

张海露Eric 英语学习笔记 2020-01-25

#The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck


1. 不要被“86个”吓到。花上3分钟的时间看一下这篇文章,如果你能收获1-3个表达,也是一种收获。

2. 如果对这本书有兴趣的话,可以读完后去读书,读完书后再看一遍。

3. 你需要把这些表达用到你的口语表达和写作中变成自己的才可以。关于这一点,建议阅读:仿写的正确姿势

Chapter 1

1. At night, he would drink alone and sometimes hammer out poetry on his beat-up old typewriter.

he still showed up to poetry reading hammered  and verbally abused people in his audience.

hammer出现了两次,其中hammer out表示“苦心想出”,hammered在口语中表示“喝醉了”,类似的表达还有tipsy(微醺), buzzed(微醺), drunk, wasted(喝断片了), get high, intoxicated。

我认为hammer out在文中的hammer是一个双关,和drink alone呼应,也表示“苦心想出”。醉了就写诗,和李白似的。


酒鬼诗人Charles Bukowski

2. That anxiety cripples you and you start wondering why you’re so anxious.

cripple是个五星级好词,本义表示“使残疾“,也可以用于表示“使...心里出现问题“ “严重毁坏组织、体系”。说它是五星级好词,是因为它形象、实用。例如《中国合伙人》中,邓超饰演的角色有stage fright,因此他无法做公开演讲。这时候我们就可以说:Stage fright crippled him. 

3. It was the first real shot Bukowski had ever gotten.

shot在这表示“chance”,我们常说的give it a try也可以说成give it a go/shot。

4. His popularity defied everyone’s expectations.

defy本身的意思是“不服从” “挑战“,在这里可以理解为“超过了每个人的预期”。常用的表达还有:defy description难以表述;defy comprehension难以理解。

5. You are constantly  bombarded  with messages to give a fuck about everything.

But now, now if you feel like shit for even five minutes, you’re  bombarded  with 350 images of people totally happy and having amazing fucking lives, and it’s impossible to not feel like there’s something wrong with you.

书中出现了两次be bombarded with,bombard本意表示狂轰猛炸,常用来表示受到大量的问题、批评。下次咱们想说我们每天都被大量的信息包围就可以说:We are  inundated/flooded/overwhelmed/bombarded with information.

6. Chances are you’ve engaged in it more than a few times.

  • Chances are you know somebody in your life who, at one time or another, did not give a fuck and then went on to accomplish amazing feats.

  • Chances are you don’t have much going on in your life to give a legitimate fuck about.

Chances are是你必须掌握的一个表达,因为它极其实用,这本书中共出现了9次。(the) chances are (that)表示it is likely to happen… 当我想表达“很有可能”的时候就可以用上它。

7. Our society today has bred a whole generation of people who believe that having these negative experiences is totally not okay.

If pursuing the positive is a negative, then pursuing the negative generates the positive.

breed本意表示“繁殖“,常用来表示“产生,引起”,很有画面感。例如Violence breeds violence. 暴力会催生更多暴力。类似的常见表达还有spawn(大量产出), churn out(快速大量的产出), beget(引起), produce。

8. Meanwhile, our credit cards are maxed out.

信用卡刷爆了(达到了可以使用的最大额度)的地道表达就是max out。

9. You will see every adversity as an injustice, every change as a failure, every inconvenience as a personal slight , every disagreement as a betrayal.

我们熟悉slight是“轻微”的意思,在这里表示“冷落、蔑视”。它也可以作为动词使用,例如chapter 6就出现了:“They see others getting promoted over them, and they feel slighted.”

10. a calm that weathers all storms.

weather显然在这里不是“天气”,在这里表示“渡过”。这种用法在书中出现了4次。下次想表示“经受过”除了用suffer,go through外,就可以用weather。例如《经济学人》就常用weather the crisis, weather downturns, weather high unemployment. 书中也出现了:

  •  And certainly you will weather rejections.

