

2017-06-24 对外汉语北京






Located at the center of Beijing City is Tiananmen Square, where you can visit Tiananmen Tower, Monument to the People's Heroes, Great Hall of the People, Mao Zedong Memorial Hall and see the national flag raising ceremony. Thousands of people come to the Square every day.

With total area of 440,000 square meters (880-m-long and 500-m-wide), the Tian'anmen Square, located in the center of Beijing, is the largest of its kind. Over a hundred years, many ceremonies and demonstrations have been held here. The spacious square was originally meant to demonstrate majestic imperial power, walled in on the eastern, western and southern sides, shutting out common people. It is an ideal place for people to observe celebratory occasions or fly kites.

Tian'anmen Gate (Gate of Heavenly Peace) was built in the 15th century and restored in the 17th century. From imperial days, the yellow glaze-tiled double-eave tower functioned as a rostrum for proclaiming pronouncements to assembled masses. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the new China here. The tower has five doors and in front of it are seven bridges spanning a stream. Historically, only the emperor could use the central door and bridge. The gate leads to an imperial city -- the Forbidden City.

Five Star Red Flag -- the Chinese national flag, flies high in the sky above the Square. To see the guard of honor raise the Flag is a must for a tourist visiting Beijing. You must wake up early and arrive at the Square before sunrise. Many people attend the ceremony every day.

The present Tiananmen Square has become a relaxing place for people to fly kites and walk. On holidays, the whole square is covered with fresh flowers.


The Palace Museum, former home to the 24 Ming and Qing emperors, is also known as the Forbidden City. Completed in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty, it occupies a total space of more than 720, 000 square meters. Apart from the complex of immovable palace buildings, the Palace Museum houses over 1.5 million items or sets of relics. Over 8,000 of them are designated as first-class relics. They fall into the following categories: paintings, calligraphy, rubbings from tablets, inscriptions, sculptures, copperwares, porcelain, textile or embroidery, jade or stone wares, gold or silver wares, jewelry, lacquerworks, enamel wares, carvings, miscellaneous handiworks, stationery, daily appliances, clocks and instruments, imperial seals and certificates of the conferring of titles, religious relics, weapons carried by guards of honor, ancient books, and foreign relics.

Ancient architectural relics and other cultural relics fall into 25 categories, which are further divided into 69 sub-categories. Those used for government affairs and daily life are displayed in their original places; such works of art as porcelain, paintings and calligraphy, jewelry, clocks, stone drums, and bronze wares are kept in special halls. There are also halls for short-term exhibitions. The museum is open to the public all year round.


Located to the east of Beihai Park and north of the Palace Museum, Jingshan Park is another beautiful spot to visit. Now covered in fruit trees, pines and cypress trees, the hill was originally made with the earth from the moat surrounding the Forbidden City. From the top there are wonderful views of Beijing, especially over the Forbidden City, hence its name, which means "Scenic Hill." The park was an imperial garden during the Yuan (1271 - 1368), Ming (1368 - 1644) and Qing (1644 - 1911) dynasties.

The main sites of interest in the park include the Hope Tower "xiwanglou," where people still worship at a memorial tablet for Confucius, which is in the Keeping Benevolence Hall (yong'endian). The Visiting Virtue Hall (guandedian), to the north of the hill, is where the coffins of the Qing emperors and empresses lie. The 43-metre-high Million Spring Pavilion (Wanchunting) sits atop the hill. From here it is possible to appreciate a spectacular 360 degree vista of the city of Beijing. Directly to the north is Di'anmen Street, running straight as an arrow up to the Drum and Bell Towers (zhonggulou). To the east are the Yonghegong Lamasery, the Imperial College, and the Confucian Temple. To the west is Beihai Park, where the White Pagoda rises above a blue lake full of boats and to the south is the Imperial Palace. 



  ①天安门城楼门票:15/人 咨询电话:010-63095718

  ②故宫门票:旺季60元/人 淡季40元/人 咨询电话:010-85007114

  ③景山公园门票:2元/人 咨询电话:010-64044071








The Badaling Great Wall locates the northwest of the Beijing, and it's a pass of Jundu Mountain. It extends in all directions which is the reason it be called Badaling.

The Badaling Great Wall locates on the ridge of the northern part of the GuanGou. Here, two peaks face to face, there is an alley between them two and it's a very strategic place. Because of the importance of the Badaling, it has being the place that the military fight against for. The Badaling became the martial strongpoint from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The Badaling Great Wall was rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming Great Wall is no longer a simple high wall, but a rigorous recovery system. Ningxia, Shanxi, Shangxi, Heibei all have the parts of the Great Wall. Many Guan cities and short walls were built in this important place. Since the Qing Dynasty, the Badaling Great Wall has been becoming deserted. The city towers to west of Guan city had been destroyed severity. After the State Department decided to repair it, The Great Wall had been rehabilitated several times.

