

Eric Z 英语学习笔记 2021-02-10


从语义上说,习语具有更强的“绝对语义”和“文化语义”,to die 可以指“死”,也可以指“凋谢”、“灭亡”等,而习语to kick the bucket只可能指死亡,且与英人古时杀猪时猪的垂死挣扎的文化形象不可分割的粘连在了一起。

从语用上说,很多时候,表达的功能性效果(意、趣、神、色),非习语不能充分表达:试设想我们读到 It is ranining hard 和 It is raining cats and dogs两句时,无论从形象化或语势角度衡量,作为习语的后一句都具有其优越性。





拿读书群正在读的The Razor's Edge举例,其中就不乏一些习语的使用,这些恰到好处的习语让内容读起来更活泼有趣:


You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make him drink.


But the worm sometimes turns.

其中也有很多很多的phrasal verbs:

Elliot was rather put out that the only address you gave was the American Express.

Is she cut up?

这里的put out是“恼怒的;烦乱的”,cut up是一个英式用法,意思是“不高兴的; 伤心的”,做这个意思的时候通常用于被动语态。


逛书店碰到一本小书Handoobk of Commnonly Used American Idioms, 是一本字典类的参考书。这本书的介绍部分讨论了“What is an idiom?" "Why is English so heavily idiomatic?" "How will you use this idiom correctly?" 我稍微整理了一下,分享给你。

What is an idiom?

"An idiom is the assigning of a new meaning to a group of words which already has its own meaning."


Sam is a real cool cat. He never blows his stack and hardly ever flies off the handle. What's more, he knows how to get away with things... Well, of course, he is getting on, too. His hair is peper and salt, but he knows how to make up for lost time by taking it easy. He gets up early, works out, and turns in early. He takes care of the hot dog stand like a brezze until he gets time off. Sam's got it made; this is it for him.

这段话看懂了吗? 当然,这样的一段话是硬编出来的,主要是强调“口语交际中习语的使用是非常普遍的” -- 这段话涉及到了18个idioms。把上文“翻译”成直白的idiom free English:

Sam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes  too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his businessfinancially by using a few tricks... Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is beginning to turn graym but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, excercise, and goes to bed early. He manages his frankfurter stand without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful; he has reached his life's goal.

这次差不多可以看懂了吧, 碰到一些“熟悉的词或者搭配但是放在一起就不认识”了的时候,我们需要好好的查一下字典 -- 我比较喜欢用网络字典,或者就直接google搜索。你会发现原来自己熟悉的词原来还有这个意思! 例如"lemon"可以指"次品"; 一次糟糕的约会或者一次糟糕的考试可以是"dog";生意中的如“摇钱树”一样的好项目可以说"cash cow"; 有颜值没演技的“花瓶”可以叫"eye candy",英文中也有类似“吃土”这个表达"bite the dust",意思是"to die"...

Why is English so heavily idiomatic?

The most probable reason is that as we develop new concepts, we need new expression for them, but instead of creating a brand-new word from the sounds of language, we use some already existent words and put them together in a new sense.


idiom绝对不是英文中的独特现象,在已有的词汇上再做文章使其产生新意的做法"appears to be true of all known language." 例如我们汉语中的“马上”:

Consider the Chinese expression for 'quickly,' for example. It is ma shang, and translated literally it mans 'horseback.' Why should the concept of 'quick' be associated with the back of a horse? The answer reveals itself upon a moment's speculation. 

idiom利用了我们已经熟悉的词汇(尤其是常用动词),然后“老黄瓜刷嫩漆”样给它配上个小品词,刷出一层新意思。因此,idioms会有许多的“画面感” “浓缩是精华”的特点,很多时候如果我们了解一些文化背景的话,我们可以猜个八九不离十 (当然也有很多时候我们都是'望文生义')。

我们之所以使用idioms, 是因为这是让我们的英文“接地气”的必备工具; 更重要的是,它帮助我们更准确的表达出我们的性格 -- 简单说,就是让人觉得“你是一个有趣的人”, 不要给人感觉你是"have a stick up your butt

Americans usually react to foreigners more politely than do people of other nations, but they can definately tell how fluent you are. If a person always uses a bookish, stilted expression and never uses an idiom in the right place,he might develop the reputation of being a dry, unimaginative speaker, or one who is trying to be too serious and too official. 

The use of idiom is, therefore, extremly important. It can strike a chord of solidairty with the listener. The more idioms you use in the right context, the more at ease Americans will feel with you and the more they will think to themselves 'this is a nice and friendly person -- look at how well he expresses himself'

如果我们平时说话都要像《新闻联播》的主持人那样说话,我觉得会是又累又没趣,给人以"being a dry, unimaginative speaker"的印象。 值得注意的是,这里也强调了使用idioms最重要的原则: "in the right place" "in the right context",也就是“逢什么人说什么话”。

我们要知道有些表达,我们知道就可以了,自己一定要慎用 (例如fuck有关的一些表达); 有的表达是来源于一些文学作品,所以你觉得对方或许不知道这个“梗”,就不要用了; 有些表达主要流行于less educated people, 甚至有一些是“存在的,但是很奇怪,说不通的”; 还有一些表达是有地域限制的,例如你会经常看到字典上有 Chief British 或者 Chief America 的标示,或者是主要用于美国南部或北部。

简单说就是,我们要先盘算一下说话对象能否听得懂,不是说native speaker就一定能听的懂所有的idioms。例如我出国前学会了一个词"wicked"可以用来表示强调, “very”的意思(也有'impressive'的意思) -- 我觉得这个词很炫酷,可以用来装饰我的英文水平。后来在纽约读书,和同学聊天,我费尽心思的用到了这个词,以显示我的英文很“地道”,结果对方没有听懂。后来才知道"wicked"这种用法只适用于New England地区。

还有一些我死记硬背下来的表达,他们也听不懂 -- 我写出来他们也不太清楚是什么意思。我想问题大概出现两个方面,一是“idiom的地域性”,二是“context", 我很多时候是为了用idiom而用,难免会闹一些笑话。

我们在使用idioms的时候一定要注意这两点,力求“自然的表达”,否则难免会"shoot yourself in the foot"。因此这也要求我们在学习一个表达的时候,一定要彻底的弄明白它到底是什么意思,在什么样的场景下使用 -- 这个表达一定是你听过至少一次以上的,正确的。一定不要在某本书上见过一次就如获至宝 -- 很有可能这个表达只是在特定的情境中,出于某种效果而使用的。例如我在看The Big Bang Theory的时候学了一个表达"stop busting my balls", 表示“别烦我了!" 我问我的同学,她告诉我这种表达跟熟悉的朋友用没问题,在稍微正式的场合不要使用,因为有点“不雅”。

How will you use this idiom correctly? First of all, wait until you hear it from a native speaker in a natural context; do not experiment yourself with using an idiom until you have mastered the basics of English grammar. Once you have heard the idiom being used more than once, and fully understand its meaning, you can try using it yourself.


也不要让所谓的“地道的表达”蛊惑,对于同一个意思我们有很多种表达的方式,所谓的“地道”我觉得就是“自然、准确” 是我们不断学习,积累和试错后的沉淀。多查查字典(推荐大家用google搜idiom的图片,更形象而且便于记忆),多想想“这句话还能怎么说”,比追求“快速变得地道”的灵丹妙药靠谱的多。