  •  I prefer to call it “weathering the shitstorm”.

11. people who are indifferent are lame and scared. They’re couch potatoes and Internet  trolls .

lame口语中表示“没劲” “无聊”,可以替换boring。

troll这个词本意是长得很丑的怪物,现在常用来表示“喷子”。网上的那些垃圾人就可以叫Internet trolls.

12. Her pension is on its last legs.

on one’s legs是一个习惯表达,表示“大势已去,玩完了,没戏了”。例如This relationship is on its last legs. 这段关系已经快玩儿完了。

leg还有一个常见的意思,表示旅途或者比赛中的“一程” “一轮”,例如你要去三个地方旅行,第一站是纽约,那就可以说The first leg of my trip is New York.

13. This is a total mind-fuck. So I'll give you a minute to unpretzel your brain and maybe read that again.

这里的unpretzel你可能不认识,不过没关系,根据语境可以猜到它的意思应该是“解开” "想清楚“的意思。大脑一下子混乱,需要理清思路。和后面出现的unravel, untangle差不多。

14. first-world problems

当你为头发缺少光泽而苦恼时,非洲贫困国家的人却在忍饥挨饿,为明天的粮食发愁,相比之下,你的烦恼是那么无足轻重,这种琐碎的小问题就叫first-world problem(第一世界问题)。

15. And like the road not taken, it was the fucks not given that made all the difference.

这段话建议背下来。这段话来自Robert Frost的经典诗歌The Road Not Taken。Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

16. Thirty years went by like this, most of it a meaningless blur of alcohol, drugs, gambling, and pmrostitudes.

从这句话中我们可以学到两点:1) 30年“过去了”的“过去了”可以用went by表示,还可以用什么表示呢?书中还出现了:

  • as the weeks wore on

  • as the years dragged on

2) most of it a meaningless blur of alcohol… 这部分并没有谓语动词,因为这是一个独立结构,如果有谓语的话这段话就写错了。

17.  Despite the book sales and the fame, Bukowski was a loser.


18. Had I been indifferent, I would have shrugged my shoulders, sipped my mocha, and downloaded another season of The Wire.

had I been… I would have done… 是常见的虚拟语气句型变形,它的原型是:If I had been… I would have done…

Chapter 2

1. the dog shit caked to the bottom of the social totem pole.

cake在这里表示“凝集成块”。totem pole本身的意思是“图腾柱”,常用来表示一个人的地位。例如我在家里的地位比狗狗还低,我就可以说I’m low man on the (family’s) totem pole.

2. The prince began to notice that this life of suffering wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be

not all that it was cracked up to be是一个习惯表达,表示没有预想的好。

3. We are wired to become dissatisfied with whatever we have and satisfied by only what we do not have.

be wired to表示“倾向于“也可以说be hard-wired to, 类似的表达还有be conditioned to, be indoctrinated to, tend to.

4. Problems are a constant in life.

注意constant在这里是名词,表示“常量” “永恒不变的东西”,类似的表达还有norm。(我们在阅读时要注意一个词的词性)

5. There lived in a palace a king who was going to have a son.

除了there be句型外,there后也可以跟其它动词,常见的有there lived, there remains, there entered, there followed.

6. the prince ended up blaming his father for the very things his father had tried to do for him.

end up是个极其实用的表达,表示“到头来” “最终”。它可以这样用: 1) end up+ing 2)end up +名词,例如Eric could have ended up a billionaire. Eric本来可以成为亿万富翁的。 3) end up +介宾短语 例如Eric ended in prison. Eric最终入狱了。

7. ...he should probably go do something else instead.

口语中常会见到两个动词放在一起的情况,一般第一个动词是come或者go,例如这里的go do。可以理解为go to do。例如常见的表达,我去弄口吃的,就可以说:I’m gonna go grab a bite.

8. Or maybe you even go so far as to question your entire interior design philosophy based on your throbbing foot.

go so far as to很好理解,但是我们想不到用它,那就来造个句吧!例如This reading group is helpful, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s great.

