



Review of the 17th Lecture of "Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills" Lecture Series


On the evening of October 18th, 2019, Professor Tseng Sun Man delivered a speech entitled “Integration of Performing Arts Market in Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay Area” for teachers and students of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen at the 17th Lecture of “Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills” .


According to the current situation of performing arts market in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which has a distinctive cultural background, Professor Tseng clarified the overall background of exchanges in this market and offered a new perspective to examine the development and challenges in the Greater Bay Area.


Through multi-perspective angles, Professor Tseng analyzed the existing problems of the performing arts market in the Greater Bay Area and proposed effective and feasible solutions on the parts of talents, governments and social institutions(NGOs).


Ms. Dorothy Wong, Director of University Arts Centre and Administrative Services Office, presented a customized souvenir to Professor Tseng.


出品人丨Dorothy Wong (UAC)

策划丨Cici Tang (UAC)

协调丨Yulia Han (UAC)

主持 文案 |  郑喜多多 2018级经管学院、祥波书院

摄影 | 邱博诚 2018级理工学院、学勤书院

翻译 | 林奕雨 2019级人文社科学院、逸夫书院

英文校对 | Christine Wang (UAC)

排版 | 杨筱纯  2018级经管学院、思廷书院学生

编辑 | Christine Tang (UAC)


Review of the 18th Lecture of "Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills" Lecture Series


On November 8th, 2019, Craig Au-Yeung Ying Chai shared his stories about BLUE in the 18th Lecture of the “Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills ”Lecture Series.

蓝的环境 Blue Environment


The lecture begins with a video, bringing the audience into a "blue environment". Mr. Au-Yeung often plans meals for artists and designers in art galleries. In his opinion, in addition to using pictures and videos to create aesthetic atmosphere, he plans a meal in a pleasant environment that could engage people in an immersive experience. For Au-Yeung, cuisine is regarded as his creation and recording of his own understanding of food, space, art, environment and life.

探寻蓝色之路 Exploration of Blue


Inspired by a cup of BLUE drink, Au-Yeung started his journey to explore BLUE. Since February 2016, he has been posting some photos that he took along the way in Sina and WeChat. According to him, BLUE did give him a lot of inspirations and benefited his creation.

为什么是蓝色?Why chose blue?


Why did he choose blue? Starting from but no limited to the exploration of a cup of soy drink, it seems to be destiny. In August last year, he visited Jingdezhen and painted blue and white procelain. In his imagination, with the ancient maritime silk road, from Jingdezhen to Malacca to Portugal, he would meet different people who might be shopkeepers, boatmen and officials. What would they react when seeing the blue and white procelain? With the imagination of being a creator, he drew 50 faces of men.


“Blue may be the color we see most frequently throughout our entire life. The sky is blue. The sea is blue. The road signs are blue…… Blue is stable, reliable and trustworthy. It can also be depressing. From this we can see the giant span of blue.” said Mr. Au-Yeung.


The HOME series of books by Mr Au-Yeung is now in the University Library collection which can be easily borrowed by students.)

Everyone is wearing BLUE~


Let’s appreciate the BLUE world that was brought to us by Craig Au-Yeung Ying Chai so that we can become BLUE buddies.





see you

The end of this lecture marked the end of the 2019 Lectures for the "Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills" Lecture Series. UAC prepared blue paper cranes for every participant with sincere gratitude.



“Meeting Intellectuals in the Spring Hills” is one of the University's lecture series where the University will invite social elites in such fields as culture and arts to share with our students in form of salon or lecture to promote a discussion of thought-provoking issues or soul-searching experiences. During the lectures, everyone will have a chance to listen and respond on their world views, their aspirations, and intellectual taste in life.


University Arts Centre



To bring students closer to 

culture and art

To make the "DREAM" come true


出品人丨Dorothy Wong (UAC)

策划丨Cici Tang (UAC)

协调丨Yulia Han(UAC)

主持丨郑喜多多 2018级经管学院、祥波书院

文案 | 吴倩 2018级理工学院、祥波书院

摄影、排版 | 杨筱纯  2018级经管学院、思廷书院

翻译 | 叶杏霞 2019级人文社科学院、祥波书院

英文校对丨Christine Wang (UAC)

编辑 | Christine Tang (UAC)

