
HKEX joins the 13th China International Derivatives Forum

2017-12-04 HKEX Pulse 香港交易所脈搏/HKEx Pulse

“Opening-up and Integration, Improving Services, and Win-win Cooperation to Embrace the Future – the Transformation and Development of the Derivatives Industry in the New Era” was the theme of the 13th annual China International Derivatives Forum in Shenzhen this past weekend, and HKEX was a key player in the event organised by the China Futures Association and the Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. More than 1,400 derivatives experts, scholars and professionals from banks, securities and futures houses, funds and listed companies gathered at the conference to share views on the derivatives market from 1 to 3 December. Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission Fang Xinghai, HKEX Chief Executive Charles Li and the Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Ai Xuefeng attended the main forum on the morning of 2 December.

Charles Li recapped the development of HKEX’s derivatives businesses over the past year and introduced USD/CNH gold futures during his speech.  He said while the Mainland derivatives market is extremely liquid and able to develop its own standards, they may not be applicable to overseas investors due to the differences between the domestic and foreign markets. The same issue was once a challenge in the stock market, but was largely resolved with the launch of Stock Connect. The scheme connects the Mainland and Hong Kong markets with the least amount of changes to their respective regulatory systems and market practices, giving Mainland and international investors direct, convenient and efficient access to each other’s market from their home market for the very first time. Since the commodity market is also a global market, HKEX hopes to develop a similar scheme that would give international investors access to Mainland commodity products through HKEX.


Co-Head of Market Development at HKEX Li Gang met the senior management of Mainland and Hong Kong futures companies to discuss onshore and offshore collaboration and the internationalisation of the Mainland futures industry.

HKEX Co-Head of Market Development Li Gang (fourth from right) meets the senior management of Mainland and Hong Kong futures companies.

HKEX Senior Vice President of Commodities Development of Market Development Huang Hao, Vice President of Fixed Income and Currencies Product Development of Market Development Kenneth Wong and Senior Vice President of China Client and Marketing Services of Market Development and Head of the Shanghai Office Elena Lin joined panel discussions on behalf of HKEX.

HKEX set up a booth in the exhibition area of the conference, which attracted many industry professionals.

Highlights of the event

HKEX Co-Head of Market Development Li Gang speaks at the reception dinner.

HKEX Senior Vice President of Commodities Development Huang Hao discusses investments in commodities at the forum.

HKEX Vice President of Fixed Income and Currencies Product Development Kenneth Wong (second from right) joins a panel discussion with other speakers.


HKEX Senior Vice President of China Client and Marketing Services of Market Development and Head of the Shanghai Office Elena Lin (third from right) joins a panel discussion in the breakout forum.

Participants scan QR codes to follow HKEX’s WeChat accounts at HKEX’s booth.


People have lots of questions for HKEX!