9. A fixation on happiness inevitably amounts to a never-ending pursuit of “something else”

amount to表示“相当于”,后面出现了类似的表达tantamount to. 

My mom made me get a haircut and threw out all of my Marilyn Manson and Metallica shirts (which, for an adolescent in 1998, was tantamount to  being sentenced to death by lameness).

10. This is a difficult pill to swallow. 

这个表达来自于习语a bitter pill to swallow,表示不得不承受的苦事;不得不接受的现实。

11. They settle and wonder, “what if?” for years and years, until the question  morphs  from “what if?” into “What else?”

  • the story of Lieutenant Onoda morphed into something of an urban legend in Japan

  • “Post-tragedy, I morphed into a new person: responsible, curious,hardworking.

morph全书出现了3词,表示“改变”,我们可以用来替换change, turn into。

An ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan; a cinder-stained servant morphs into the belle of the ball; a lowly frog is revealed as a handsome prince.

12. I was simply biding my time before I could invest the proper amount of energy and effort into getting out there and making my mark

make one’s mark表示“成名”,类似的表达还有make a name for oneself。

13. The daily drudgery of practicing, the logistics of finding a group and rehearsing…

drudgery表示“单调乏味的苦差事;无聊的工作”,以后想说“boring work”的时候就可以用这个词。

Chapter 3

1. The catch was that Jimmy was a total deadbeat — all talk and no walk.

catch除了“抓”之外,还可以表示“陷阱”,例如我们常说What’t the catch? 表示“有什么猫腻?” “搞什么名堂?” 


He was educated, interesting, and good-looking—a good catch, in principle—but he was absolutely convinced that women found him too short to date.

a good catch表示“如意伴侣” ,I was so in love with him and all my friends said what a good catch he was. 我当时和他陷入热恋,我的朋友们都说能找到他是我的福气。

2. Jimmy was a professional leech, living off his family’s hard-won money by spinning them as well as everybody else in the city on false ideas of future tech glory.

Yet the guy kept this up for years, living off girlfriends and more and more distant relatives well into his late twenties.

live off在这章出现了两次,表示“以…为生“,例如living off one’s parents就是“啃老”的意思。

3. Sometime in the 1960s, developing “high self-esteem”—having positive thoughts and feelings about oneself—became all the rage in psychology.

all the rage表示“流行” “风靡一时“,类似的表达还有in vogue。下次想说”popular“的时候,是不是就可以用all the rage?

4. And, as promised, Mr. Price didn’t go easy on me.

go easy on someone的意思是“温和的对待某人” “手下留情”的意思。日常生活中想说“少放点盐” “少加点冰”就可以说” (go) easy on the salt/ice.

5. After all, it takes a lot of energy and work to convince yourself that  your shit doesn’t stink, especially when you’ve actually been living in a toilet.

your shit doesn’t stink的字面意思是“你的粑粑不臭”,我们可以用这个表达来形容很多装x人士,这些人太自以为是,以为自己的粑粑都不臭。

6. Put simply: we become entitled.

put在这里是“说”的意思,例如Let put it in this way表示“让我这么和你说吧”。put simply表示“简而言之”,和我们后面遇到的in a nutshell差不多。

7. ...when I did meet a woman I really liked, my self-absorption quickly torpedoed everything.


8. All day, every day, we are flooded with the truly extraordinary.

if she failed to do so, she was flooded with horrible thoughts of her family dying.

be flooded with表示“被...充斥“,例如我们每天被大量的信息包围,就可以说We are flooded with information. 书中出现了和它类似的表达inundation:

The inundation of exceptional makes people worse about themselves…

Chapter 4

1. Two things are operating here: a value that I hold dear, and a metric that I use to assess progress toward that value.

hold dear表示“珍视“,我们想表达important的时候就可以用这个表达。

2. Take a moment and think of something that’s really bugging you.

bug本意表示“虫子”,作为动词可以表示“to annoy”,“别烦我了”除了说stop annoying me外就可以说stop bugging me。类似的表达还有badger, pester

3. For many people this passes as self-awareness.

pass as/off表示“误认为“,例如…a woman passing as a man被误作男人的女人,例如“他快四十了,但是说他今年25也有人信”就可以说:He’s nearly forty, but he could pass for twenty-five. 书后面就出现了:

The responsibility/fault allows people to pass off the responsibility for solving their problems to others.

