
专著推荐 | Can Interpreters Survive in an AI-Dominated World?

通讯君 语言学通讯 2022-06-09

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近年来,人工智能发展十分迅速,推动了自然语言处理、语音交互、图像识别等诸多核心技术的进步。其中,自然语言处理是让机器了解、学习人类语言的关键技术,目前已经实现了广泛应用,特别是催生了一系列智能语音助手产品。有的专业译者已经参与过 AI 英汉译文的译后编辑/校对了,深感技术的发达程度远远超乎人的想象,其实 AI 译文的质量甚至在谷歌翻译的质量中就已经可见一斑。其实无论是口译、笔译,只要有供应商能组建出规模足够庞大的语料库/译文库,大规模(并非完全)取代人工翻译只是时间上的问题,而且很可能比大部分人想象得要快。对于只擅长常用领域常见句式的译员而言,转型迫在眉睫。“人工智能翻译进步很快,产品层出不穷,可以提高翻译效率和加快速度,承担一些复杂的翻译工作。”中国翻译协会常务副会长、全国翻译专业研究生教育指导委员会主任委员黄友义指出,“但另一个方面,人与人之间还需要面对面的往来和交流,口译作为一种交流活动,人的因素显得更加重要。”提到人工智能翻译和人类译员的关系时,他认为人类译员应当积极参与人工智能翻译的开发,不要把机器翻译和人类译员对立起来,翻译人员应该是人工智能翻译的开发者、生产者、引导者和使用者,机器翻译应该是人工翻译的延续、发展和补充;负责机器翻译开发的科技公司和教育单位加强合作和沟通,最终实现人才培养和行业发展方面的共赢。



Interpreters vs Machines:Can Interpreters Survive in an AI-Dominated World?

By Jonathan Downie

Copyright Year 2020

ISBN  9781138586437

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语



From tech giants to plucky startups, the world is full of companies boasting that they are on their way to replacing human interpreters, but are they right? Interpreters vs Machines offers a solid introduction to recent theory and research on human and machine interpreting, and then invites the reader to explore the future of interpreting. With a foreword by Dr Henry Liu, the 13th International Federation of Translators (FIT) President, and written by consultant interpreter and researcher Jonathan Downie, this book offers a unique combination of research and practical insight into the field of interpreting.

Written in an innovative, accessible style with humorous touches and real-life case studies, this book is structured around the metaphor of playing and winning a computer game. It takes interpreters of all experience levels on a journey to better understand their own work, learn how computers attempt to interpret and explore possible futures for human interpreters.

With five levels and split into 14 chapters, Interpreters vs Machines is key reading for all professional interpreters as well as students and researchers of Interpreting and Translation Studies, and those with an interest in machine interpreting.



Level One – The fundamentals

Chapter 1: What is interpreting?

Chapter 2: How humans interpret

Chapter 3: How computers "interpret"

