

滨海宝安 2023-04-21



Aiming to collect the most creative and future-adaptive urban design proposals from all around the world, the International Competition For The Urban Design Of Jiuwei International Headquarters Pilot Area is officially launched. Registration for the competition is now open for domestic and abroad outstanding design institutions.


项目概况/Project Overview


Jiuwei International Headquarters Area ("Jiuwei") is located in Bao'an District, Shenzhen, 5 km away from Shenzhen International Airport. The area is an important part of the Shenzhen Airport Economic Zone which is being promoted hard by Shenzhen, and it is also one of the key headquarters clusters planned by the city. The construction of two east-west transportation corridors, Shenzhen-Dayawan Intercity and Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, will connect Jiuwei with the Greater Bay Area tightly: after the completion of Shenzhen-Dayawan Intercity, it will be possible to reach the Airport East Hub directly from Jiuwei in one stop distance, thus providing convenient access to worldwide major cities; after the completion of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, it will be possible to reach the west bank of the Pearl River directly from Jiuwei in half an hour. In the future, Jiuwei will become an important strategic fulcrum for Shenzhen to link the bay area and face both internal and external circulation.


Jiuwei International Headquarters Area covers a land area of about 9k㎡. In the future, the area will focus on gathering functional and regional headquarters of enterprises, international organizations and institutions that have globalization strategies. The core region of the area is 4.6k㎡, including 2.6k㎡ of the International Headquarters Pilot Area ("Pilot Area") and 2.0 km2 of the International Service Block. The Pilot Area is the core bearing area for the deployment of headquarters and industrial functions. It is a scarce incremental space at the forefront of Shenzhen's bay-oriented development.

项目区位示意 Schematic map of the project location


The International Competition For the Urban Design of Jiuwei International Headquarters Pilot Area is hereby launched to fully tap the strategic value of the Pilot Area. The competition, hosted by the People's Government of Bao'an District and co-organized by Bao’an Administration of Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality and Shenzhen Bao'an Bay Area Development Services Centre, is aiming to guide the high-level planning and high-standard construction of the area with international vision, forward-thinking and creative design.


竞赛范围/Competition scope


The total working area of the competition is about 2.6 k㎡ and located between Tiegang Reservoir and Phoenix Mountain. The scope extends to Shenyang-Haikou Expressway on the west and north, Fuzhou Avenue - Shenyang-Haikou Line (in planning)- Tiegang Reservoir on the east, and the Ecology Assurance Reservoir of Jiuwei on the south. The base contains abundant water systems as well as lush vegetation, and presents a unique ecological advantage of the integrated mountain and water environment. 

项目范围示意 Schematic diagram of the project scope


竞赛内容/Content of Competition  


The international urban design competition aims to collect the most creative and future-adaptive spatial design solutions from all over the world. The highlighted principles are "Global vision and international standards", " Ecological priority and integration of 'eco well-being, production and life'", and "Paradigm of future smart park". The competition will focus on the following three aspects:

一、 功能策划




Vision and Concept: The design should explore the advantages and characteristics of the area; analyze spatial demands as well as people characteristics of enterprise headquarters and international institutions; and propose design visions, construction concepts and functional planning that cooperate with the positioning of development. Details are as follows:

(1) Conceptual Vision

(2) Research of the Functional Planning



Fully sorting out the landscape terrain, vegetation, and water system; exploring the spatial organization mode of water-industry-city integration development; constructing spatial paradigm with unique features, reasonable functional layout, and advanced technology integration. Details are as follows:





 (1) Overall Spatial Layout

 (2) Green-blue Network and Public Space Design

 (3) Architectural Style and Appearance Design 

 (4) Comprehensive Traffic Design



Satisfying the flexible and adaptive development requirements of the headquarters area for the future; comprehensively considering the development, construction, and operation organization; proposing the phased implementation plan, land supply mode and technology application suggestions for the park. Details are as follows:



(1) Suggestions on Development Mode and Implementation

(2) Innovative Technology Application for Smart Management, Eco-city and Green Architecture


After fully taking into account the above three aspects, design guidelines, which include specific land use, urban design, public space, traffic organization, as well as implementation strategies and paths of planning, should be proposed to guide further construction.


报名要求/Registration Requirements


The registration is open to worldwide candidates with no requirements on qualification. Interested participants must be independent legal entities or partnerships or other organizations registered in or outside China. Different legal persons that have direct controlling relationship or administrative relationship or whose legal representatives are identical shall not register for the competition at the same time. Parent company and its subsidiaries shall not register for the competition at the same time, but different subsidiaries of the same parent company can register for the competition simultaneously if they are independent legal entities and do not have a controlling or administrative relationship.


Registration by a consortium comprising no more than three members is allowed. In that case, no member of a consortium shall be allowed to sign up twice either independently or by joining another consortium. All members of the consortium shall sign a legally-binding Consortium Agreement, and the leading member and work division among parties shall be specified.


No registration shall be accepted in individual or in combination of individuals.


Participants within the Chinese territory must hold a legally registered business license within its validity and be qualified as an independent legal entity.


1) 所在国(地区)政府主管部门核发的机构注册登记证明(至少注册成立一年,且有固定办公地点);

2) 所在国(地区)政府主管部门或者有关行业组织核发的设计许可证明(如有)。

Participants from overseas and Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, and Taiwan region need to provide the following effective documents:

1) the business registration certificate issued by the competent authority of the corresponding country (region) (at least one year prior to the time of registration for this International Competition and with a permanent office place); 

2) the design license (if any) issued by the competent authority or relevant industrial organization of the corresponding country (region).


