
How to Get Money Back When You Transfer to Wrong WeChat Account?

2017-07-18 HACOS HACOS瀚客

Have you ever transferred money to a wrong account via Wechat but had no idea how to deal with such embarrassment? Actually, there is a way to get your money back in Wechat! Let's see!

 Step 1: Find the access

Open your WeChat - "Me" - "Wallet"

 Step 2: Set Transfer Time

Click "..." button(top right) - "Payment Management" - Click "Transfer Time" to choose "In 2 hours" or "In 24 hours" .

After finishing your payment setting, if you transfer money to wrong Wechat account next time, you can contact Wechat Customer Services Department to get your money back during the transfer time you set.

# What if the money is collected by the one you unexpectedly transfer to? Here are 3 ways to recover your losses.

1. Try to Explain to That Person

After a wrong transfer, first of all, communicate with the one you wrongly transfer to. If that person is your friend, your money will be returned to you. 

If not, then try to explain such awkward situation and request for a refund.

2. Contact with Customer Service

If you unfortunately encounter with a jerk who refuses to repay the money, calm down, and contact with Wechat customer services department asking for their help.

Services Hotline  95017

3. Solve It In A Judicial Way

If the jerk is still refusing to send the money back, you can bring a suit to the court as a reason of unjust enrichment. 

According to article 92, General Principal of Civil Law of China: 

Anyone who gains illegally unjust enrichment from others and causes losses to parties concerned, he/she must and has an obligation to repay to the parties concerned.


❶ You need to bring a suit to the court where defendant domiciles or frequently dwells.

❷ In addition, please keep your Wechat transfer record and bank card transaction details as evidences in the suit.

❸ As long as you declare facts clearly and provide sufficient evidences, you can definitely get your money back!

# What If you don’t know that person ID information?

❶ If he or she registers Wechat account with phone number, you can search for his or her ID information via the number.

❷ Or, if not, try to ask for help from Wechat official online account to confirm the ID information.

Please make a note as above. 

When you meet this next time, 

you will know how to solve it.

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