

刘彦 刘彦的英语天地TheRealDeal 2021-02-10

这两天,一大批怀旧的老美剧迷开始骚动了。24 Legacy开播!说穿了就是24的续集,只不过换了演员班底,没有了人人都爱的不死小强Jack Bauer。



我最近正好听了Reza Aslan的一个采访。

他是Iranian American(伊朗就是被禁的七国之一),著名学者、作家、电视编剧。他的穆斯林身份和他的编剧身份使得这个采访极其relevant,强烈推荐。



If the only way we're going to change people's minds is by allowing them to get to know someone of a different race, a different color, a different ethnicity, a different gender, a different sexual orientation, a different religion, then when it comes to Muslims, because there are so few of us, really, Hollywood is our only chance!

The power of storytelling resides precisely in its ability to break through the walls that separate us into distinct categories, because storytelling is about the human condition.

As a storyteller, I really do believe that the only way to change people's minds, the only way to reframe their perceptions, is not through information, but through relationships. And the most powerful relationship building mechanism in the world is television. It's films. Because whether you are a (Donald) Trump supporter in Oklahoma, or a Bernie (Sanders) supporter in Los Angeles, you both love Breaking Bad. OK? 'Cause everybody loves Breaking Bad. And so, the idea that you can come together and unite based on your empathy for this fictional character, has profound consequences for creatives and for storytellers. To be able to use that power for good is a solemn responsibility, and it's about time that we start taking it more seriously.

即使你对讨论的话题没有兴趣,对英语总有兴趣吧。Reza Aslan的口齿非常清楚,表达也极其流畅,这段采访是绝好的练听力的材料。点击“阅读原文”可下载完整版,欢迎猛戳!