1) 具有丰富的总部集聚区城市设计、建筑设计项目经验;

2) 具有滨水、近山地区城市设计经验。

Priority shall be given to teams familiar with China's national condition and with the following similar experience: 

1) rich experience in urban and architectural design projects in contiguous headquarters areas;

2) experience in urban design projects in the areas close to water and mountains. 


Persons participating in this International Competition must be the ones enrolled in their organizations. The project leader and the chief (possibly identical) must be assumed by the person(s) who has/have presided over the same type of project ,and should participate in the whole process of this international competition, including but not limited to the site survey, Q&A sessions and scheme reporting (including video conference). If it is found that the chief designer does not match with the person submitted in the application materials during the international competition, the sponsor has the right to cancel the qualification. In order to ensure that the designers have an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements of this international competition, at least one of the main designers should be a native Chinese speaker.




The international Competition is divided into two stages: the first is Registration & Pre-qualification, and the second is Urban design and evaluation.

§  报名及资格预审阶段:

§  Registration and Pre-qualification stage: 


According to international competition documents, the Pre-qualification Review Jury will comprehensively evaluate the corporate creditability, corporate performance, team staffing and competence, and concept proposal to select 6 shortlisted participants (unranked) to enter the Urban design and evaluation stage. 2 alternative teams will be selected and ranked as backups in case any of the 6 shortlisted participants withdraws from the subsequent Urban design and evaluation stage. 

§  城市设计及评审阶段:

§  Urban Design and Evaluation stage:

1) 入围的6家机构按照国际竞赛任务书要求完成城市设计,并将完整成果提交给主、承办方。

1)The 6 shortlisted teams complete the Urban design as per the requirements of the International Competition Design Brief and submit the complete achievements to the sponsor and the organizer.

2) 由项目负责人或主创进行方案成果汇报并回答评委提问,方案成果汇报采用多媒体自动播放与主创汇报讲解相结合的方式进行,每个参赛单位汇报35 分钟、答疑10 分钟,总时间不超过45 分钟。

2)The project leader or the chief will give a presentation about the project and answer the questions from the Jury. The presentation will be a combination of multimedia playing and an oral presentation from a chief designer. The presentation should be maximum of 45 minutes including 35 minutes of speaking and 10 minutes of Q&A. 

3) 方案评审委员会采用记名投票法选出有排序的前三名。

3)The Outcome Review Jury will select the top 3 ranked winners by open ballot. 




Notes: The above agenda is subject to Beijing Time and the sponsor and the organizer reserve the right to adjust the schedule as appropriate.




Relevant awards for the International Competition shall be paid in CNY as a tax-included amount. Any taxes arising therefrom shall be at the payee's expense.

一等奖(1 名):获得奖金人民币400 万元;(一等奖获奖单位须配合主、承办方后续委托的成果整合深化单位共同完成整合深化工作,并负责完成其中一个节点的建筑和公共空间等深化设计工作。)

First prize (one): ¥4,000,000.00; (The First must integrate and deepen the design schemes with another team commissioned by the sponsor and the organizer, and be responsible for deepening design of buildings and public spaces at one of the nodes.)

二等奖(2 名):各获得奖金人民币260万元;(二等奖获奖单位须配合主、承办方后续委托的成果整合深化单位,各负责完成一个节点建筑和公共空间等深化设计工作。)

Second prizes(two): ¥2,600,000.00 each;(The Second must cooperate with another team commissioned by the sponsor and the organizer , and each party is responsible for deepening design of buildings and public spaces at one of the nodes.)

入围奖(3 名):各获得奖金人民币120万元

Finalist awards (three): ¥1,200,000.00 each. 


咨询文件获取/File Acquisition Method


Intended participants must fill in the Entry Form(not need to be signed and sealed) and submit them to the mailbox (shiya@pnr.sz.gov.cn) to obtain the Work Rules and Design Brief for this International Competition. The participants on the pre-qualification application documents submitted should be the same as those on the Entry Form. If there is an adjustment, an additional Entry Form should be submitted.



(1)须于北京时间2023年5月4日15:00 前(截止递交时间),将完整的资格预审申请文件提交(现场或邮寄)至广东省深圳市宝安区航城大道66号-2深圳机场希尔顿逸林酒店一楼梧桐山厅,联系人:李工,13632658134。

a) The complete hard copy shall be submitted (on site or by mail) to Wutongshan Room DoubleTree by Hilton Shenzhen Airport 66-2 Hangcheng Avenue, Bao’an District Shenzhen  Guangdong, China  before 15:00, May 4th, 2023 (Beijing time) (Deadline for submission). Liaison: Ms. Li ,13632658134.


b) The Letter of Attorney (for on-site submission) (Refer to the Work Rules in Appendix for formats) shall be sent to the project email address (shiya@pnr.sz.gov.cn) before the aforementioned deadline. The authorized agent shall bring this Letter of Attorney and ID card to finish an on-site submission of the pre-qualification application documents. Letter of Attorney (for on-site submission) is not required for mail delivery.


c) The hard copy documents received on-site at the designated location shall prevail, and no overdue submitted application documents shall be accepted.





Commercial part: Ms. Li, (+86)13632658134, Technical part: Mr. Zhou, (+86) 18824292572(9:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 18:00 Beijing time, Monday to Friday)


The sponsor and the organizer reserve the ultimate right to interpret the rules of this International Competition. If the Chinese and English editions disagree, the Chinese edition shall prevail.

全景地图Insert apanoramicmap

报名表Registration Form


审核 / 郑礼军

责编 / 李庭新

校核 / 李可

编辑 / 刘秋鹏

校对 / 高崇文 胡洁贞

来源 / 深圳市规划和自然资源局宝安管理局