4. ...paying vigilant attention to one’s own death is perhaps the only thing capable of helping us  keep all our other values in proper perspective

keep … in perspective表示“正确的看待…“ “客观看待“,这句话是说我们只有意识到我们终有一死,才能够知道我们该选择哪些价值观。

常用的表达还有put something in perspective。例如你想像外国人介绍“人人网”,对方一脸懵逼,啥是人人网啊?这时你就可以说Let me put it in perspective, Renrenwang is China’s answer to Facebook.

5. ...sometimes life sucks, and the healthiest thing you can do is admit it. 

注意文中是the healthiest thing you can do is admit it,为什么不是you can do is TO admit it? 这里住一个语法现象:断裂句。咱们常见的it is…that强调句就是断裂句的一种。当主语是all you can do中含有do的时候,后面的to一般都会省略。这样做的原因是强调动作。

6. Yet, in many ways, Best  ended up better off than Mustaine.

end up的用法我们之前讲过了,这里说一下better off,表示“更好“,反义词“更糟”是wose off。例如我们想说”没有你我会活得更精彩“就可以说I’ll be better off without you.

7. In 1968, he attempted suicide, only to be talked out of it by his mother. 

talk someone out of something表示“劝某人不要做某事”,反义词是talk someone into doing something,即“劝某人做某事”。

8. His seething anger fueled his ambition; revenge became his muse.

muse就是“缪斯女神”,(给画家、诗人或音乐家带来灵感的)女神,创作女神。这里说revenge became his muse是说他的生活被复仇所驱动着,是为了复仇而活。

9. They’d be flipping burgers somewhere.

flip burger是一个常见的习语,字面意思是“翻汉堡”,是在快餐店的一份极其简单无需动脑的工作,常用来表示没什么发展的工作。

Chapter 5

1. Despite all the advantages and opportunities he’d been given in life, everything had fallen apart .

fall apart是个非常实用的表达,可以表示一个组织、一段关系的“垮掉”。例如“我要崩溃了”就可以说“I was falling apart.” 我们的婚姻要完蛋了就可以说Our marriage is falling apart.

2. ...he would home in on the smallest behaviors from any woman he talked with.

home in on表示“专注于”,和pay attention to, focus on差不多。它的同义表达有: hone in on, zero in on。

3. In hindsight, I was able to look back and see warning signs of my ex-girlfriend’s character…

In/with hindsight表示“事后之名”,和“事先之名”foresight相反。“事后诸葛亮”就可以说with the benefit of hindsight,例如It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight.

书中也出现了类似的表达in retrospect:

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.

4. Some things just feel too painful for them to own up to.


the trust-breaker admits the true values that caused the breach and owns up to them.

own up表示“承认”,和admit一个意思。

5. And, as we’ll see, managing the disorder comes down to managing one’s values.

come down to表示“归根于” “说到底是”,类似的表达还有boil down to。例如The  problem comes/boils down to money. 说到底还是钱的问题。

6. New York Times op-ed

Op-ed其实是opposite the editorial page(社论版对面)的缩写,指发表在报纸上、由非本报评论部员工撰写的署名评论文章,与社论(由本报评论部员工撰写的非署名评论文章)和读者来信(期刊或报纸读者提交的文章)均有不同。

Chapter 6 

1. Women believed that rubbing dog urine on their face had anti-aging benefits.


because it wasn't just his anti-establishment tendencies that got Becker into trouble.

anti这个前缀表示“反对”,例如antisocial, anti-smoking... 我们可以把它灵活地运用在口语中,例如我们想说“我讨厌读书”,就可以说I'm anti-reading.