Level Two – How machines gained the upper hand

Chapter 4: How we wrecked our own PR

Chapter 5: Speech translation's marvellous (but misleading) marketing

Level Three – Choose your interpreting future

Chapter 6: Human interpreting as a stopgap

Chapter 7: Hanging on with legal help

Chapter 8: Mastering niches

Chapter 9: Making interpreting matter again

Level Four – Interpreting that beats the bots

Chapter 10: Beating the bots Stage One: taking back interpreting PR

Chapter 11: Marketing interpreting that matters

Chapter 12: Deliver more than words

Chapter 13: Coaching and supervision

Level Five – One last thought

Chapter 14: It's time to call a truce





New Empirical Perspectives on Translation and Interpreting

Edited By :Lore Vandevoorde,Joke DaemsBart Defrancq

Copyright Year 2020

ISBNISBN 9781032082493


Drawing on work from both eminent and emerging scholars in translation and interpreting studies, this collection offers a critical reflection on current methodological practices in these fields toward strengthening the theoretical and empirical ties between them. Methodological and technological advances have pushed these respective areas of study forward in the last few decades, but advanced tools, such as eye tracking and keystroke logging, and insights from their use have often remained in isolation and not shared across disciplines. This volume explores empirical and theoretical challenges across these areas and the subsequent methodologies implemented to address them and how they might be mutually applied across translation and interpreting studies but also brought together toward a coherent empirical theory of translation and interpreting studies. Organized around three key themes—target-text orientedness, source-text orientedness, and translator/interpreter-orientedness—the book takes stock of both studies of translation and interpreting corpora and processes in an effort to answer such key questions, including: how do written translation and interpreting relate to each other? How do technological advances in these fields shape process and product? What would an empirical theory of translation and interpreting studies look like? Taken together, the collection showcases the possibilities of further dialogue around methodological practices in translation and interpreting studies and will be of interest to students and scholars in these fields.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Reuniting the sister disciplines of Translation and Interpreting Studies

(Bart Defrancq, Joke Daems and Lore Vandevoorde)

Part I. The Target Text

Chapter 2. Grammatical optionality in translated vs. non-translated texts: A multifactorial corpus analysis of that/zero alternation in English using the MuPDAR approach (Gert De Sutter and Eline Vermeire)

Chapter 3. The mechanisms behind increased explicitness in translations  

A multifactorial corpus investigation of the om-alternation in translated and original Dutch (Amélie Van Beveren, Gert De Sutter and Timothy Colleman)

Chapter 4. Collocations in non-interpreted and simultaneously interpreted English: a corpus study (Daria Dayter)

Chapter 5. An approach for identifying problem solving activities in post-editing and translation from scratch (Jean Nitzke)

Chapter 6. Linking words in inter- and intralingual translation – combining corpus linguistics and key-logging data (Marta Kajzer-Wietrzny)

Chapter 7. Quality according to Language Service Providers: The Case of Post-edited Machine Translation (Gys-Walt van Egdom and Mark Pluymaekers)

Part II. The Source Text

Chapter 8. Transitional probability effects on predictive processing in an SI task created in the lab (Ena Hodzik)

Chapter 9. Automatization in translation behavior: Evidence from a translation experiment for the language pair German-English (Jonas Freiwald, Arndt Heilmann, Tatiana Serbina and Stella Neumann)

Part III. The Translator and the Interpreter

Chapter 10. Exploring Linguistic Differences between Novice and Professional Translators with Text Classification Methods (Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski)

Chapter 11. Language conflict resolution and behavioural executive control measures in simultaneous interpreting (Laura Keller, Alexis Hervais-Adelman and Kilian Seeber)

Chapter 12. Disfluencies in simultaneous interpreting, a corpus-based study with special reference to sex (Camille Collard and Bart Defrancq)

Part IV. Prospects

Chapter 13. Converging evidence in empirical interpreting studies: peculiarities, paradigms and prospects (Junying Liang and Qianxi Lv)

Chapter 14. Converging what and how to find out why: An outlook on empirical translation studies (Haidee Kotze)



Intercultural Communication in Interpreting:Power and Choices

By Jinhyun Cho

Copyright Year 2021

ISBN 9781138610613

Published July 2, 2021 by Routledge

164 Pages



Navigating and resolving issues in intercultural communication is an integral part of the interpreter’s role on a daily basis. This book is an essential guide to the interpersonal dimensions of intercultural communication in a variety of key interpreting contexts: business, education, law, and healthcare.

Drawing on the unique perspectives of professional interpreters, Cho focuses on two key questions that remain underexamined in the field of intercultural communication: why does intercultural communication often break down, and how do individuals manage intercultural communication issues? Each chapter deals with issues pertinent to small cultural aspects of intercultural communication, including gender, ethnic migrant communities, educational cultures among migrants of Asian backgrounds, and monolingualism/monoculturalism in courtroom and refugee interview contexts. Spanning diverse geographical domains, the book highlights the impact of macro power on interpreting as well as the significance of individual agency and micro power, which can rebalance the given communicative context.

Offering a comprehensive, up-to-date, innovative, and critical perspective on intercultural communication in interpreting, this is key reading for student and professional interpreters and those on courses in language and intercultural communication.


Chapter 1 Interpreting intercultural communication

Chapter 2 Business interpreting

Chapter 3 Medical interpreting

Chapter 4 School interpreting

Chapter 5 Legal interpreting

Chapter 6 Power and choices in interpreting

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