

分享 语言科学 2024-03-07


GLoCALL 2023 & 2023 (19th) ChinaCALL Conference

2023年8月10-12日        中国·呼和浩特





顾曰国  教授

北京外国语大学人工智能与人类语言重点实验室首席专家,博士,研究员,博士生导师。中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会(ChinaCALL)主任,国际学术期刊Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning(ChinaCALL会刊)主编,北京外国语大学网络教育学院荣誉院长。原先职务包括中国社会科学院语言研究所研究员,应用语言学研究室主任,中国社会科学院创新工程首席研究员,《当代语言学》杂志主编(1998-2015)。其他学术兼职包括:国际学术期刊Journal of Pragmatics,Text and Talk,Pragmatics,Journal of Intercultural Communication等编委,英国诺丁汉大学特聘教授、英国兰开斯特大学特聘研究员、香港理工大学校外学术顾问等。主要研究兴趣包括语料库语言学、语用学、话语分析、英语教育等。


Workshop on Evidence-Based Evaluations of AI-Supported CALL



The history of CALL development can be characterized in several phases: (1) the mainframe CALL, (2) the microcomputer CALL, (3) the LAN-based CALL, (4) the Web-based CALL, and (5) the mobile CALL. Throughout these five phases, developers have always kept a watchful eye on the advancement of artificial intelligence, and been ever-ready to bring in AI in whatever way to augment CALL. Noticeably there have emerged, side by side, intelligent tutoring system, viz. ITS, artificial intelligence in education, viz. AI-ED or AIED, and parser-based CALL. This AI-Supported trend has gained unpresedented momentum in recent years, thanks for the invention of various machine learning techniques (e.g. deep learning, neural networks) by AI researchers.

For this workshop, the term AI-supported CALL is adopted for convenience. The AI-supported CALL, including ITS, AI-ED, and parser-CALL, will be contrasted with the traditional CALLs, i.e., those CALLs shown in the five phases. The main task of this workshop is to work out principles and parameters drawn from past user evidences so that strengths and weaknesses of both types of CALLs can be compared, contrasted and critically evaluated.

All the participants will be invited to contribute actively to the workshop, minimally giving personal evidence as past user for critical reflection and evaluation.

Deborah Healey  博士

世界英语教师协会(TESOL)2019-2020年主席。博士毕业于美国俄勒冈大学计算机教育应用(Computers in Education)专业。教授在线和面对面的教师培训课程,主要侧重教育技术,以及针对成人的英语作为第二语言(ESL)和英语作为外语(EFL)的课程。两本TESOL技术标准的撰稿人:《TESOL英语教学百科全书》(TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching)和《劳特利奇语言学习与技术手册》(Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology)。在非洲、亚洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲和北美地区作学术发言。最新研究领域包括游戏化(gamification)、公平和包容(equity and inclusion)以及在线教学方法(online teaching approaches)。更多信息请见:https://www.deborahhealey.com。


Learning with Gamification



Most of today’s learners have grown up with video and computer games. They look for excitement and engagement. As a result, the concept of "gamification" - using game elements to motivate and persuade – has become a concept in teaching. Games have long been part of language teaching methods. Gamification is something else, and teachers can benefit from learning about game theory and the elements of games that may be effective in connecting to today's learners. Very importantly, teachers can develop a way of thinking about teaching and learning that takes a gaming approach and changes potentially passive “students” into active “players” in the classroom environment. As with anything else in education, it's how the techniques are used that makes a difference.

This interactive workshop will be gamified, letting you see what it looks like in practice. We’ll start with a brief overview of gamification, then try some gamified individual and group activities. This will help you identify and prepare ways to use gamification in your own classroom.

马清  博士



Free online corpora and teachers’ development of corpus-based language pedagogy (CBLP)



Despite the great potential of corpus linguistics in facilitating language teaching and learning, a corpus-based linguistic approach remains largely unknown to the professional teaching community. In this workshop, a number of free online corpora will be introduced to language teachers at primary, secondary and university settings. Hands-on practice opportunities will also be provided to help teachers gain familiarity with various corpora. In addition, they will learn about an innovative corpus-based language pedagogy (CBLP) to gain basics about CBLP as well as learn how to use various corpus tools for learning and teaching purposes, with the long-term benefits of maximising the potential in sustainable self-learning for their continuous professional development and conducting effective classroom teaching.