2. Other people ruled my world without my even knowing.

注意这里动名词的使用,动名词前一般使用形容词性物主代词(即这里用my而不是me)。例如We are surprised at his not passing the exam. Would you mind my opening the window?

3. I’ve been flat-out wrong about myself.

flat-out在这里表示completely, outright, downright, absolutely, totally。(注意学到一个新词的时候想一想:还可以怎么说?)

4. Certainty is the enemy of growth.(背下来)

5. But when the relationship sours, we’ll often come to see those exact same memories differently, reinventing them in such a way as to explain our resent-day anger towards her.

“关系变得糟糕”除了可以用前面学到的fall out,还可以用sour。sour可以作为形容词使用(turn sour, go sour),也可以直接用作动词表示关系/局势/态度恶化。

6. These memories were often benign, but the idea was that at least a few of them would be traumatic as well.

benign在医学中表示“良性的”,例如a benign tumor就是“良性肿瘤”,相反“恶性的”是malignant。benign在这里表示“harmless”,没有危害的。

7. ...our beliefs are malleable, and our memories are horribly unreliable.

malleable形容人温顺,听话;形容材料具有可塑性,例如“大脑是可塑的”就可以说The brain is malleable。这句话想说我们的信仰是容易改变的,我们的记忆是不靠谱的。

8. I was destined to be with her, that God had preordained it, that she literally woke up in the middle of the night to the voices of angels commanding that “our special relationship” was to be the harbinger of a new age of permanent peace on earth.

ordain表示“决定” “主宰”,例如Destiny has ordained that they are who they are. 命运已经决定了他们的性格为人。preordain就是“预先决定”,也就是命中注定的,上天安排的。这里的preordain和be destined to相呼应,可以放在一起记。

9. Her mind never changed; her beliefs never budged.


10. And it’s in these moments of insecurity, of deep despair, that we become susceptible to an insidious entitlement.

be susceptible to表示“易受...影响的”,例如我们写考试作文的时候就用得上:Young people are the most susceptible to advertisements. 年轻人最容易受广告的影响。

11. As the old adage goes…

adage表示“谚语”,和proverb, saying是同义词。


Chapter 7

1. ...lazy and consumed by petty problems.


2. After the war they felt more confident, more sure of themselves, more grateful, and unfazed by life’s trivialities and petty annoyances.

faze表示“使胆怯”,和fluster, disturb差不多。unfazed表示“泰然自若” “没有受到影响”。

3. But some of them had managed to leverage those scars to transform themselves in positive and powerful ways.

leverageb是“杠杆力”的意思,引申为“影响力” “手段”。作为动词可以表示“利用”,像是杠杆一样,利用自己已有的资源获取更多的资源。

4. It’s easy to look back at my parents’ generation and chuckle at their technophobia.

phobia可以作为一个词使用,表示“恐惧”,例如I have a phobia about spiders. 也常用来作为后缀随意组词,例如acrophobia恐高症,year-end party phobia年会恐惧症。

5. This confines us and stifles us.

confine和stifle在这里意思差不多,都表示限制。stifle的意思是“克制” “扼杀”,例如扼杀了创新(stifle innovation/creativity),扼杀言论自由(stifle the freedom of speech)。

6. I am not in control; thus my self-worth is at the mercy of judgments by others.

at the mercy of表示“任由...摆布/支配”。

7. Relish it. Savor it. Welcome it with open arms. Then act despite it.(背下来)。

8. I heard it like a mantra.

mantra本意是佛教中的符咒,现在常用来表示不断重复的“原则” “圭臬”,例如“顾客就是上帝”就是一个mantra。

Chapter 8

1. It was a strange life, replete with fantastic, horizon-breaching experiences as well as superficial highs designed  to numb my underlying pain.

