
Overseas Arrivals Can Complete 7-day Quarantine at Home Here

Reese HACOS瀚客 2020-08-31

Starting from July 27, people who arrive in Shanghai from overseas can spend half of their quarantine time at home if certain conditions are met. Please pay attention to the latest policies if you plan to come to China via Shanghai. 

Shanghai announced on Thursday it will allow some overseas arrivals to complete 7 days of their 14-day quarantine period at home starting on July 27; however, the first 7 days of their quarantine must be completed at designated locations. 

△ Shanghai Gov announced the new quarantine measures on its official Weibo account. 

Travelers are required to take a COVID-19 nucleic acid test on the 5th day of their quarantine at a designated location and they must have a fixed residence in the city if they decide to finish the last 7 days of quarantine at home. 

If they return a negative nucleic acid test result, the authority will allow them to finish their quarantine at home, without coming into contact with other persons in the transfer process. 

Before their quarantine ends, the traveler and other members in the same household must take nucleic acid tests. The quarantine will be lifted after the 7 days if all tests are returned negative. 

However, the returnees must accept the rules on home isolation; that is, there must be only one person in the household, or the other members in the same household must remain in isolation with the returnee during their quarantine period. 

What if I don't meet the conditions? 

Those who are unwilling or unable to meet these conditions must accept the 14-day quarantine at a designated location. 

Is it applicable to travelers heading to other places? 

Travelers whose final destination is the neighboring Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces will also be allowed to follow the same "7+7" procedure. 

Those who are heading to other cities, however, will be required to complete their 14-day quarantine in Shanghai. 

What if I cannot quarantine at a designated location? 

If travelers are unable to quarantine at a designated location; for example, elderly persons, minors, pregnant women and disabled individuals, they can apply for home-based isolation if they can submit negative nucleic test results and meet the relevant home-based isolation rules. 

In addition, China requires passengers on flight to China to provide negative nucleic acid test results before boarding. So if you plan to fly to Shanghai from overseas and want to apply for the "7+7" quarantine, you will undergo nucleic acid test three times during the whole period: 

  1. Before boarding, you need to complete COVID-19 nucleic acid test within 5 days

  2. On the 5th day of the quarantine, you can take the test for the second time and apply for the home quarantine. 

  3. Before the home quarantine ends, you need to take the test again. The quarantine will be lifted if all the results are negative. 

To know more details about the new rules for inbound passengers and check the latest flight schedules, please click the following link to read our previous article: 

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SOURCE | 上海发布 / Global Times

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