
The Innovation | After pre-accept……文章预接收后(v2)

Editorial TheInnovation创新 2022-04-25

Brief | 导读

Pre-accept means the phase before acceptance. In this phase, some revisions are made to improve the quality of the manuscript by editors, authors, and artist through a series of panel discussion. Generally, there are seven sections: ①figure polishing, ②language polishing, ③ transferring for production, ④promotion via WeChat & beyond, ⑤author proof. ⑥email campaign, ⑦ResearchGate promotion. A WeChat Group (Figure 1) was built to facilitate the process, which is hosted by an editor who’s in charge of this Group. To keep in mind that if anything relating to academic flaws happened, this pre-accepted decision may be cancelled immediately

Figure 1 WeChat Group

Section 1

Figure Polishing | 图表打磨

There are two subsections.


 Polish the figures/tables | 润色图表

# Applicable to all categories of paper | 适应于所有文章类别

Figure 2 Before & After Polishing

Polish Figure & Table | 如何打造高颜值学术图表?


Make a cover page/table of content | 创作图文摘要 

# Applicable to ARTICLE, REPORT, REVIEW | 适应于长篇研究论文、短篇研究论文、综述

  • 1.2.1 Graphical Abstract l 图文摘要

    Use a general graphic to highlight key points of your paper.


Figure 3 Graphical Abstract (case #1)

Figure 4 Graphical Abstract (case #2)

  • 1.2.2 Public Summary | 大众解读

    For the public, you are supposed to use 3-5 sentences to explain your highlights.


Figure 5 Public Summary (case #1)

Figure 6 Public Summary (case #2)

Figure 7 TOC (Cover Page)


Section 2

Language Polishing | 语言润色

There are 3 subsections. First, you are welcome to submit your pre-accepted manuscript to specialized language polishing agency. Yet, to be advised that the authors are those who understand the paper best than anyone else. Secondly, the host who usually shares the similar academic background will provide his/her suggestions. Thirdly, the production team of Cell Press will correct typos and beyond. Obviously, the first polishing is more important than the later two. After the host’s checking, the editorial staff will check the layout and format to make sure the final manuscript meet the requirement of The Innovation.

Section 3

Transferring for Production | 移交Cell Press排版

After figure & language polishing, you are expected to re-submit your final manuscript online. And the Editorial Team will transfer your item for production (Figure 8).

Figure 8 Screenshot of Transferring

After transferring, your manuscript will live as “Just accepted” in 3 business days, in which both the DOI and Access Number are available. And it is the beginning to cite this paper formally.

Figure 9 Screenshot of "Just accepted"

Section 4

Promotion via WeChat & Beyond | 官微等推广文章

Once “Just accepted” online, you are expected to promote your paper via the official WeChat (see the template below). Meanwhile, the editorial team will introduce your article to other BIG WeChat Group to spread your findings. 

Figure 10 Template of Promotion Essay

To be reminded, you are supposed to explain your findings to the public clearly. It’s a little bit challenge and you deserve it to make it popular. Trust me, YOU CAN.

> The Innovation | 助力创新·让科学"So Easy"

In addition, the other social media, such as Facebook (Figure 11), Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, will be employed to promote your article in English. Sometimes, it attracted more reading than that in Chinese. It’s the high time to highlight your findings popular.

Figure 11 Screenshot of Facebook

Section 5

Author Proof | 作者校稿

Following “Just Accepted” online, you will get a proofing email in 5 business days and are assumed to proof your article via Proof Central in 24 hours. After this proofing, the final production (.PDF & .html) will display as “Latest content” and finally go to next Archive (Figure 12). By the way, anyone can get final PDF at toll free.

Figure 12 Archive Page

From submission to publishing, the whole process is done. Congratulation! And thank the authors for your supporting. It’s your trust and advice that make The Innovation better and better. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us.

备注:本刊为Open Access期刊,前三年免发表费用(2020-2022)。

* > The Innovation | Why: 为什么我们要办一本新刊?

* > 愿景•洞见—The Innovation创刊概念片的诞生

Section 6

Email Campaign | Email精准推送

According to the topic of paper, an email campaign will be done after finalizing .PDF file, which is supposed to deliver to 1,000-50,000 email address/paper worldwide.

Section 7

ResearchGate | “科研之门”推广

When you get the final PDF file, you are expected to upload it to your ResearchGate account and make a connection to The Innovation (Figure 13), which is an easy way to build your social connection with academic partners and enhance your impact globally.


Figure 13 ResearchGate Page


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The Innovation 是一本由青年科学家与Cell Press于2020年共同创办的综合性英文学术期刊:向科学界展示鼓舞人心的跨学科发现,鼓励研究人员专注于科学的本质和自由探索的初心。作者们来自全球31个国家;每期1/3-1/4通讯作者来自海外;已被78个国家作者引用。目前有190位编委会成员,来自21个国家;50%编委来自海外;包含1位诺贝尔奖获得者,31位各国院士;领域覆盖全部自然科学。The Innovation已被DOAJ,ADS,Scopus,PubMed等数据库收录。










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