这段话值得背下来。我们都有这么一段时光吧,一边没心没肺的享乐,一边麻痹逃避自己该承担的责任。这一这里的replete with和designed都是形容词做修饰语,我们一般会写成…superfical highs which are designed…这种,这里的which are是废话,把它声调句子更简洁,要学会这种写法。

2. Everything was overpriced .

我们来学习一些over+的用法,简单实用。价格过高就是overpriced,“高估”就可以说overestimated, overrated(书中也出现过),过于保护可以说overprotective。大家可以google以下“words start with over”,了解更多含有over的词。

3. The downside of this is that you never know.


4. Many of us have been “indoctrinated” with the belief that we should try to be as inherently accepting and affirmative as possible.


5. Romeo and Juliet is synonymous with “romance” in our culture today.

be synonymous with表示“是…同义词”。当我们类比事物的时候可以用到它。例如Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style. 巴黎一直是优雅、奢华和时尚的代名词。例如马云、王健林是有钱人的代名词,周杰伦是流行音乐的代名词,是不是就可以用到这个表达?

它的名次形式synonym也可以这样用,类似的表达还有byword,例如The Rolls-Royce brand name is a byword for quality. 劳斯莱斯品牌是品质的典范。

6. I know: that makes me sound like such a downer. Seriously, what kind of guy  shits on  romantic love? But  hear me out .

这里出现的几个词可以用到口语表达中。downer表示“令人沮丧的人”,天天愁眉苦脸愤世嫉俗的那种。shit on可以理解为“吐槽” “蔑视”,例如说某人坏话就可以说shit on someone。hear me out比较简单,下次想说“听我把话说完”就可以用它。

7. If Disappointment Panda were here, he’d tell you that the pain in our relationship is necessary to cement our trust in each other and produce greater intimacy.

cement本意是“水泥”,作为动词表示“加强” “巩固”(关系),非常形象的一个表达。类似的表达有reinforce, consolidate, beef up。

8. I’ve committed to a single geographic location and doubled down on the handful of my significant, genuine, healthy friendships.

在黑杰克(又名“二十一点”)扑克牌游戏中,当玩家收到庄家(the dealer)最初发出的2张牌后,进行double down,也就是加倍下注。这个表达也很形象,我们想表示加倍努力或者变本加厉的时候就可以用到它。

 Chapter 9

1. Looking back on that night, out by that lake, when I watched my friend Josh's body getting fished out of the lake by paramedics.

fish也可以作为动词,表示“捞出来” “拿出来”。例如She reached into her bag and fished out a pen.

2. I had become distracted by a pretty Asian girl who liked video games, which to me, as a teenage nerd, was akin to winning the lottery.

我们前面学到了be synonymous with的说法,这里的be akin to的意思和它差不多,表示“相似的”。类似的说法还有be analogous to

3. Still not putting two-and-two together, I hurried down to the shoreline, gnawing on my sandwich, curious as to what everyone was looking at.

put two and two together表示“根据现有的信息推断”。

4. But, when our immortality projects fail, when the meaning is lost, when the prospect of our conceptual self outliving our physical self no longer seems possible or likely, death terror—that horrible, depressing anxiety—creeps back into our mind.

outlive表示“比...活得长”,它的用法很灵活,例如The UN is an organization which has long since outlived its usefulness. 的意思是“联合国是一个早已形同虚设的机构。” 形同虚设就可以说这个东西outlived its usefulness。

5. And to truly not give a single fuck is to achieve a quasi-spiritual state of embracing the impermanence of one's own existence.

quasi作为前缀表示“类似的”,文中的quasi-spiritual state就是“像是精神状态的”。

6. It's a tumultuous place, a place full of storms and treacherous waters.

treacherous形容人时表示“背信弃义的”,形容物时表示“危险的、变化无常的”。例如现在外面下雪了,走路很容易滑倒,这时候就可以说the road is treacherous.



