
To Marry A Chinese And Get A Green Card?

2016-11-03 Skyler HACOS瀚客

More and more foreign friends want to apply for a China Green Card. And a China Green Card is available for two kinds of individuals now: 

1.Those who have higher education backgrounds.

2.Those whose spouses have Chinese nationality.

Today we would like to talk about the latter one. 

So how should they apply for a China Green Card? 


1. Your spouse should have Chinese nationality.

2. You should be married for at least 5 years and live in China for at least 9months each year.

3. If you have any child, your child should be born in China.

4. You should gain a None-Criminal Certification from your embassy.

5. You should have a term deposit. 


Submit Documents

You should submit your Application Form, None-criminal Certification, Marriage Certificate, Registration Form of Temporary Residence, your child′s Birth Certificate, Proof of Assets and etc, to the Exit&Entry Administration where you applied for your family visa.

And the Administration will require you to sign some Related Documents. After they have received your documents, you only to wait for their notice

Term Deposit

The Exit & Entry Administration will ask you to open an account at a specific bank and save a certain amount of money, which cannot be withdrawn until you get your green card. 


Although it's stated in the administration's policy that it takes six months to get a green card, in fact, it takes over two years

Some applicants don't know about this, so they just withdraw the money six months later, even before they get their green cards. And this is actually a BIG REASON why some applicants can't get a green card.

Send Documents To Your Home Country

The Exit & Entry Administration will ask you to go to their place again to check your documents and then send them to the China Embassy in your home country. 

And the China Embassy, after receiving your documents, will ask you to go back to your country so as to check your identity and the authenticity of your documents . By the way, the round-trip express freight, about 1000RMB, will be paid by you.

Take Your Green Card

 If the embassy makes sure that your documents are OK, it will send them back to China. And the Exit & Entry Administration in China will spend some time checking through applicants' documents.If you are qualified, the administration will ask you to take your green card.

A China Green Card, also a Ten-year Permanent Residence Card, is almost like a work visa in many ways. But it has a great advantage, that is, it allows you to apply for a Chinese passport. With a Chinese passport, you are just the same as a Chinese citizen.


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