


Review of the 15th 

Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills Lecture



Heinrich Wang

Father of Chinese Modern Glass Art


In the 15th Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills Lecture on 12 April, Mr. Heinrich WANG came with The Last Romance, and talked on the "Inheritance and Innovation of the Cultural Industry".


Heinrich Wang 

interacting with 

the audience


In the lecture


Mr. Heinrich WANG is expert at porcelain study. With an open mind, he blends the grace and elegance of traditional porcelain with modern innovative elements, creating a new generation of “porcelain that stands on its own feet”. He also breaks down existing limits so as to let porcelain play a part in people’s lives as well as imprint an impact on people's hearts.


Interweaving oriental charm and modern innovation, his artwork reveals itself through neat lines and refined shapes. Instead of a privilege of the highbrow, it is now given everday value by households at large. It serves as a symbol not only of the achievement of ancient Chinese technology, but more of the glory of the reform and innovation of modern China.


Ms. Dorothy Wong, Director of University Arts Centre and Administrative Services Office, presenting a customized souvenir to

Heinrich Wang


Mr. Heinrich WANG's lecture took us on a tour traversing time and space, bringing us in touch with both the craftsmanship unique to ancient procelain and the bold experiments attempted by modern artists. A late afternoon with Mr. Wang in the 15th Meeting Intellectuals Spring Hills Lecture was a real privilege.


Heinrich Wang


历时11年研发创新,以「不仅最好,更要唯一」的期许,他突破了自东汉末年瓷器发展1800年以来器皿形制的窠臼,划时代地开创出中华瓷器清代民国以来的当代艺术创新格局! 2013年,以「中华瓷器文化复兴者」之姿荣登中国国务院编撰出版的《华人智造者》,与贝聿铭、李安等,同列为50位站上世界舞台的华人创新创意领袖。2017年,再度榮获联合国际学院 UlC颁赠荣誉院士。


Artist Heinrich Wang, after successfully innovating contemporary glass art in the Chinese world and thus revered as "Father of Chinese modern glass art", decided to again challenge the boundaries of art craft and entered the glamorous world of porcelain. He then founded the "NewChi" Porcelain brand in 2003, with the mission to revive Chinese porcelain craft, once the symbol for wealth and class all over the world.  

With the beautiful, dignified, and elegant traditions of Chinese porcelain as his nourishment, he also pours contemporary esthetics and modern architecture factors into his NewChi Porcelain. Again, Artist Heinrich Wang created a new age for the great Chinese art of porcelain and was recognized by the State Council of People’s Republic of China in 2013 as one of the 50 utmost contemporary Chinese creative leaders including IM Pei and Ang Lee among others. He received the Honorary Academician of UIC in 2017. 

In August 2018, Wang was invited to participate in the opening exhibition of Baoku Jiangxin Art Center in Shanghai Center with 28 China’s most respected Masters of Chinese Arts and Crafts!

* 左右滑动可看更多介绍

* Slide left and right for more information



“Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills” is one of the University's lecture series where the University will invites social elites in such fields as culture and arts to share with our students in forms of salon or lecture to promote discussion of thought-provoking issues or soul-searching experiences. During the lectures, everyone will have a chance to listen and respond on their world views, their aspirations, and intellectual taste in life.


University Arts Centre



To bring students closer to 

culture and art

To make the "DREAM"

 come true

摄影 | 者林海 2018级理工学院、学勤书院学生

主持/文案丨张沁钰 2018级经管学院、逸夫书院学生

翻译 | 王清楠 2016级人文学院、逸夫书院学生

校对丨Brigitta (UAC)

编辑 | Christine Tang (UAC)




出品人丨Dorothy Wong (UAC)

策划丨Cici Tang (UAC)

协调丨Fiona Sheng (UAC)

宣传丨Christine Tang (UAC)

支持丨Susie Liu (UAC)

