







Global Englishes, the ELT paradigm shift, and the English language teaching-research nexus


Global Englishes as a teaching and research endeavour accompanying the rise of English as a global language has led scholars to call for a paradigm shift in the field of English language teaching to match the new sociolinguistic landscape of the twenty-first century. In recent years a considerable amount of classroom-based research and language teacher education research has emerged to investigate these proposals in practice. This presentation outlines key proposals for change in language teaching from the related fields of Global Englishes, with a critical review of the growing body of pedagogical research conducted within these domains. Having conducted a systematic review with leading Global Englishes scholars of 38 empirical articles published between 2010 and 2020, in this talk I will highlight how the synthesis of classroom research suggests a current lack of longitudinal designs, an underuse of direct measures to explore the effects of classroom interventions, and under-representation of contexts outside of university language classrooms. The implications of this research concern the English language teaching-research nexus and the changing role of the ELT researcher-practitioner. I call for ELT research to adopt more robust methodological designs which measure the effects of Global Englishes content on teacher beliefs and pedagogical practices both before and throughout the programme, and after teachers return to the classroom.


Jim McKinley is professor of applied linguistics in higher education at University College London Institute of Education, and Academic Head of Learning and Teaching in the Department of Culture, Communication and Media. His research focuses on the intersection of applied linguistics and the internationalisation of higher education, targeting implications of globalisation for second language (academic and scholarly) writing, English medium instruction, and the teaching-research nexus in higher education. He currently serves as an Editor-in-Chief for the journal System.


Doing sociolinguistics in our technologized future – opportunities and challenges.


In the current era, we find ourselves studying, teaching, and experiencing language in an increasingly technologized world, which the Covid-19 pandemic has only accelerated. Sociolinguistics is founded on ‘naturally occurring’ language and many of our theories and methods evolve from this foundation. In this paper, I want to look at what happens to these theories and methods when more and more of language we encounter is mediated via digital technology. In the current digital economy, language is a key tool for steering, recording, and tracking our behaviour and activity, for example, in the form of algorithms. However, the sociolinguistic dimension to these processes has not yet been explored fully. In this paper, I argue that as well as more integrated approaches to studying digital sociolinguistic data, our increasingly technologized reality demands that we build algorithmic reflexivity into our teaching and our research.


Helen Kelly-Holmes is Professor of Applied Languages in the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, Ollscoil Luimnigh/University of Limerick and is an active member of the Centre for Applied Language Studies (CALS). She is also a former Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Helen's research focuses on the interrelationship between media, markets, technologies and languages and the management of these relationships, and has appeared in more than 95 peer reviewed books, chapters and articles. Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-Collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces (Edited with K. Gonçalves, Routledge Critical Studies in Multilingualism, 2020); Sociolinguistics from the Periphery: Small Languages in New Circumstances (with S. Pietikainen, A. Jaffe & N. Coupland - Cambridge University Press, 2016). From 2015-2020, Helen was Co-Editor of Language Policy, the leading journal in the field, and since 2002 has along with Sue Wright edited Palgrave's long-running book series on Language and Globalization. Helen holds an Adjunct Professorship in Discourse Studies at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, where she has collaborated with long-time associate Prof. Sari Pietikainen on two Finnish-Academy funded projects (Northern Multilingualism and Peripheral Multilingualism). Helen is currently a member of the editorial boards of Journal of Sociolinguistics, World Englishes, Language Policy (emeritus editor), Text and Talk, and is a member of the advisory committees of Sociolinguistica and the European Centre for Minority Issues. In 2023, Helen was admitted to membership of the Royal Irish Academy, in recognition of her scientific contributions.


Global Englishes and Language Teaching


The emergence of English as a global language has transformed how English is used around the world, which affects how it should be taught in schools and universities. This presentation consolidates calls to innovate English language teaching in the 21st century to better prepare learners for a globalised world. It draws on research that explores phenomenon related to teaching English as a global language (Global Englishes). The talk highlights the critical importance of adapting our pedagogical approaches in language classrooms where students are studying to use English to communicate with a diverse global population of speakers of different English varieties, accents, and competencies. The speaker concludes with research-informed advice for language teachers, language learners, and language teaching research in globally oriented classrooms.