Deborah Healey  博士

世界英语教师协会(TESOL)2019-2020年主席。博士毕业于美国俄勒冈大学计算机教育应用(Computers in Education)专业。教授在线和面对面的教师培训课程,主要侧重教育技术,以及针对成人的英语作为第二语言(ESL)和英语作为外语(EFL)的课程。两本TESOL技术标准的撰稿人:《TESOL英语教学百科全书》(TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching)和《劳特利奇语言学习与技术手册》(Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology)。在非洲、亚洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲和北美地区作学术发言。最新研究领域包括游戏化(gamification)、公平和包容(equity and inclusion)以及在线教学方法(online teaching approaches)。更多信息请见:



Technology and TESOL’s 6 Principles: Making Effective Choices



As technology-using teachers and teacher educators, we are always looking for research-supported ways to enhance language learning with technology. TESOL International Association has developed the “6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners” (the 6 Ps) based on extensive evidence-driven research on what works in English language teaching. The 6 Ps - know your learners, create conditions for language learning, design high-quality language lessons, adapt lesson delivery as needed, monitor and assess student language development, and engage and collaborate within a community of practice - provide a framework for decision-making in preparing for teaching and in the classroom. This talk will demonstrate how teachers can use each of the 6 Ps as a lens with which to view decision-making about CALL, giving examples of specific tech tools and how they can be used to meet each principle. It is easy to be thrilled with new “cool tools,” but the 6 Ps help teachers think about fitting the technology (even very “cool tools”) to pedagogy for best results in the classroom.

Ursula Stickler  博士


1) “语言学习与技术”(Cambridge出版社)

2) “在线语言教学:危机与创造力”,与Martina Emke合编(Castledown出版社)

3) “Bloomsbury语言学习与技术手册”,与Regine Hampel合编(Bloomsbury出版社)


Online Language Teaching Post-pandemic: What do teachers need?



Since 2020, the situation of technology in teaching has changed considerably: we no longer need to justify the benefits of online language teaching or the use of appropriate ICT. This talk will investigate what has changed and what has remained the same for technology in language teaching, and – most importantly – what teachers need to become successful, competent, and confident online language teachers.

The talk will cover three dimensions: practical, theoretical, and epistemological. In terms of practical change, we will consider training and development for teachers, look at various initiatives to ease the way into online teaching for novices, and consider what tools and techniques teachers choose for their online teaching. On a theoretical level, the historical changes pre-, during and post-pandemic will be highlighted based on surveys and changed perspectives of CALL researchers. The epistemological dimension will help us to consider how meaning making has changed from face-to-face to online teaching, and what impact new communication platforms and practices have on language learning.


Finally, the needs for current and future language teachers will be considered along these three dimensions: practice, theory, and epistemological understanding.

唐锦兰  教授

北京外国语大学教授、网络教育学院院长,人工智能与人类语言重点实验室研究员,中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会(ChinaCALL)秘书长,全国教育服务标准化技术委员会委员。国际学术期刊《语言智能教学》(Journal of ChinaCALL)联合主编,《计算机辅助外语教学》(IJCALLT)副主编,国际学术期刊《外语教学》(e-FLT)编委,《澳大利亚应用语言学》(Australian Journal of Applied Linguistics)编委,国际SSCI学术期刊《高等教育测试与评估》(Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education)审稿人。研究领域包括计算机辅助外语教学、英语微技能教学、语言测试和评估等。


Using VR in language learning



Constructing an authentic target language environment, where learners can use the language for real-life communication, has always been challenging in foreign language settings, which negatively impacts learners’ development of communicative competence. In recent years, the integration of virtual reality (VR) in language learning has gained increasing attention among educators for its ability to create immersive, interactive experiences. VR allows for situated, interactive, and experiential language learning grounded in fully digitally simulated environments. This talk will first discuss current VR studies on language learning and suggest guiding principles for learning design. It will then introduce how a tertiary-level VR-based foreign language and culture course was devised according to a cross-cultural comparison perspective and students' co-created materials design approach. VR, combined with automated speech evaluation technology, is applied to simulate culturally significant landmarks and events, thereby enabling students to experience culture and interact with the target language in an immersive environment. As a result, students have reported increased authentic language practice, acquisition of cultural nuances, and a deep connection with the target language and culture.

