

卢东民 大民说英语 2021-09-15









舞狮可译为lion dancing, 原因可参考前文剪纸中的解释;中国传统民间表演可译为traditional Chinese folk performance或traditional folk performance in China;已有2000多年历史可译为have/with a history of more than 2000 years。




Lion dancing as a traditional folk performance in China has a history of more than 2000 years.


Lion dancing is a traditional Chinese folk performance, which has a history of more than 2000 years.


Lion dancing is a traditional Chinese folk performance and has a history of more than 2000 years.


Lion dancing is a traditional Chinese folk performance, and it has a history of more than 2000 years.


Lion dancing, with a history of more than 2000 years, is a traditional folk performance in China.


Lion dancing, which has a history of more than 2000 years, is a traditional folk performance in China.






在舞狮中可译为in the lion dancing, 两位表演者可译为two performers, 同披一件狮子服可译为share/wear the same lion costume, 一个舞动头部可译为one dances the head, 另一个舞动身体和尾巴可译为the other dances the body and tail。




In the (lion) dancing, two performers share the same costume with one dancing the head and the other dancing the body and tail.


In the dancing, two performers share the same costume. One dances the head, and the other dances the body and tail.


In the dancing, two performers who share the same costume dance the head and the body and tail respectively.


In the dancing, two performers share the same costume, one dancing the head, and the other dancing the body and tail.






他们可译为they, 熟练配合可译为cooperate well/skillfully, 模仿可译为imitate, 狮子的各种动作可译为various movements of a lion。




They cooperate well to imitate various movements of a lion.






兽中之王可译为king of animals, 象征可译为symbolize, 幸福和好运可译为happiness and fortune/good luck, 所以可译为so/therefore/etc., 人们可译为people, 通常可译为usually, 在春节和其他节日期间可译为during the Spring Festival and other festivals, 表演舞狮可译为perform the lion dancing。




Lion is the king of animals, symbolizing happiness and fortune, so people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals


Lion, as the king of animals, symbolizes happiness and fortune, so people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals.


Lion, king of animals, symbolizes  happiness and fortune, so people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals.


Lion is the king of animals and symbolizes happiness and fortune, so people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals.


Lion is the king of animals, and it symbolizes happiness and fortune, so people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals.


Lion is the king of animals, which symbolizes happiness and fortune, so people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals.


As the lion, king of animals, symbolizes happiness and fortune, people usually perform lion dancing during the Spring Festival and other festivals.






也可译为also, 出现可译为be seen, 其他重要场合可译为other important occasions, 如商店开业和结婚典礼可译为such as the opening ceremonies of shops and wedding ceremonies, 往往吸引许多人观赏可译为always attract many people to watch或者often attract a large audience。




Lion dancing can also be seen on other important occasions such as the opening ceremonies of shops and wedding ceremonies, often attracting many people to watch.


Lion dancing can also be seen on other important occasions such as the opening ceremonies of shops and wedding ceremonies, which often attract a large audience.


Lion dancing, which always attracts many people to watch, can also be seen on other important occasions such as the opening ceremonies of shops and wedding ceremonies.

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