

Eric Z 张海露Eric 2024-04-30

用一句话来回答这个标题的问题: We learn to write and write to learn. 为什么这么说呢,有兴趣继续读下去吧。

去年回国的前一天我去了Strand Book Store, 一家在纽约很有名气的二手书店。在“Writing“区域,看到了William Zinsser的书,如获至宝,买了这本Writing to Learn


“Writing,” say William Zinsser, “is not a special language that belongs to English teachers and a few sensitive souls who have ‘a gift for words.’ Writing is the logical arrangement of thought. Anyone who thinks clearly should be able to write clearly, about any subject at all.”

我们往往是只注重了所谓的“写作技巧”而忘记了写作本身的意义。我们习作中最大的困难就是“不知道写什么,无从下笔”,这是再正常不过的。想清楚了就能写清楚了 -- “Good writing is clear thinking made visible.“ 写作可以帮助我们记录和检查我们的思考,正如Zinsser所说:

“Writing is how we think our way into a subject and make it our own. Writing enables us to find out what we know — what we don’t know — about whatever we’re trying to learn.”


…every discipline has a literature — a body of good writing that students and teachers can use as a model; writing is learned mainly by imitation. Therefore I decided to look for the literature myself: to collect brief examples of good, accessible writing in a variety of academic disciplines. My hope was to demystify writing for the science types and to demystify science for the humanities types.

在这段话里我们除了可以看到作者写这本书的目的外,也可以了解到一个基本的写作训练方法:模仿。葛传椝在他的书中也提到:不要用你没有读到过的用法,你写的每一句话都需要是100%确定是符合英语为母语者使用习惯的。听起来很残酷,但是我们若是想写的“地道”,这是必经之路。开始的时候模仿痕迹会很重很机械 — 甚至东施效颦,等到我们把这些条条框框都内化了的时候,我们的写作就会流畅起来 — 下的功夫越多,提高的也就越多,“悟”的也就越快。


This book is a personal journey in which I confronted some of my own fears and lived to tell the tale.

葛传椝那个年代还没有网络,他的英文写作背后一定是大量的阅读,背诵和模仿练习。这些“笨方法”就是最踏实的方法,把人脑武装的像是电脑一样,有实力才会有自信。我们写不出来东西,或者是对自己写的东西不自信是很正常的 — 没有稳定的有效的输入,我们根本就不知道什么是对的。

我们可以利用这个时代带给我们的便利。我有一个习惯,当我不确定我写的这句话是否正确的时候,我会去Google一下,看看是不是我想写的这个表达是普遍被使用的,是正确的。如果不正确的话,是否有其它的表达方式可以使用。或者,当我想表达一个想法的时候,我会读一读其他人对这个想法是如何阐述的,我可以学习ta的逻辑框架,一些精准的表达,然后选择性的去模仿 — “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” 

去模仿不代表我们就失去了独立思考,去看他人的观点也不是为了我们自己可以偷懒。而是,在这个模仿的过程中,我们可以更综合的去看一个主题,让我们的思考更加全面,这样我们写出的东西也会有更有意义。在分析一篇文章的时候,我们不仅学习了一些地道的表达,更重要的是我们可以学习文字下面的逻辑思考 — 像拍电影一样,有特写,也要有长镜头。

We write to find out what we know and what we want to say. I thought of how often as a write I had made clear to myself some subject I had previously known nothing about by just putting on sentence after another — by reasoning my way in sequential steps to its meaning. I thought of how often the act of writing even the simplest document — a letter, for instance — and clarified my half-formed ideas. 

写作,无论是中文还是英文,本质上都是一样的。语法和词汇的作用是可以让我们的表达更精确,更流畅,这样别人读起来会更容易清楚地理解我们。除此之外,更重要的是要不断的思考,试图把一件事情说清楚,试图和更多的人去交流 — 埋头于单词和语法书不会真正的帮助我们解决问题。


…the common thread is a sense of high enjoyment, zest and wonder. Perhaps, both in learning to write and in writing to learn, they are the only ingredients that really matter.

回复关键字"oww"查看On Writing Well的系列笔记。点击阅读原文读William Zinsser谈如何用英语这门外语写作,非常推荐。