The Badaling Great Wall resound in the whole world, it is the first part which open to tourist of the Great Wall. The Badaling Great Wall is the soul of the whole Great Wall, and it is welcoming the tourist come from the whole world. The man who has visited The Great Wall is all acclaimed as the peak of perfection.


The Juyongguan (居庸关) Section of Great Wall is in Changping District (昌平区) fifty kilometers to downtown Beijing. It got its name in the Qin Dynasty, it was said that when Qinshihuang's soldiers and subjects were building the Great Wall, they put the criminals, young soldiers and migrant workers to live there, so it had been called "徙居庸徒" which meant "Move the Common and Mediocre People Here", and also known as The Most Magnificent Pass in the World. 

The both sides of the Juyongguan Pass are steep mountains. In the middle, there is a deep valley of a length of 18 kilometers. It is green all round with many high verdant peaks stood. Birds are flying and singing too. So the valley has been known as one of the Eight Great Sights of Yanjing, the capital of the ancient Yan State. 


Shuiguan is also name Water Pass, It located in Yanqing County Beijing, 1.24 miles away from the Badaling Great Wall, the Shuiguan Great Wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). It is the most complete and strongest section of the ten thousand li Great Wall and famous for its precipitous cliffs.   

Originally, the wall was part of an ancient military defensive work. The water system was employed to defend against enemies and formed a pass, hence the name 'Shuiguan', translated as the 'Water Pass'. The wall is built along the mountain contours with stone blocks and grey bricks. There are seven watch towers and one arrow tower. The arrow tower measures 15.63 meters (51 feet) high with an average width of 12 meters (13 yards).






  ②居庸关景区门票:旺季45元/人 淡季40元/人














The Temple of Heaven, or Tiantan in Chinese, is the largest existing complex of ancient sacrificial buildings in China. It is a masterpiece of royal sacrificial buildings complexes and one of the best symbolic illustrations of Chinese cosmology.

Located in southern Beijing, the Temple of Heaven has been one of the most sacred places for more than five centuries, serving as sacrificial buildings for the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) emperors, and is the largest in the city, among several royal altars to Heaven, Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other deities or symbolic forces of Nature.

The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), which originally was an altar to worship Heaven and Earth. It later served as the exclusive imperial altar for Heaven and the Harvest since its worship was divided in 1530, and a new Altar of Earth was built in the northern part of the capital.

Sacrifices to Heaven were arranged every winter. On the 15th day of the first lunar month, on the winter solstice (22nd solar term), and sometime during the first month of summer, the emperor would go to the Temple of Heaven to worship Heaven, to pray for good harvests and rainfall, and to offer sacrifices to the ancestors, gods of the sun, moon and stars, and to gods of the clouds, wind, rain, and thunder and lightning.

The Temple of Heaven symbolizes the relationship between Earth and Heaven, which stands at the heart of Chinese cosmogony, and a special role that were played by emperors within that relationship.



Yonghe Lama Temple, in the northeast corner of downtown Beijing, has over 300 years of rich imperial and Buddhist history. It contains the largest wooden Buddha in the world.

Yonghe Lama Temple was originally used as the official residence for court eunuchs of the Ming dynasty. It was converted to the royal court of Prince Yongzheng during the Qing dynasty, in the 33rd year (1693) of Emperor Kangxi's reign. In the 3rd year of Yongzheng's reign (1725), it was elevated to an imperial palace for short stays away from the capital, and its name was changed to Palace of Eternal Peace (Yonghegong). During the 9th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign (1744), it was dedicated for use as a Lama Temple. See all ancient Chinese Temples.

The dimensions of the temple are magnificent. It has five courtyards in a row. The front structural layout of the temple is bright and spacious. It is dotted with screen walls with carved murals, statues and decorated archways. The interior pavement leads to the main halls. The evergreen pine and cypress trees make for a peaceful and secluded environment. The back structural layout is composed of a cluster of buildings, halls and pavilions intermingled with each other. Upturned eaves and ridges are beautifully interwoven, forming a picturesque architecture.


The Confucian Temple (Kongmiao) was built in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty. 
A glazed tile memorial archway stands before the temple's main gate, the Xianshi (Foremost Teacher) Gate, which leads into a courtyard shaded by pines and cypresses. The four courtyards, which make up the temple grounds, occupy a total area of 20,000 square meters. In the first courtyard are a number of pavilions housing a collection of 188 stone tablets bearing the names of scholars from all over China who passed the triennial imperial examinations. 
At the northern end of this courtyard is the Dacheng (Great Achievement) Gate, near which stone drums were found. These treasured drums, inscribed with a series of odes reputed to date from the reign of King Xuan (828-782 BC) of the Zhou Dynasty, are now on display at the Palace Museum. The drums near the Dacheng Gate today are reproductions executed during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. 
Leading to the central hall, the Dacheng (Great Achievements) Hall, is a pathway flanked by 11 stela pavilions containing stone tablets recording military expeditions ordered by the Qing emperors. The hall name became the Yilun (Ethics) Hall. Here the emperor and other noted scholars gave lectures during the period before the Biyong Hall was built. It is now one of the reading rooms of the Capital Library. 


