
3D打印行业透视@Formnext l 对话voxeljet CEO Ingo Ederer博士

3D科学谷 3D科学谷 2022-12-15

--- 广告 ---


Formnext 2018展会期间,3D科学谷联合创始人Korinna Penndorf 女士与3D打印行业专家进行了访谈,通过5个问题的问答揭示行业发展机遇、挑战与趋势。

3D打印行业透视@Formnext的本期被采访对象是voxeljet CEO Ingo Ederer博士。

图片:voxeljet CEO Ingo Ederer博士(左);3D科学谷联合创始人Korinna Penndorf (右)。

About Formnext 

Q1. 贵公司Formnext展会上有哪些亮点?






About Business 

Q2. 在您的公司,今年的3D打印业务与去年相比的业绩是怎样的?






About Challenges 

Q3. 当前贵公司3D打印相关的业务所面临的主要挑战是什么?


About the industry

Q4. 关于3D打印行业的发展,您怎么看待2018年的发展情况,您觉得站在行业发展的角度,今年主要的发展以及障碍有哪些?(从市场,应用,技术的不同角度来看)



About the future of AM

Q5.  您个人或者您公司对与未来5年增材制造行业的发展看法如何?




-- 英文采访 --

Q1. What is the highlight of your company at Formnext this year?

A:We are showing two highlights. One is our existing VX2000, but with a dramatic speed enhancement. From typically 60 seconds per layer we are able to achieve improvements down to 12 seconds per layer. This enables us to print a full box in a few hours. We have several full boxes and a box has about 300 litres of built envelope. We are able to process that in a few hours. So you have a fast turnaround and it comes with an inorganic binder material which for casting purposes is a very important material set because it enables the foundry to work on an environmentally friendly system. The sole “pollution” coming out of it is water vapour. Many of the foundries in Europe are forced to switch to other material systems due to stricter (environmental) regulations and this is truly the future in casting especially here in central Europe.

Most of the automotive companies have already switched to this material system. So the machine voxeljet showcase here is already printing in serial production, but to be honest this is only a teaser when compared to the bigger production machine to come next year probably at GIFA, the main foundry show in Germany. We have released before that we received an order by a major automotive form for series production of casting cores out of sand with the same material. This is a pre-production machine, the real production machine comes next year.

Another highlight is our VX200 with high speed sintering. We already displayed this type of machine last year, but this year it comes with several new features, new software. Very important is also the increase in speed. Again from about 35-40 seconds per layer down to below 20 seconds.

Q2. At your company, how has this year's performance of 3D printing related business (units) been as compared to the previous year?

A:Well, our service business is doing especially well. We have two business lines. One is to build and sell binder jetting printers, but we also have an own operation, where we use those printers for on-demand printing. Especially the on-demand parts printing business is doing extremely well on a global scale. The machinery business is also not so bad but could be better. We believe that the services business and we are also looking at other models such as onsite service for customers. This could be really something for the future.

I think, generally, the (downstream) industry is adopting 3D printing and also our processes more and more and start seeing this as a kind of standard for some applications.

In addition, we have developed several new applications with our technology, for example the concrete casting which can be seen at the Swiss DFAB house in Zürich made this year. A very nice building. Concrete casting, not metal casting, but also made with our moulds. So complete new applications are coming up probably every day. From my standpoint, I have to say it was never before so diverse, so active, so many applications. It’s very interesting and challenging also.

Q3. What's the major challenge for your business at the moment to tackle?

A:It’s really the transfer from low volume production to a serial production. So we are on the way to that but we need to recognize that the requirements for serial production are completely different in many aspects. In terms of reproducibility, quality, but also maintenance and service, reliability of the system… This is something new to us. Also the customer needs to adopt that in some way additive manufacturing is different from their traditional manufacturing method. On both sides there’s a way to go. I think we are on the right path with that, but it’s not done yet. This will probably be a task for the next 3 to 5 years to come to a complete solutions for this.

Q4. What do you think the year of 2018 for 3d printing industry? What’s the major development and obstacles that you see if you look all around your partners and players, other players in the market?

A:You still see a hype with direct metal printing. We believe that direct metal is something important for the prototypes, low volume production and maybe also for some specific niche applications in aerospace. The additive manufacturing industry is definitely profiting from this hype, however not all applications can be addressed with it. Sometimes it’s sad to see that the customers are not willing to look sideways. We have good solutions for metal parts on the indirect way, especially when you are talking about bigger metal parts and bigger quantities. Direct metal is able to fulfil, this requirement. We are here and we can do it, but customers are sometimes not recognising really what is possible with other ways. They think (looking at direct metal) it is not ready yet and if that’s not applicable then we step away from it and go the conventional way. Direct metal definitely driving the industry and we will see improvements there but also on our side as well.

Q5. What is your expectation for next 5 years?

A:In the next 5 years we will see further production runs on the road for different applications. Of course, the aerospace industry as you see they jump completely on board. We will see more and more parts for aerospace printed in different methods. But as well in the automotive industry we will probably see a shift from conventional to more additive and more digital production. The benefits are clear and they need to take the step. In the next 5 years we will see many many plastic parts directly produced also in mass quantities. You will see many interesting developments coming up not only from voxeljet but other players are integrated features, functionality. Means, electric circuits and controls already printed in the part, less assembly, more colours, different materials – materials that can’t be used conventionally … I think the next 5 years will be very interesting.

-- 广告 ---






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