

朮art 2020-10-24

From now on
A Chronicle of Life at Home First Chapter

策展人 Curator:庞海龙 Pang Hailong

参展艺术家 (按年龄排序)
Artists (Order according to D.O.B)
邵译农+慕辰、刘建华、展望、蔡广斌、Marc Schmitz、任芷田、沈烈毅、沈丕基、戴耘、李勇政、邱岸雄、韩子健、韩锋、谭勋、庞海龙、王光乐、罗尔奇、周褐褐、文豪、岳艳娜、钱亮、王叶子、许毅博

Shao Yinong & Mu Chen, Liu Jianhua, Zhan Wang, Cai Guangbin, Marc Schmitz, Ren Zhitian, Shen Lieyi, Shen Piji, Dai Yun, Li Yongzheng, Qiu Anxiong, Han Zijian, Han Feng, Tan Xun, Pang Hailong, Wang Guangle, Luo Erqi, Zhou Hehe, Wen Hao, Yue Yanna, Qian Liang, Wang Yezi, Xu Yibo

展览日期 Duration: 2020/10/10-11/20
地址: 上海市徐汇区安福路225号102室 
Address: Room 102, No.225, An Fu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, P.R.China
开幕日期 Opening time: 2020/10/10 16:00

出品人 Producer: 花苏苏 Susu Hua
主办 Host:  La Chapelle小教堂 

关于展览: From Now On"宅生记"展览项目的第一回展,本次展览探讨作品“在场性“及其上下文语境。即经验的直接性、无遮蔽性和敞开性,使“在场性”本身的“在场”成为可能。使空间、作品、观看者互为关系,观者能进入作品内部,以沉浸式的体验去感知艺术与生活的关系。作品打破常规展示,置于私人公寓空间的日常生活环境之中,其相对私密的特征与观看者的个体在场,试图呈现一场接近"无作品"的展览,观看的过程即是发现与确认的过程。 

About the Exhibition: “From Now On,” the first exhibition in the “A Chronicle of Life at Home” program, explores presence and its contexts. Direct, unobstructed, and open experience makes this presence possible, bringing spaces, works, and viewers into dialogue. Viewers step inside the works, perceiving the relationships between art and life in immersive experiences. These works of art are not conventionally presented; located in the everyday living environment of an apartment, it is almost an exhibition without artworks due to its relatively private character and the viewer’s individual presence. The process of looking is a process of discovery and affirmation.  


A Chronicle of Life at Home” centers on a house or home, a place that shelters life. This apartment exhibition will be organized as a series, emphasizing the unique effect of a specific space on the presentation of the works. Through the different spaces employed, the artists eliminate the sacredness of the work of art and the mediocrity of everyday life. The lists of artists and works will change based on the space. The exhibition itself is a creation—a work of art full of challenges and endless possibilities that will grow constantly—and the space itself may also be a work of art. Certain conventional exhibition experiences and theories do not apply here, and the artists and curators attempt to present a unique visual warmth, as we often tend to ignore the everyday. In the familiar environment of daily life, the viewer encounters the ordinary and the extraordinary, in a space that is so close to yet estranged from everyday life. 

本次展览邀请到活跃于当代艺术领域的艺术家:邵译农+慕辰、刘建华、展望、蔡广斌、Marc Schmitz、任芷田、沈烈毅、沈丕基、戴耘、李勇政、邱岸雄、韩子健、韩锋、谭勋、庞海龙、王光乐、罗尔奇、周褐褐、文豪、岳艳娜、钱亮、王叶子、许毅博。展览中24位中外艺术家的30多件/组作品,涵盖了绘画、雕塑、装置、影像、声音、行为、服装设计、动画等多种媒介形式及特定场域作品。艺术家们带来了近期创作的多件佳作,明心见性。和观众一起走进一个真实、有趣、日常中的日常。

The exhibition features contemporary artists such as Shao Yinong & Mu Chen, Liu Jianhua, Zhan Wang, Cai Guangbin, Marc Schmitz, Ren Zhitian, Shen Lieyi, Shen Piji, Dai Yun, Li Yongzheng, Qiu Anxiong, Han Zijian, Han Feng, Tan Xun, Pang Hailong, Wang Guangle, Luo Erqi, Zhou Hehe, Wen Hao, Yue Yanna, Qian Liang, Wang Yezi, Xu Yibo. The exhibition will present more than thirty works by these 24 artists from around the world, spanning media such as painting, sculpture, installation, video, sound, performance, fashion design, animation, and site-specific experience. The artists will showcase recent pieces that reveal their current thinking and, together with the viewer, they will engage with a real, interesting, and ordinary version of the everyday. 

文:策展人  庞海龙

关于空间:La Chapelle(中译:小教堂)由艺术家发起,创立于2020年,将私人公寓打造为艺术实验性空间。该空间隐于上海旧法租界安福路里弄,希望艺术保持自然生长的状态,以一种开放的、富有挑战性的、互动式展览展开。

About the Space: Founded by artists in 2020, La Chapelle is a private apartment turned experimental art space. The space is concealed in the lanes off Anfu Road in Shanghai’s French Concession. The space will grow naturally, developing around open, challenging, and interactive exhibitions. 

本次展览主办:La Chapelle 小教堂

展览日期: 2020/10/10-11/20

地址: 上海市徐汇区安福路225号102室 





Exhibition Host:La Chapelle
Address: Room 102, No.225 An Fu Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, P.R.China
Media Contact:Susu Hua





