






大家早上好!我谨代表香港中文大学(深圳)欢迎各位莅临。今天是我校2019届本科生毕业典礼,我们将迎来经管学院和理工学院的毕业生。在此,我要向你们表示衷心的祝贺,祝贺你们完成学业,收获硕果!同时,我亦要向在座的各位来宾表示诚挚的感谢,特别要感谢2009年诺贝尔化学奖得主Prof. Ada Yonath的到来,相信您的演讲会为大家带来许多宝贵的收获。同时,我想代表我们大学的理事长,香港中文大学校长Prof. Rocky Tuan,表达对你们的特别祝贺,他因有其他重要公务,不能亲临典礼,感到十分遗憾。







同学们,你们准备好了吗?Are you ready? Have you prepared for yourself to be a strong man or strong woman? 古人说:“志不强者智不达。”要做一个强者,就要有意志和担当,就要对自己要求“严格”。前几天我收到一份申请做我的博士生的信函,他说他已经学了八年英文,英文非常好,但我在他的信里发现了至少十处英文错误,我在想“你为什么不能在寄出这封信之前检查一下呢?”同学们,你问一下自己,你有没有在送出每一份报告、每一封邮件前检查一遍呢?还是同他一样,是一个不够严谨的人。明天你们就要离开这里,在此之后你的人生中不会有人再来帮你“找错改错”。我在家乡有一位先生,你拿给他看你完成的作业,他总是对你说,“还有一点小错误,自己去找出来,把它改正。”他永远不会告诉你错在哪里。当时的我很痛苦,但后来就逐渐养成了自己在交任何一件材料之前先要自己认真地“找错”的习惯。同学们,你在学校的时候,老师会给你打对打错,你离开了学校,是没有任何人会给你打对打错的,只有靠自己认真严格的精神,你才能避免很多错误,才会有可能做出一点成绩来。如果你不能对自己负责的话,这个世界上没有任何人会为你的人生买单。







Dear Governing Board members, students, parents, guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning! On behalf of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, I welcome you to this special event. Today marks the Graduation Ceremony of Class 2019, and we shall celebrate the graduation of the students from the School of Management and Economics and the School of Science and Engineering. They have reached a milestone, both academically and in other aspects of life. Congratulations! At the same time, allow me to express my gratitude to all distinguished guests present. I want to thank Prof. Ada Yonath, in particular, for being with us here today. Your speech, I believe, shall be a privilege to hear, and will benefit us with ideas and inspiration. Prof. Rocky Tuan, Chairman of the University Governing Board and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong also sends his congratulations as he is unable to join us due to other commitments.


This is a significant and meaningful moment as it is the second baccalaureate graduation ceremony in the history of our university, also the very first of the School of Science and Engineering. Since its establishment in 2014, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has marched forward into the fifth year. Over the past five years, we have grown in size and strength, leaping from zero to what we have today, defining each passing day with progress and advancement. This year, we have established our fourth school: School of Life and Health Sciences; we have also started planning the School of Medicine and the School of Music. The University is forging ahead towards its mission: to become a world-class research university. All of these would not have been possible without the joint effort of our faculty, staff, students, parents, and friends from all walks of life in both Hong Kong and Shenzhen, without the staunch support of the Hong Kong and Shenzhen governments and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. I want to take this opportunity, this moment of celebration to thank every one of you who has given us support. This is truly a great moment to see us gathered together to salute this time of accomplishment and glory.

First of all, let me give recognition to our remarkable parents. You and your children, I knew, have had a wide range of renowned universities to choose from, and you decided to place your trust in us, whose campus back at that time was renovated from abandoned factory buildings. It was only the second year since our very establishment, and we were such a new university as with a history of scarcely sixteen months. Your many concerns then still come back to me vividly. Road safety of students’ commuting between our campus and their dorm rooms in the neighboring university, their adaptation to our English medium instruction, you have undergone a great many anxieties and doubts. You chose us and have all along the way stood by us regardless. That perhaps explains how much we value and appreciate your trust, which is hard-won. In the meantime, you have supported and contributed to CUHK-Shenzhen as no other parents would have willingly done for any other universities. You have showed your next generation to strive for excellence, not in words but in deeds by fully participating in the betterment of our university. I have up till now visited 89 high schools nationwide and have been impressed by your active involvement in what we do wherever I go.  Many parents, I learned, would drive for ten-odd hours to help with our University’s admission information session, so that the education philosophy of CUHK-Shenzhen can reach more students and parents. May I ask all parents here today to rise? Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give them a round of applause with full respect and appreciation.

