
[Note5] 经济学人,浓缩咖啡

2014-11-09 英语学习笔记

经济学人于11月6日推出了“每日阅读”app - The Economist Espresso-创刊171年的首次daily edition. 和名字所体现了其“浓缩咖啡”的理念: 喝一杯☕️咖啡的工夫,就可以一览天下事. 内容也是“浓缩的”, 言简意赅, 不失睿智。

因此推荐大家去下载. 实在是一个晨读, 通勤, 上厕所时必备的阅读软件.


Today we are delighted to announce the global launch of The Economist Espresso, a new morning briefing from the editors of The Economist. Delivered to your smartphone or inbox before breakfast, it tells you what’s on the global agenda in the coming day, what to look out for in business, finance and politics and, most important, what to make of it.


Published each weekday morning in three editions for the Americas, Europe and Asia, Espresso brings you up to speed in just a couple of minutes at the start of your day. Displaying The Economist’s characteristic brevity, clarity and wit, it provides a concentrated, stimulating shot of global analysis that can be consumed quickly as part of your morning routine. Like the weekly, it is designed to be “finishable”—gathering up what you need to know into a compact package, with no need to click on links to get the full picture. Read it, and you’re ready for the day.

We have put a lot of effort into developing this new complement to the weekly edition. The first daily edition in The Economist’s 171-year history, it does what we have always done, distilling what’s important from the news and telling you what it means, but on a daily rather than a weekly basis. We hope you will enjoy it.




搜索“Economist Espresso” on the App Store or Google Play



