
英语新闻|Qixia: a hub for apples

烟台发布 2023-11-02

Qixia: a hub for apples


The 21st Apple Arts Festival opened in Qixia, East China's Shandong province on Oct 26.10月26日,第二十一届山东栖霞苹果艺术节在栖霞开幕。
Held in the harvest season, this year's Apple Arts Festival celebrates the agricultural achievements made by Qixia. From apple dishes and local cultures, to traditional drama performances, a series of events have been organized to present the stories of Qixia and its well-known apple industry.


A bird-eye view of the opening ceremony of the 21st Apple Arts Festival in Qixia. 第二十一届山东栖霞苹果艺术节鸟瞰。

This year's celebration features a wide range of events that aim to provide the joy of autumnal harvest to its local residents. This enhances the promotion of local apples, and establishes new ties in economy and trade cooperation and cultural tourism exchanges.今年的苹果艺术节以各种活动为特色,全民参与、共庆丰收、共享欢乐,进一步促进了当地的苹果销售、经贸合作和文旅交流。
During the opening ceremony, two mascots, a red and a yellow apple, were unveiled. The red apple represents wishes for prosperity, and the yellow apple symbolizes the best of Qixia apples: their crisp sweetness, with a hint of sourness.开幕式上,吉祥物“富果果”“甜宝宝”首次亮相。红色卡通苹果“富果果”,寓意支柱产业,富民一方;黄色卡通苹果“甜宝宝”,寓意栖霞苹果香甜可口,营养健康。
This year's festival and its previous warm-up activities features Qixia's creative apple products and cultures. These activities included Chinese writers visiting Qixia, online celebrities livestreaming in Qixia, and local craftsmanship exhibitions.今年的苹果艺术节和之前的预热活动以栖霞的创意苹果产品和文化为特色,包括中国著名作家果都行,“名人网红聚果都”主题线上推广,以及苹果文化主题手造精品展等。
This cultural highlight is expected to further consolidate Qixia's reputation as a hub for apples.这一文化盛宴将进一步擦亮栖霞作为“中国苹果之都”的金字招牌。
A bunch of full-grown apples in an orchard in Qixia.栖霞果园里,成熟的苹果缀满枝头。
Situated in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Qixia's premium apples are thanks to its natural climate conditions. Today, apples in Qixia have entered over 60 countries and regions, and over 80 percent of the city's local population is involved in the thriving apple industry.栖霞市地处胶东半岛,得天独厚的自然气候条件培育出了品质上乘的栖霞苹果。现如今栖霞苹果已远销60多个国家和地区,80%以上的当地人都从事着苹果及其相关产业。
The strong development of the city's apple industry has long backed its cultural development. 长期以来,栖霞蓬勃发展的苹果产业带动了其文化产业的发展。
A type of apple cultivated in Qixia is displayed at the 21st Apple Arts Festival on Oct 26.10月26日,栖霞栽培的“烟富八”亮相第二十一届山东栖霞苹果艺术节。

In the long run, the city aims to further boost its high-quality apple industry development, while also continuing to promote its apple brands.


Source:CHINA DAILY-Wonderland Yantai







