
专著推荐 | 经典读本“多模态话语分析与系统功能语言学”(3卷本)

通讯君 语言学通讯 2023-03-04


通讯君与Bloomsbury合作推广语言学及应用语言学著作(专著推荐栏目包括books和edited books)

本期主题是“多模态话语分析与系统功能语言学”经典读本。主编包括本领域的翘楚:Kay O'Halloran, J. R. Martin, Monika Bednarek,  Len Unsworth



主编:Len Unsworth






This volume presents an overview of new developments and applications of social semiotic theory. Pioneered by M.A.K. Halliday, social semiotic theory sees meaning as created through the interaction of texts (including writing, images, sound and space) within a given context. Divided into five sections, the contributors use social semiotic theory to analyse a range of contexts, including the classroom, the museum and cinema. The case studies show the range and scope of this method of analysis, and include: the school curriculum; literacy; print media; online resources; film; and advertising.



1. Multimodal semiotic analyses and education, Len Unsworth (University of New England, Australia)

Part I: Semiotics and 3D Space

2. Analysing space, Louise Ravelli (University of New South Wales, Australia)

3. The discursive construction of social space, Theo Van Leeuwen (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)

4. Interpersonal meaning in 3D space: How a Bonding icon gets its 'charge', Maree Stenglin (University of Sydney, Australia)

5. The interplay of discourse, place and space in pedagogic relations, Pauline Jones (University of Wollongong, Australia)

Part II: Semiotics in Film

6. Cohesive harmony in filmic text, Chiaoi Tseng (University of Bremen, Germany)

7. Metafunctional analyses of sound in film communication, Betty Pun (University of New South Wales, Australia)

Part III: Semiotics in News and Public Media

8. Intermodal relations in image nuclear news stories, Helen  Caple (University of Sydney, Australia)

9. Online newspapers and TESOL classrooms: A multimodal perspective, John Knox (Macquarie University, Australia)

10. Symbolic constructions in global public visuals: A Pedagogic Framework for Critical Visual Literacy, Jan Connelly (University of New England, Armidale, Australia)

Part IV: Semiotics in School Curricula

11. Literacy across the school subjects: A multimodal approach, Kristina Love (University of Melbourne, Australia)

12. Time visuals in history text books: some pedagogic issues (Beverly Derewianka (University of Wollongong, Australia) and Caroline Coffin (The Open University, UK)

13. Multimodal representation of educational meanings in Montessori pedagogy, Susan Feez (University of New England, Australia)

14. Children's website structure and navigation, Emilia Djonov (Macquarie University, Australia)

15. Metaphor in art education products, Ulla Oksanen (University of Helsinki, Finland)


主编:Monika Bednarek, J. R. Martin 






New Discourse on Language addresses the need for innovative analyses of multi-modal discourse, identity and affiliation within functional linguistics. The chapters in this volume are connected by their common underlying theoretical approach, Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), and by their focus on semantic variation (across modalities of communication and between speakers) as well as the negotiation of identity and affiliation.

The analyses focus on a diverse range of texts from very different contexts, using analytic techniques that are based on the latest research in this field. They represent a wealth of exploratory, innovative and challenging perspectives, and are a key contribution to the extension of systemic-functional theory to the analysis of multimodality, identity and affiliation.


Contributors \ 1. Semantic Variation: Modelling System, Text and Affiliation in

Social Semiosis J. R. Martin \ 2. Wrinkling Complexity: Concepts of Identity
and Affiliation in Humour Naomi Knight \ 3. Making Metre Mean: Identity and Affiliation
in the Rap Music of Kanye West David Caldwell \ 4. Khao naa nung: A Multimodal
Analysis of Thai-language Newspaper Front Pages John Knox, Pattama Patpong and
Yupaporn Piriyasilpa \ 5. Doubling-up: Allusion and Bonding in Multisemiotic News
Stories Helen Caple \ 6. Playing with 'femininity': An Inter-modal Analysis of Bilingual
picture book The Ballad of Mulan Ping Tian \ 7. Imagining Communities: A Multifunctional
Approach to Identity Management in texts Ken Tann \ 8. Intersemiotic Relations
as Logogenetic Patterns: Towards the Restoration of the Time Dimension in Hypertext
Description Sumin Zhao \ 9. The Coupling of Gesture and Phonology Michele Zappavigna,
Chris Cléirigh, Paul Dwyer and J.R. Martin \ 10. Corpus Linguistics and
Systemic Functional Linguistics: Interpersonal meaning, Identity and Bonding in
Popular Culture Monika Bednarek \ Index


主编:Kay O'Halloran






This book brings together cutting-edge research on multimodal texts and the "discourses" generated through the interaction of two or more modes of communication, for example pictures of language, typography and layout, body movement and camera movement. The contributors collected within this volume use systemic functional linguistics to analyze how meaning is generated within a series of case studies. The result is a comprehensive survey of the ways in which enhanced meaning emerges through the interaction of more than one mode of communication.


Introduction Section 1 - Three Dimensional Material Objects in Space 1. Opera Ludentes: The Sydney Opera House at Work and Play - Michael O'Toole. 2. Making History in From Colony to Nation: A Multimodal Analysis of a Museum Exhibition in Singapore - Alfred Pang Kah Meng 3. A Semiotic Study of Singapore's Orchard Road and Marriott Hotel - Safeyaton Alias Section 2 - Electronic Media and Film 4. Phase and Transition, Type and Instance: Patterns in Media Texts as Seen through a Multimodal Concordancer - Anthony P Baldry 5. Visual Semiosis in Film - Kay L O'Halloran 6. Multisemiotic Mediation in Hypertext - Arthur Kok Kum Chiew Section 3 - Print Media 7. The Construal of Ideational Meaning in Print Advertisements 8. The Semiotic Construction of a Package Label: Kellogg's Special K - Lee Siew Ling 9. Multimodality in a Biology Textbook - Libo Guo


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