
木阵 伍德亨格(Woodhenge)的历史 图片

天体部落长老 天然主义者部落 2023-04-19


伍德亨格 是一座新石器时代的木制历史遗迹,建于公元前 2500 年左右,大约与巨石阵同时期,距离东北仅 2 英里。它由六个同心椭圆形立柱组成,周围环绕着堤岸和沟渠,这些柱子的建造是为了与夏至日出保持一致。该遗址于 1925 年通过航空摄影发现,并于 1926-7 年由 本 与莫德·坎宁顿 挖掘,他们用混凝土柱为游客标记了木柱的位置。

今天,伍德亨格 是巨石阵和埃夫伯里世界遗产地的一部分。

注:Heinrich event, any of a series of at least six large discharges of icebergs that carried coarse-grained rocky debris, apparently from North American ice sheets, into the North Atlantic Ocean at latitudes between 40° and 55° N, where the debris was later deposited on the ocean floor as the icebergs melted. Heinrich events are thought to be associated with sudden climate warming events that occurred between approximately 60,000 and 16,800 years ago during the most recent ice age of the Pleistocene Epoch (about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago). However, some paleoclimatologists have suggested that additional episodes also occurred. Heinrich events, named for German marine geologist Hartmut Heinrich, are thought to be related to Dansgaard-Oeschger events and Bond cycles in the climate record.

