
China Work Permit - How to apply Non-criminal Record Report

2017-07-31 VisaOfChina aWorkPermitService

As the new China Work Permit policy started on 1st April 2017, it’s become more troublesome and strict to apply for Work Permit. Some documents cost much more time than it did before, notarized diploma and Non-criminal record for instance. Both need to be notarized by either China embassy or your own country embassy based in China.


Here is a guidance for you on how to prepare these documents.

(Some of the cases no need Non-crinimal record or diploma, please contract us to confirm)

Non-crimina lrecord report:

1. If you are in China, contact your own country embassy based in China to see whether they offer the service. As of now, only a few embassies offer notary service. The Non-criminal record from your own country embassy can be used directly.

2. For those who are applying outside of China then:

   Step 1. You need to go back to your own country(or ask yourfriend or relatives) to apply from local police station or citizen administration bureau.

   Step 2. Go to China Embassy and get it notarized. Usually it’s easier to get the official notarized record when you have a translated Chinese version.

Some China Embassy only accept the documents from the local notary bureau, if so, you have to have the documents from police station or citizen administration bureau to be notarized at local notary bureau first, then go to the China Embassy to be notarized again.

3. In some countries, local notary bureau offers Non-criminal record service and China Embassy notary together, then you only need to apply there without going any other place.

4. Non-criminal record is only acceptable when it is issued or notarized from China Embassy or your own country Embassy based in China.

(Click the bottom QR code and follow us to check more latest policy and guidance)



1. 如果你在中国,请联系你们国家的领事馆看他们是否提供此类服务,目前只有部分国家的领事馆提供相关服务,如果可以,那么你们国家的领事馆出具的文件可以在这里直接使用

2. 如果你在中国以外地区,那么你需要

  步骤.1 你需要回到你自己的国家(或者让你的亲朋好友)向你们国家当地的公安局或者市民行政局申请无犯罪记录证明


   步骤. 2 拿到当地公安局或者市民新证据的文件后去当地的中国大使馆公证,通常情况下,准备一份中文翻译件将会更容易拿到公证。


3. 有些国家的当地公证处会提供一整套的无犯罪记录证明和使馆公证服务,在此情况下你就只需要在一个部门申请办理就可以。

4. 无犯罪记录证明只有经过中国领事馆或者你们国家驻中国的领事馆公证之后才可用

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