
期刊动态|国际学术期刊East Asian Pragmatics稿约

语言服务 语言学通讯 2017-03-19


本期我们为大家推荐一份国际学术期刊——East Asian Pragmatics(EAP)(《东亚语用学》)。该刊由中国逻辑学会语用学专业委员会(CPrA)会长、南京大学陈新仁教授与英国哈德斯菲尔德大学跨文化礼貌研究中心主任Daniel Z. Kádár教授联合创办并共同担任主编,由英国Equinox Publishing Ltd编辑、出版,纸质版刊号是ISSN 2055-7752,网络版刊号是ISSN 2055-7760,于每年5月、11月出版。第1卷第1期、第2期已分别于2016年5月、11月与读者见面,第2卷第1期已在编辑中,将于今年5月出刊。


East Asian Pragmatics的创刊宗旨是增进对亚洲文化背景下语言使用与人际互动的理解,既关注宏观的国家层面的文化,又关注诸如民族地区、实践社区、关系网络等地方性文化。同时,通过聚焦来自东亚国家或地区的语用语料,对语用学学科的理论建构做出贡献。该刊期望能为东亚语用学研究者与西方研究者的学术交流搭建一个合适的沟通平台。为此,该刊约请了一批来自东西方语用学学界的知名学者担任编委。特别是,国际语用学协会秘书长、比利时安特卫普大学Jef Verschueren教授和美国夏威夷大学Haruko Cook教授担任本刊的顾问编辑。



Xinren Chen, Nanjing University, China

Dániel Z Kádár, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Advisory Editors

Haruko Cook, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, United States

Jef Verschueren, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Reviews Editor

Yasuko Obana, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan

Editorial Assistants

Xiaoyi Bi, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Elizabeth Marsden, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Yonghong Qian, Nanjing University of Auditing, China

Editorial Board

Rong Chen, California State University, San Bernardino, United States

Yuanshan Chen, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, NCUT, Taiwan

Winnie Cheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Yueguo Gu, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

Ziran He, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Michael Haugh, University of Queensland, Australia

Takuo Hayashi, Momoyama Gakuin University, Japan

Gang He, East China Normal University, China

Agnes Weiyun He, Stony Brook University, United States

Patrick Heinrich, Ca’Foscari University, Venice, Italy

Sachiko Ide, Japan Women's University, Japan

Istvan Kecskes, State University of New York, United States

Alan Hyun-Oak Kim, University of Illinois at Carbondale, United States

Jong-Hyun Kim, Cheongju National University of Education, Republic of Korea

Sungborn Lee, Sogang University, Republic of Korea

Cher Leng Lee, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Renia Lopez, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

LuMing Mao, Miami University, United States

Yoshiko Matsumoto, Stanford University, United States

Jun Ohashi, University of Melbourne, Australia

Jim O’Driscoll, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom

Shigeko Okamoto, University of California Santa Cruz, United States

Yuling Pan, US Census Bureau, United States

Barbara Pizziconi, SOAS, United Kingdom

Yongping Ran, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Victoria Rau, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan

Wei Ren, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China

Helen Spencer-Oatey, University of Warwick, United Kingdom

Zhang Wei, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Olga Zayts, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Doreen D. Wu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong



本刊欢迎下列投稿:关于语用学传统话题(如言语行为、预设、指示语、含意等)的研究;关于指称、称呼、(不)礼貌、身份建构、语用使用中的规约、程式、幽默等的研究。本刊特别欢迎基于自然发生的语料的语用学研究成果、不仅对本学科而且对相邻学科有启发的研究成果。(发刊词结尾部分对East Asian Pragmatics第1卷第1期的7篇文章进行了评介)



2)英文撰写的书评,字数在2,000 词左右。

也可以接受专题性系列论文(即专辑,special issue),但专辑组织者需要与主编事先取得联系。

East Asian Pragmatics只接受网络在线投稿,该系统的网页地址是:http://www.equinoxpub.com/journals/index.php/EAP

欢迎您订阅East Asian Pragmatics!CPrA会员尊享优惠价,EAP第一期现可免费全文下载。下载地址(点击阅读全文,查看详情):



VOL 1, NO 1 (2016)



Xinren Chen ,Dániel Z Kádár ,Jef Verschueren


Variability and multiplicity in the meanings of stereotypical gendered speech in Japanese

Shigeko Okamoto

The role of English as a scientific metalanguage for research in pragmatics: Reflections on the metapragmatics of “politeness” in Japanese

Michael Haugh

The bases of (im)politeness evaluations: Culture, the moral order and the East–West debate

Helen Spencer-Oatey ,Dániel Z. Kádár 

Situation-bound utterances in Chinese

Istvan Kecskes

The mediatisation of Chinese corporate communication: A linguistic approach

Zhengrui Han

Book Reviews

Japanese: A Linguistic Introduction Yoko Hasegawa (2014) Cambridge University Press

LuLu Vitali

Questions Edited by Jan P. de Ruiter (2012) Cambridge University Press, xi + 254

Yanhong Zhang ,Guodong Yu

VOL 1, NO 2 (2016)



Xinren Chen ,Dániel Z Kádár


Current address behaviour in China

Ziran He ,Wei Ren

Emic understandings of attentiveness and its related concepts among Japanese

Saeko Fukushima

Switching number in pronouns as social indices in Dream of the Red Chamber

Cher Leng Lee 

Cognitive pragmatics as an account of derivational machinery: A research trend in Japan

Takuo Hayashi

A cognitive-pragmatic account of the English imperative-conditional construction

Keding Zhang

Book Reviews

Pīpíng yǔyòngxué shìjiǎo xià de shèhuì yòngyǔ yánjiū 批评语用学视角下的社会用语研究 Critical Pragmatic Studies of Public Discourse Xīnrén Chen (2013)Shànghǎi wàiyǔ jiàoyù chūbǎnshè

Yonghong Qian

Context, Individual Differences and Pragmatic Competence Naoko Taguchi (2012) Multilingual Matters

Renia Lopez Ozieblo

Japanese: A Linguistic Introduction Yoko Hasegawa (2014) Cambridge University Press

LuLu Vitali





上海语言学通讯关注语言文学研究。主要收集发布1国内、外英语语言文学的学术会议、研修班讯息;2上海高校学术讲座;3学术期刊和学术观点推送。近期推送的特色栏目是读书小札和新书推荐,投稿请联系dianzishu@126.com 更多精彩内容请点击公众号左上角小人图标后,再点击“查看历史消息”






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