
Foreign Travelers in Guangdong Can Get Free Shuttle Service

Reese HACOS瀚客 2020-03-22

Guangdong has further strengthened prevention and control measures to guard against imported COVID-19 cases. Now all inbound arrivals need to quarantine. Meanwhile, free shuttle service is provided for foreigners. 


Starting from March 21st, all travelers arriving in Guangdong, irrespective of their nationalities, who have been to foreign countries or regions within 14 days prior to the arrival in Guangdong, must undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or in designated venues.

Furthermore, travelers under quarantine in Guangdong shall pay for their own board and lodging during the period. 


Guangdong has provided convenience for foreigners arriving to the province to transfer to their destinations. 

Now the free shuttle service is available at the following ports, foreign travelers can take the special shuttle buses to designated areas: 

  • Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

  • Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport

  • Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport

  • Shenzhen Bay Port

  • Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge Zhuhai Port

  • Zhuhai Gongbei Port

  • Zhuhai Wanzai Port

After arriving at the port, you'll be guided by staff to register your basic infomation and get a QR code as the e-voucher for free shuttle. 

Here's a brief of the procedures 

You can also long-press the following pic and scan the code to open the info registration page: 


All inbound arrivals in Guangdong will be sent to different places according to their destinations. 

If the destination is the city where the traveler enter, he/she will be picked up by shuttle bus of the city's headquarter and undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or in designated venues. 

If the destination is other city within Guangdong, the traveler will be picked up by the city's headquarter and undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or in designated venues. 

If the destination is outside the province, the destination's headquarter will receive the traveler's info and send a special bus for pickup. 

If the destiantion's headquarter does not arrange the shuttle bus, the traveler will leave Guangdong with local help, and will be put into management of other province. 

If the destination is unclear, the traveler will be undergo a 14-day quarantine in designated venues. 

Guangdong has provided 24-hour bilingual hotline for foreigners, you can call 1258088 for inquiries and assistance. 

HACOS Business Services have returned to work. We'll stick to our posts, run for your business with our best services. Please feel free to come to our office and contact us if you have any question. 

Lots of measures and policies have been adjusted and taken due to the epidemic situation. We will post a series of articles about latest policies and solutions. Stay tuned. 

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SOURCE | GDFAO & Newsgd.com / 粤省事

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