My respect and appreciation also goes to the faculty and staff of CUHK-Shenzhen, both on and off the stage today. You have come a long way; you have worked harder here than you would have done in any other university. The campus as you first joined us, I recall to my mind, was a much deserted place with weeds sprawling and a handful of abandoned factory buildings, a place even food delivery refused to cover. It was your keen aspiration for education, your ideal to contribute to the establishment of a first-rate global university for our country that has brought you here. I thus summarized the spirit of our university: with keen aspiration, we establish a university of lasting eminence and a brand that endures through ages, with a conscience that withstands eternity. I would like to propose a second round of applause to our teachers.

My dear students, it gives me great pleasure and pride to see you mature and progress. I looked at your graduate employment survey yesterday and learned the fact that eight in ten of you are about to step into the world’s leading universities for further studies. The US, to take one instance, 42 out of its top 50 universities have offered places to 280 of our graduates, which include Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Chicago, Yale University and UC Berkeley. From inexperienced kidults into men and women of maturity and capability, you have gone through considerable changes since the day when I first welcomed you into CUHK-Shenzhen. I am, on the one hand, proud of you. On the other hand, I feel much indebted to you for it is your confidence, tolerance and support that has driven this newly established university to advance in every way. I guess it can be well said that “the university has ferried you to the world as much as you have presented the university to the world!” I thank you all!

Tomorrow, you will depart from here. As a ferry boat in a grand river, the university shall convey you to the other side of the water. Upon departure, your teachers, peers, and parents would like to say “bon voyage”. Bon voyage indeed I would like to wish you, as I also wish the best for your life. But we are well aware of its impossibility. The world is never a rose garden, and along our life path, hardships, challenges, and setbacks shall surely await us. Yet praying for ease and protection, I believe, is far from the right attitude towards life. Then what does the right attitude look like? I think it’s something like looking at fate right into the face and say: “Let all that would come come. I am ready for my share of the journey, be it of prosperity or adversity.” Such should be the life attitude of the strong, and it is the strong your teachers and parents ultimately wish you to be, one of enduring vitality and a will for excellence.

My dear students, are you ready? Have you prepared yourself to be strong? As the proverb goes: “He whose will falters his wit withers.” Will comes before intelligence. It takes a determined will and a sense of responsibility to be strong, that is to say, to be “strict” with oneself. I received a PhD application the other day from a student who expressed himself to be in good command of English as he had been learning the language for eight years. Yet more than ten mistakes struck my eyes when I read his application letter. I couldn’t help thinking “why hadn’t you proofread the letter before sending it?” Dear students, now ask yourself this question. Are you in the habit of proofreading every report, every email before clicking on “send”? Or are you just like him, falling short in strictness and preciseness? As you are departing from here tomorrow, bear in mind that no one will be on the watch to correct your future mistakes. There used to be a schoolmaster in my hometown when I was a kid. Whenever I showed him my work, he would always tell me “there is still some minor mistakes. Go and find it out yourself.” It did give me a hard time as he never pointed out the mistakes for me. But I gradually developed the habit of “fault-finding” before turning in every piece of work. At school, your teachers help you judge the right from wrong, but once stepping out of school, you should make your own judgment. By upholding a standard of “strictness” and preciseness, many blunders can be avoided, and you can thus hope to reach some achievement. If we don’t take the responsibility for ourselves, nobody else will pay the price for our life.

Dear students, you might have made great accomplishments over the past four years, having gained a sound knowledge and polished your talents. As a grape vine, you shall soon yield fruits. But suppose what the grape vine would look like if it is without scaffold. It will fall prostrate on the ground and the grapes will come to waste. Taking responsibility of your own life is the very spirit and quality I want to communicate to you today, which is to your future life as the scaffold is to the grape vine. Equipped with this scaffold, you can hope to yield your knowledge and talents into mellow fruits. Otherwise, everything, be it intelligence and capabilities, will come to nothing,

Four years ago as you first arrived here, we took a photo for each one of you and asked you to write down a word or two below for your future selves. Do you still remember that? We put up your photos on the wall, upon which I wrote: “United we blaze as a flame. Separate, we, each sparkling, light up the entire sky.” Today, I want you to take it out and have a look at it. I would also like you to take another photo and write down something else for future regard. In four years from today, when you return to your alma mater, you might look back fondly on this and recall the changes that has taken place in the years between. I wish you to pass this on as a tradition. Dear students, your alma mater shall remain your spiritual home, reminding you of who you are, where you are from, and where you are going. She shall safeguard your youthful dreams and be an inexhaustible source of vigor and strength. I said this last year, and let me say it again: wherever you go, whatever difficulties you are faced with, however glorious your success, however disheartening your failure, even when your entire world seems to be enveloped in darkness, a light shall always be kept for you here at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.

Dear students, you have my best wishes!

May 18th, 2019



结合传统与现代  融会中国与西方


编辑排版/ 余无尘(2016级人文社科学院、逸夫书院)