Thang Siew Ming  教授

马来西亚精英大学(HELP University)教授,马来西亚国立大学(Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)社会科学和人文科学学院名誉教授。研究领域包括计算机辅助外语教学(CALL)、学习者自主性,学习动机和眼动研究。现任PacCALL(环太平洋地区计算机辅助外语教学协会)主席和GLoCALL系列学术会议主席,担任多个知名CALL和语言教育期刊编委。学术成果丰硕,最新文章发表在《计算机辅助语言学习》(CALL)、《亚太教育研究者》(TAPER)、《语言与教育》(Language & Education)、《澳大利亚教育技术杂志》(AJET)等国际知名期刊。


Language Learning for Futures: Imagining the Possibilities with ChatGPT



Technology is here to stay. The Covid-19 Pandemic assures it. Let's us from the field of language learning secure ourselves a place in the bandwagon. How do we do it? By assuring we are aware of new changes and developments and exploring the possibilities of harnessing them for our language classrooms - virtual and real. For this paper I will share information regarding an exciting new development in technology that is creating a buzz in the world i.e., AI chatbot ChatGPT.

What is AI chatbot ChatGPT? It is an impressive language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text.  It “interacts in a conversational way” and can “answer follow up questions.” This means learners can engage in conversational interactions that enables negotiations of meaning, provide immediate feedback, and draw learners’ attention to their errors and gaps in their language knowledge and skills.  The true potential of Chat GPT is still not known as it is still in its infancy. It will continue to evolve and become more intelligent and possibly more human-like in capabilities.  The specific impact that ChatGPT will have on various disciplines awaits further exploration.

For this paper I would like to focus on the power of ChatGPT for language teaching and learning.  I will explore the ways in which ChatGPT can be used for language learning, including its ability to generate text in multiple languages, provide interactive conversation practice, assist with language translation and its ability to serve as a tutor to teach any subject, including foreign languages.  Its effectiveness as well as its strength and weaknesses will be explored. In addition to this, I will also present debates and drawbacks of ChatGPT as well as the digital competencies that are required for teachers and learners to use this chatbot ethically and effectively to support language learning. Recent studies that investigate the use of GPT for language teaching and learning will also be shared. 

邹斌  博士

西交利物浦大学应用语言学系副教授,英语教育项目主任、博士生导师。中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会(ChinaCALL)常务理事,International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching和International Journal of EAP: Research and Practice联合主编。


Interactions in the Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based speaking practice in EFL Learning



The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in voice evaluation has enhanced speaking practice in foreign language learning. Language learners can receive instant feedback for their speaking performances from the AI programs for speaking practice via human-computer interaction. Learners may also have opportunities to interact with other learners in the AI-speaking practice context. This study explores the impact of AI-learner interaction and social network-based interaction on students' English-speaking practice with AI-speaking apps in China. While obtaining feedback from the AI speech evaluation platform, participants were encouraged to engage in various interactive activities when practicing speaking with AI apps. Data was collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and pre-and post-tests. The results indicated that students were generally satisfied with the AI apps' feedback and interactive activities with others when using AI apps to practice spoken English. The finding also showed that social network-based interaction might help improve learners' speaking skills in the AI context. It is suggested that integrating social network-based interaction may reinforce learning outcomes when using AI apps to practice speaking skills.


AI and Digital Language Education


  1. 计算机辅助外语教学理论研究

    (CALL research)

  2.  新兴技术在外语教学中的应用

    (Emerging technologies & language education)

  3. 技术赋能外语教学、学习与测评

    (Web-based language teaching, learning & assessment)

  4. 技术赋能学习资源和环境建构研究

    (CALL materials & CALL environment)

  5. 技术赋能教师发展研究

    (CALL & teacher education)

  6. 教育技术与职业教育

    (CALL in vocational education)

高质量的英语论文将择优推荐在Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning (JCCALL)(《语言智能教学(英文)》)国际期刊上发表。该期刊依托中国英汉语比较研究会语言智能教学专业委员会(ChinaCALL),由北京外国语大学于2021年9月创刊,为ChinaCALL会刊。该刊遵循国际同行评审惯例,读者可以通过期刊网址免费获取所有论文:


优秀论文还将择优推荐到其他国际知名期刊,包括International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching(IJCALLT)(《国际计算机辅助语言学习和教学》)和Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics(《中国应用语言学(英文)》)。此外,大会还计划将高质量的论文在线结集出版。



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2. 截止日期:摘要提交截止日期为2023年5月31日。每位作者至多提交两篇。
3. 摘要要求:不超过300词(不计题目、作者、单位和参考文献词数),包括研究背景、研究目的、研究方法和研究结论等信息(基金项目支持请备注)。
4. 摘要录用后请于7月10日前提交小论文(3000字左右,中英文均可)至conference@beiwaionline.com。


010-88818307 王老师/胡老师
























