
自然生长的街角花园 | 南京中海观江樾实体展示区

派澜设计 派澜设计


This case is a demonstration area at the southeast corner of Guanjiang Yue project. It is a community life Square Street and a stage to show the life of the region. The design assumes the L-shaped commercial space as the urban street corner aesthetics Museum. The design takes "River" as the design concept, extends the landscape of the river to the site, and creates the whole space as a growing street corner garden full of natural flavor.

Photo © 时差影像



设计利用现状道路与商业街的600mm高差,通过嵌入花镜和水景组合打造软性界面,形成可观可游可赏的通行空间和展示界面,使得广场景观更具层次感。 主入口的江之印主题雕塑和水景提升了场地的艺术感,跃动的跌水,带来视觉、触觉、听觉层次多维的感知体验。场地铺装以“江浪”为设计元素,演化成深浅相间的菱形铺装样式,下过雨的后地面更显波光粼粼。

The design uses the current 600 site elevation difference to create a soft interface by embedding the combination of flower glasses and waterscape, forming a considerable accessible space and display interface, making the square more popular. The Jiangzhiyin themed sculpture and waterscape at the main entrance enhance the artistic atmosphere of the site, and the leaping overlapping water surface brings a multi-dimensional perceptual experience of visual and tactile levels. The site pavement takes "river wave" as the design element and evolves into a diamond pavement style with alternating depth and shallow. The ground after raining is more sparkling.



The commercial block uses the harmonious collocation of modeling Sapium sebiferum and romantic flower border to create a comfortable space atmosphere from the aesthetic feeling of form and space. The beautiful interface no longer stays indoors. The natural green extends the vision to the outdoors. The fashionable block is integrated into the pocket garden. The anxiety of urban life is cured by the green street view, and the life with temperature meets unexpectedly.





The leisure area under the forest makes the site more extensible through linear landscape construction. The lush Sapium sebiferum tree array and lush flower border space give the site a relaxed rest atmosphere and create a comfortable and leisurely life scene of returning home under the forest, so that users can stay for a moment after busy and enjoy the slow life of green trees.



There are many details worth carving in the landscape design. In the overall space, the color tone of the landscape and the building maintains a high degree of unity. As small as tree supports and spotlights, they are integrated into the surrounding environment. The blue purple flower border and the gray hard landscape form a stable color matching. In the material system, the gray system is mainly used, and the modular combination of deep and shallow pavement creates a concise but detailed space, which brings more delicate feelings and experience while emphasizing the functionality and usability of the site.

// 精工细作——高定里的细致呈现  


The paving material is mainly gray imitation stone. It is designed to extract the ups and downs of river waves, abstract and re form the block surface, and the oblique cutting combination collage is a diamond pavement with two colors of 300 * 600 specification (unit: mm), creating a dynamic sense of river tide surge.






项目名称 | 南京中海观江樾实体展示区

项目位置 | 江苏南京

景观面积 | 2285m²

建筑面积 | 2452.9m²

景观设计单位 | 深圳市派澜景观规划设计有限公司

建筑设计单位 | 上海日清建筑设计有限公司

室内设计单位 | 思路室内设计(天津)有限公司

水景雕塑施工单位 | 宁波石韵雕塑公司

户外软装单位 | 杭州诺特拉斯装饰工程有限公司

业主单位 | 南京中海

业主团队:夏天 、杨洋、葛凤腾、唐红梅、包轶男

摄影单位 | 琢墨影像、时差影像

竣工时间 | 2022年3月


