
2020.2.14 - forever: BANK《纯美》网络群展 即将开启 Online Show PURE BEAUTY




1947年,安德烈·马尔罗提出了“想象中的博物馆” (Le Musée Imaginaire) 的概念,即:艺术品不需要在实体的博物馆中展出。取而代之的是,随着摄影技术的出现,任何人、任何时候都可以在他们想象的博物馆里展出艺术作品。随着2020鼠年的开始,由于新型冠状病毒的爆发,中国几乎所有的博物馆、画廊,和大多数其他行业都被迫暂时关闭。

In 1947, André Malraux proposed the idea ‘Le Musée Imaginaire’, whereby actual artworks no longer had to be presented in a physical museum. Instead, with the advent of photography, anyone could exhibit works of art in his/her imaginary museum. As the year 2020, Zodiac year of the Rat commences, all museums, galleries along with most other industries in China have been forced to close due to the severe outbreak of the novel coronavirus. 

“André Malraux chez lui” (©Maurice Jarnoux) 


In response to the current situation, BANK imagines the online group exhibition ‘PURE BEAUTY’, in which we present a temporary online gallery-borderless, open and free to everyone. Through our website and  social media platforms, the show will explore the notion of ‘pure beauty’ as an antidote to the global crisis at hand as well as a muse on our aesthetic values. The exhibition presents works ranging from the sublime to the mundane that examine, not only how the idea of beauty has been shaped and developed historically, but how it as is complex and multifaceted as the metamorphosing virus that scientists around the world are currently trying to extinguish. The exhibition also hopes to provide a glimmer of hope for humanity in the shadow of a collective challenge. 

正如约翰·巴尔德萨里(John Baldessari)在1966年请了一名广告牌画家,在一幅粗糙的画布上刻上黑色大写字母,创作了他的标志性作品“纯美”(Pure Beauty)。我们也将以简化的线上展览形式传递纯美的艺术作品的理念。目前数百万中国人被隔离在家中,数字通信化的未来正在真实发生。身体尽管有所禁锢,但生活、商业、教育和文化对大多数人来说,有增无减。不禁让人想问,有没有可能有一天博物馆和美术馆的实体建筑空间不复存在?音乐厅或是医院呢?此次线上展览《纯美》通过绘画、表演、照片、装置、视频、雕塑和屏幕截图来回应如此种种猜想。

John Baldessari, Pure Beauty, 1966-68 ©2009,John Baldessari

Just as John Baldessari hired a sign painter in 1966 to inscribe black capitals on a rough canvas producing his signature work ‘Pure Beauty’ we too have simplified the form of the exhibition to a conceptual exchange of artworks of pure beauty. As millions in China are currently quarantined in their homes the future of digital communication is being realized. Though physically confined, life, business, education and culture continues unabated for many. Is it possible that the museum and gallery relinquish its physical architecture one day? What about the concert hall or hospital? ‘PURE BEAUTY’ test runs these those questions through paintings, performances, photographs, installations, videos, sculptures and screenshots.



黄彦彦 Instagram 表演,动态静帧节选

Yanyan Huang Instagram Performance, Selected GIF

👀👉移步BANK Instagram 账号 @bankmabsociety 观看更多💓

The exhibition features works by Patty Chang, Geng Yini, Yanyan Huang, Oliver Herring, Jean-Christian Bourcart, Jin Shan, Mark Lafia, Lin Ke, Ma Daha, Michael Lin, Polit-Sheer-Form Office (PSFO), Tabor Robak, Sun Yitian, Heidi Voet, Wang Jiaxue, Wang Rui, Xie Qi, and Zheng Haozhong, among other artists. During the exhibition period, there will be synchronized ‘Performer Rooms’ on Instagram.


‘PURE BEAUTY’ also commemorates the people and things that have passed in 2020. Like the old Chinese adage ‘crisis also brings opportunity’ These times present an opportunity to learn, love and share. A share of proceeds from this exhibition will go to helping combat the Corona virus and its heroic staff on the frontlines of this battle. 

艺术家名单 Artists List 

张怡 Patty Chang

耿旖旎 Yini Geng

黄彦彦 Yanyan Huang

奥利弗·赫林 Oliver Herring

让-克里斯蒂安布·卡尔  Jean-Christian Bourcart

靳山 Jin Shan

马克·拉菲亚 Marc Lafia

林科 Lin Ke

林明弘 Michael Lin

马大哈 MA DA HA

政纯办 PSFO

塔伯·罗巴克 Tabor Robak

孙一钿 Yitian Sun

海蒂·芙欧特 Heidi Voet

王佳雪 Jiaxue Wang

王芮 Wang Rui

谢其 Xie Qi

郑皓中 Haozhong Zheng

展览信息 Show Information


2020.02.14 - forever

展览之地 Show Room

微信公众号"MABSOCIETY"  每周二,四,六

Please subscribe WeChat (MABSOCIETY) for the show updates(Every Tue, Thur, Sat) 


OPENING Social Party @Weibo(Account@BANK_MABSOCIETY)

对艺术家或者BANK 的好奇都可留言,讨论

All kinds of questions/discussion are welcomed here, either for our artists or BANK

表演者房间 Performer Room(Instagram@bankmabsociety)

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