

2015-06-19 经济学人 英语学习笔记

一直在看美剧Silicon Valley, 在第二季的第八集中有这样一段,截图如下:

对,我们被吐槽了 -- 但是可悲的是,这恐怕是事实。这让我想到了上周《经济学人》的一篇文章, 分享给你。

认不认识"Vaping"这个词? 这个词算是新词 -- 牛津字典2014年刚刚收录,并且称之为"word of the year". 牛津字典给出的解释是:

The OxfordDictionaries.com definition was added in : the verb means ‘to inhale and exhale the vapour produced by an electronic cigaretteor similar device’, while both the device and the action can also be known as a vape. The associated noun vaping is also listed.

"Vape"的使用频率随着电子烟的流行而急剧升高。电子烟在很多国家被认为是“戒烟利器”,在中国呢? 这还只是一个开始。

WHEN the world’s first electronic cigarette was invented in Beijing in 2003, the device was hailed as a godsend for tobacco fiends. It used power from a small battery to vaporise a nicotine solution that delivered the hit smokers crave with fewer toxins than tobacco smoke. Today over 95% of e-cigarettes are made in China, but until recently the Chinese themselves have shown little interest in the product.

godsend for/to : something good that happens to you when you really need it --有点“及时雨”的意思。

hit: 在这里是 a feeling of pleasure obtained from taking an illeage drug

“Vaping”, as it is known, is far more popular in Europe and North America. In these regions, many health campaigners argue that e-cigarettes may help smokers quit. In China, however, awareness of tobacco’s health risks is low and regular smokes are cheap. A pack can sell for as little as 2.5 yuan ($0.40), compared with an electronic one that costs around 200 yuan for a starter kit.

The government is stepping up efforts to persuade the country’s 280m daily smokers—nearly one-third of the world’s total—to give up. On June 1st a ban on smoking in public places was introduced in Beijing. If successful, it will be rolled out nationwide. For the first time, the annual meeting in March of China’s legislature was made smoke-free.

Such measures help to explain why some Chinese are beginning to turn to e-cigarettes. Shane MacGuill of Euromonitor, a consultancy, says 3m-4m people in China now use them—a tiny chunk of the Chinese market, though more than the number in Britain. E-smokers will probably remain a far smaller share of the total than in rich countries. But Euromonitor reckons the country’s e-cigarette market will triple in value in the next five years.

At present the sale and use of e-cigarettes is unregulated in China. But there is debate about whether the government should follow the example of many other countries in applying restrictions. Some campaigners worry that e-cigarettes are gaining popularity in China before awareness of tobacco’s dangers has become widespread. This, they fear, may result in some users of e-cigarettes turning to the deadly version.

In China, electronic ones are marketed as trendy. Adverts depict suave, macho (usually foreign) men in sharp suits in modern, high-tech settings, with slogans such as “I am legend” and brand names like North Wolf. Candy-flavoured versions are sold to children for as little as 15-20 yuan; women buy lipstick-shaped ones. Their appeal is not primarily as aids for quitting. Only 2% of women smoke in China compared with over 50% of men.

Like other big tobacco companies, China National Tobacco Corporation, which controls the production and sale of all tobacco products in the country, is beginning to move into the e-business. Ling Chenxing, its director, says e-cigarettes are an important area for research. But tobacco is likely to remain the company’s mainstay. Though the share of smokers is stable, the number of tobacco users continues to rise in China (see chart), as does the average number of cigarettes smoked.