Guozijian (The Imperial College) is located immediately to the west of the Confucian Temple and connects to the temple through a side gate. Generally recognized as the highest official institution of learning in Imperial China, it was first established in 1287 during the Yuan Dynasty and subsequently enlarged several times, attaining its present dimensions during the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. 

After entering the main gate, the visitor will be confronted by a pair of wells and the Taixue (Highest Scholarship) Gate, also known as the Jixian (Assembled Virtue) Gate. Inside this gate is a glazed tile memorial archway with bell and drum towers to the east and west. Directly in front of the gate is the famous Biyong (Jade Disc) Hall. The square pavilion, which stands in the center of a circular pond, has a double-eaved roof surmounted by a gilded sphere. The pond is crossed by four marble bridges and provided on four sides with stone spouts in the shape of dragonheads. It was here that the emperor came occasionally to expound the classics to an audience composed of civil and military officials from the Imperial Court and students of the Imperial College.



①天坛景区门票:旺季15元/人 淡季10元/

















The Summer Palace landscape, dominated mainly by Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, covers an area of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is under water. Its 70,000 square meters of building space features a variety of palaces, gardens and other ancient-style architectural structures. Well known for its large and priceless collection of cultural relics, it was among the first group of historical and cultural heritage sites in China to be placed under special state protection.

The Summer Palace, originally named Qingyi Yuan or the Garden of Clear Ripples, was first constructed in 1750. It was razed to the ground by the Anglo-French Allied Forces in 1860. The Government of the Qing Dynasty started to rebuild it in 1886 with funds that it had misappropriated from the Imperial Navy and other sources. Renamed two years later as Yihe Yuan or the Garden of Health and Harmony, it was supposed to serve as a summer resort for the Empress Dowager Cixi. Known also as the Summer Palace, it was ravaged by the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers that invaded China in 1900. The damage was repairedin 1902. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Summer Palace has undergone several major renovations. Its major attractions such as the Four Great Regions, Suzhou Street, the Pavilion of Bright Scenery, the Hall of Serenity, the Wenchang Galleries and the Plowing and Weaving Scenery Area have been successively restored.


The Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan, also known as the Garden of Perfection and Brightness, is located northwest of Beijing and east of the Summer Palace. The Garden was first constructed in 1709 during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Over the next 150 years, the Garden was expanded as a large-scale Chinese emperors' private pleasure garden, covering 350 hectares (over 864 acres). British and French troops destroyed it in the late 19th century; which has been deserted ever since.

The Garden originally had a great lake in the middle of it, and surrounded by Nine Islets. Various temples and pavilions are scattered around. Artisans have borrowed various sights from all over the country, including garden architecture from Suzhou, mountain scenery from Huangshan and the temple and monastery buildings as well. Be prepared to walk and feast your eyes on its distinctive architecture.

The islets can be divided into three gardens: the western section - Yuanmingyuan (Garden of Perfection and Brightness), southern Changchunyuan (Garden of Eternal Spring) and eastern Wanchunyuan (Garden of Eternal Spring). You will find the European Garden with its Great Fountain Ruins in Changchunyuan (Garden of Eternal Spring), which is considered the best-preserved relic in the palace.

Yuanmingyuan Garden is the largest of the three gardens, boasting of 48 scenic spots, which are divided into smaller areas. Construction inside the garden include Zhengda Guangming Hall, where emperors handled political affairs; Jiuzhou Qingyan Hall where the imperial family dined; Anyou Palace where sacrificial ceremonies were held; Wenyuan Pavilion where books were stored; and Broken Bridge, Fallen Snow, a scenic spot imitating the style of West Lake. The garden holds numerous books, calligraphies, paintings, and treasures.

Hundreds of scenic spots in the Garden are made up of exquisitely constructed halls, pavilions, chambers, kiosks, earth and rock hills, rivers and ponds, and exotic flowers and grasses from different parts of the country. It embodies Chinese ancient landscape gardening.

Emperors and empresses of the late Qing lived luxurious lifestyles at the palace, spending money excessively. In the 10th year (1860) of Emperor Xianfeng, the English and French armies invaded Beijing and burned the palace to the ground. The remaining carved stone columns are a reminder of the crimes committed by imperialist powers.











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