
WHO Declares Global Emergency over Virus! What Does That Mean?

Reese HACOS瀚客 2020-02-02


The WHO announced that the novel coronavirus outbreak has become a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). But it does not mean panic. Here's our updates of the related media reports and infos about the epidemic situation. 

Here's a brief of what we know so far according to DingXiangYiSheng, whose source is from health authorities, as of 17:07 on Jan 31: 

  • Confirmed cases: At least 9,810 in China, 101 abroad 

  • Deaths: 213, mostly in Hubei 

  • Recovered cases: 180 

  • Human-to-human transmission confirmed 

  • Incubation period: no more than 14 days 


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Friday that the novel coronavirus outbreak has become a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). 

Many people think the outbreak is too scary and the declaration is no doubt making things go terrible. But as WHO's retweets said, PHEIC does not mean panic.

Now the situation is still developing and more research is needed, and particularly countries with fragile health systems should enhance their responses. 

That's the main reason behind the PHEIC declaration. It is "not because of what is happening in China, but because of what is happening in other countries." 

△ Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a news conference after a meeting of the Emergency Committee on the novel coronavirus. 

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, stressed that the WHO disfavored imposing travel or trade restrictions on China

In addition, he gave seven advice on the epidemic situation: 

  • First, there is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. WHO doesn't recommend limiting trade and movement. 

  • Second, we must support countries with weaker health systems. 

  • Third, accelerate the development of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. 

  • Fourth, combat the spread of rumours and misinformation. 

  • Fifth, review preparedness plans, identify gaps and evaluate the resources needed to identify, isolate and care for cases, and prevent transmission. 

  • Sixth, share data, knowledge and experience with WHO and the world. 

  • And seventh, the only way we will defeat this outbreak is for all countries to work together in a spirit of solidarity and cooperation. We are all in this together, and we can only stop it together. 


Chinese health authorities announced Friday that 9,692 confirmed cases of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus had been reported in the country by the end of Thursday. 

Among them, there are three foreigners infected in Guangdong Province, including two Australian and one Pakistani. 

△ The Pakistani confirmed infected is an overseas student in Wuhan, according to the deputy director of the heatlh commission of Guangdong. 

The number of cases has kept rising. There are 9,810 confirmed cases and 15,238 suspected cases as of Friday afternoon. 

In the meantime, China sees more patients recover from novel coronavirus pneumonia and left hospitals. It is reported that most patients can be cured in 2-4 weeks. 

△ A map of epidemic situation made by DingXiangYiSheng


Progress is being made day by day. Development of vaccine, diagnose and treatment is accelerated.

You can check here to read our previous article that has mentioned the vaccine and anti-virus spray. 

  • Medicines

Now Chinese researchers have found three existing drugs with fairly good inhibitory effects on the novel coronavirus at the cellular level as reported. 

The three drugs are Remdesivir, Chloroquine and Ritonavir. They are now under relevant procedures to gain approval for clinical use. 

△ An expert on infections said the drugs are effective. 

  • Vaccine 

Researchers from China and overseas are stepping up vaccine development targeting the novel coronavirus. 

Some reports said that the coronavirus vaccine may be available in 8 to 12 months even with the hardest work according to Johnson & Johnson. 

  • Upcoming Peak 

Renowned Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan said Tuesday that the outbreak in China would reach its peak in one week or around 10 days, and then there will be no large-scale increases. 

It can be estimated that nearly 12,000 people will be infected in 10 days if the virus goes on spreading at the current speed and follows the SARS pattern. 


Wanna know more about immigration and exit-entry administration during the period of prevention and control on pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus? 

The National Immigration Administration (NIA) has issued a series of questions and answers concerning these. Let's check! 

  • Are foreigners allowed to entry or exit as usual during the period of epidemic prevention and control? 

The Chinese government has taken a series of strong measures since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. As President Xi Jinping stated, China has full confidence and capability to win the battle against the novel coronavirus outbreak. 

At present, except for the lockdown of the exit channel of Wuhan ports, all port visa agencies are operating as usual. Visa-free transit policy for foreigners are still effective

All land, sea and air ports of China are functioning. Foreigners can enter or exit as usual with their valid international travel documents. 

