy a whirl.

  • 与walk有关的词组有很多,①例如刚刚进入一个公司,会有同事或者什么人先领你熟悉一下工作环境和业务,我们可以说to walk you through the business. ②walk all over someone,可以指“无视他人的感情,轻蔑的对待“,例如你有一个男/女 朋友,总是“不珍惜”你,总是伤你的心,然后一次又一次的恳求你的原谅,却也不知悔改,我们可以说He’s been walking all over you! Don’t let him walk all over you! (把你的感情,"一踩而过") . 当然walk也有表示职业(a chosen profession)的意思,常用的搭配是walk of life, 例如there are maters in every walk of life,行行出状元

  • give … a whirl = give a shot=try something

2.As an occupational counselor, my kneejerk reaction has always been, “What are you most passionate about?” Sometimes I‘d even go into a sermonette about how it is important to distinguish between what we think we are supposed to love and what we really love.

But is “do what you love” wisdom or malarkey?

  • knee-jerk reaction:不由自主的反应(automatic response,without thought)

  • malarkey: meaningless talk,nonsense, BS. 在S7E21的生活大爆炸中,Penny带着Sheldon去看“神婆”(psychic), Sheldon最后对神婆说的是:你知道该怎么形容你这些东西吗?? 有个词我已经”珍藏”许久了— Malarkey!

Sheldon: You know what this is? I reserve this word for those rare instances when it’s truly deserved. This is malarkey! Penny:wow,you really struck a nerve, I’ve never heard him use the M word before.

3.In a much discussed article in Slate early this year, the writer Miya Tokumitsu argued that the “do what you love” ethos so ubiquitous in our culture is in fact elitist because it degrades work that is not done from love. It also ignores the idea that work itself possesses an inherent value, and most importantly, severs the traditional connection between work, talent and duty.

  • 很精彩的两个 49 29985 49 14939 0 0 1040 0 0:00:28 0:00:14 0:00:14 2828 49 29985 49 14939 0 0 972 0 0:00:30 0:00:15 0:00:15 2828 49 29985 49 14939 0 0 912 0 0:00:32 0:00:16 0:00:16 2900点.

  • elitist指的就是people who believe that a system or a society should be ruled or dominated by an elite. 有个同义词常能看到的是meritocracy, 相反的可以说“egalitarian” 简单来说前者就是指“你只要努力一定会成功,你不成功就是你没有努力后者就是“社会环境不好,你努力了也不一定成功;人的成功需要社会的多方面力量”

4.When I am off campus and informally counseling economically challenged kids in Northfield, Minn., a city of about 20,000, the theme is not “do what you love.” Many of them are used to delivering papers at 5 a.m., slinging shingles all day or loading trucks all night. They are accustomed to doing whatever they need to do to help out their families. For them, the notion of doing what you love or find meaningful is not the idea that comes first to mind; nor should it. We put our heads together and consider, “What are you best at doing?” or “What job would most improve your family’s prospects?” Maybe being licensed as a welder or electrician? Maybe the military? Passion and meaning may enter into the mix of our chats with the understanding that they sharpen your focus and make you more successful.

  • 副词+challenged 可以委婉的表示很多事情,economically challenged kids=the poor kids, “差生”可以说成academically challenged students; “路痴”可以说成 "directionally challenged”

  • 这一段就是实实在在的论据来论述上一段的论点: do what you love 对穷人实在是太”奢侈” (why the “do what you love ethos is in fact elitist.) 什么能帮助”上位”,取得成功是要首先考虑的.(inherent value)



看图学英文之Rubik's cube

如果你使用google的话,今天的彩蛋就是这个魔方了!To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the iconic puzzle, Google is hosting an interactive virtual version on its homepage.

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另强烈推荐一个经济学人杂志的学习频道: justintheeconomist