At present, it is helpful to the epidemic prevention and control by reducing cross border movements. Foreigners could make reasonable travel arrangements to China  and stay or reside in China as usual. 

Due to entry restrictions adopted by some countries and regions, it is advised that foreigners who need to exit from China, should learn in advance entry requirements of destination countries or regions to avoid financial and time losses in case of any entry refusals. 

Those who travel to countries or regions without entry restrictions, are advised to arrive at exit ports well ahead of departure time for necessary checks. 

Foreigners having fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, should avoid international travels and seek immediate medical treatment at the nearest hospitals. 

Information such as recent activities as well as close contacts should be provided to relevant authorities for any necessary control measures. 

  • How do foreigners apply for visas, stay or residence permits during the period of epidemic prevention and control? 

All exit-entry administration (EEA) authorities in China will be in full service for extension and issuance of visa and stay or residence permits to ensure foreigners' legitimate stay in China. Urgent services for emergency situations will also be provided. 

To avoid crowds gathering risks, the EEA authorities will make arrangements for services on appointments. Foreigners could make appointments in advance for any applications. 

For those institutions which host high numbers of foreigners, such as universities, scientific research institutes and business enterprises, the EEA authorities will allow additional agent service or provide other necessary conveniences depending upon the situation. 

  • How to deal with the situation that a foreigner’s visa, stay or residence permit expires during the epidemic prevention and control? 

According to Exit and Entry Administration Law of the PRC, foreigners should exit China or apply for extension at the EEA authorities before the visa, stay or residence permit expires

In light of the relevant laws and regulations and current situation, those who are unable to exit as scheduled or extend the visas, stay or residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be given a lighter or mitigated or be exempted from punishment by the EEA authorities depending upon circumstances. 

  • What can foreigners do to cooperate during the epidemic prevention and control? 

It is advised that foreign friends enhance sense of self-protection, avoid crowded public places and take effective preventive measures. 

It is strongly suggested to actively cooperating with local communities and inviting entities to take preventive measures, abiding by relevant laws and regulations and following instructions of public security organs, NIA authorities, hygiene & health authorities. 

△ A simple guide on how to wash hand properly. Please tap to enlarge the pic. 

In case of having a fever with symptoms of acute respiratory infection such as cough or breathing difficulties, foreigners should report to the local communities, NIA authorities or hygiene & health authorities and cooperate actively in medical treatment and epidemic control. 

NIA authorities at all levels will work closely with relevant departments for the epidemic prevention and control to provide consultancy to foreigners, assist in disease screening and diagnosis with medical departments as well as dealing with other difficulties and problems encountered by foreigners during their stay in China. 


In order to help foreigners understand and master the relevant knowledge of prevention, NIA has compiled and  translated a guide according to the Public Prevention Notes

The Notes is provided by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention including four aspects: 

  • Reduce outdoor activities as much as possible 

  • Personal Protection and Hand Hygiene 

  • Health Monitoring and Seeking Medical Attention 

  • Keep Good Hygiene and Health Habits 

Please chcek here or click the "Read More" below to read the full text. 

△ A prevention guide published by HK gov. Please tap to enlarge the pic. 

We can't have high hopes it will be done in a week. But the epidemic will be brought under control as long as all the measures can be put in place. 

As Ghebreyesus said in the announcement: 

This is the time for facts, not fear. 

This is the time for science, not rumours. 

This is the time for solidarity, not stigma. 


Since the epidemic situation caused by the novel coronavirus, HACOS decide to cancel our online event of the most festive scenario of Chinese New Year. 

We've received many wonderful videos and photos about Chinese New Year. As one of our friends says, even though the viru in China, we still had the chance to celebrate Chinese New Year and enjoy a good time with families and friends. 

Thanks for your supports all the time. We'll conduct more online and offline activities in the future, and continue to share Chinese culture and news. 

Wish you good health, happiness, and success. 

Share to let your friends know!

SOURCE | ECNS / Xinhua / 丁香医生

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