Heath Rose is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford. His main research interests lie at the intersection of globalisation and language education. He has authored and edited several books including Introducing Global Englishes and the Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics. He is co- editor of the Cambridge Elements series on Language Teaching. Before moving to Europe, Heath worked as a language educator in Japan and Australia.


Capital, Commodity, and English Language Teaching


Teaching is often seen as a respected profession, a vocation, and a social act of contributing to the public good. It is however, also a job – work performed by an individual in return for money in order to live. While there has been a great amount of research regarding how all manner of variables such as teachers, learners, contexts, etc. effect language pedagogy, far less attention has been paid to aspects of teaching as a job, such as: workplace conditions; salaries; schedules; and career trajectories; and how these influence the way languages like English are taught and learnt. In my recent book: Capital, Commodity, and English Language Teaching (Routledge), I address these issues, examining the work-lives of teachers and asking how teachers’ working conditions interrelate with their practice as English teachers. I examine the multiple ways in which teachers are valued in terms of: wages; institutional evaluations; feedback from students; opinions of colleagues etc. Furthermore, I ask how these forms of valuation interrelate with one another, and what they mean to the teachers themselves who are subject to being valued in these ways. In this talk I will give an overview of some of the main themes of the book by drawing on data collected from commercial English language teaching (ELT) in Japan, describing the ways in which the English lesson is produced under the influence of multiple and often contradictory forces and interests which shape how the lesson takes place.


William Simpson is a Junior Associate Professor of the Liberal Arts Department of Tokyo University of Science, Japan. He has recently published a book: Capital, Commodity, and English Language Teaching which examines the work of language teaching through the lens of political economy. He is also the co-editor of Routledge’s series on Language, Society, and Political Economy. He has published work on language education, ideology, and political economy, in the Journal of Sociolinguistics, as well as in special issues of Language Sciences, and Language and Intercultural Communication, and has a forthcoming article examining the intersection of gender and political economy in the feminization of Filipina teacher labour online.


The impact of Arabic on English in Asian Polities: A Comparative Study


This presentation examines the contact of Arabic with English in selected countries in Asia, the region where English has the largest potential of growth and where it is embedded in a variety of multilingual habitats and cultural settings. It surveys Arabic loans in different domains of influence, and raises the question of what that means in the context of the Englishes paradigm and the social transformation processes nationally and regionally. Data consisted of a glossary of loans of Arabic in English or “Arabisms” that was collected mainly from on-line newspapers in Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan, all of which have a strong or even a majority Islamic population. To supplement the data, we use the Corpus of Global Web-Based English. As study of the impact of Arabic on English is a neglected field of research, findings will add a new dimension to the study of varieties of English. The paper has a methodological and theoretical angle that goes beyond the “national-boundary” approach inherent in models of English, when we use a regional and religious angle and reduce the Anglo-centricity in accounts of whole language habitats. It bears upon educational and socio- political matters that follow from English-in-contact with other languages.


Azirah Hashim is Emeritus Professor at the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Her research interests include English in multilingual contexts in Southeast Asia, higher education in ASEAN and academic and professional discourse. She is on the editorial and advisory board of several journals such as English Today, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, World Englishes, Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics and Journal of Intercultural Communication. She is currently President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics; honorary life member and on the executive committee of the Asia Pacific Languages for Specific Purposes and Professional Communication and Humboldt Ambassador Scientist, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. In 2023, she was awarded Honorary membership of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines for distinguished contribution to research in language and linguistics. She was also elected Fellow, Academy of Sciences Malaysia in April 2023.


Curriculum and Materials: decolonisation and inclusivity


Curriculum is a multifaceted term comprising what has been determined as core knowledge about an educational subject, its scope, purpose and assessment. It also entails, in the case of the second language curriculum, a philosophical understanding of the nature of language and language using. This has implications for the ways in which the core knowledge is selected and sequenced and made available for teaching and learning through syllabus design and how it is concretised in pedagogical materials. As an educational artefact the second language curriculum is perforce a political and ideological instrument embodying a particular view of the social order and the role of language(s) in society. In this talk I look at key issues in the literature on the second language curriculum and materials. I pay particular attention to the concept of the inclusive curriculum (Paiz, 2020) and calls to decolonise the curriculum (Macedo, 2019). In addition, I consider the challenges posed by the growing body of work in applied linguistics which views individual named languages as constructions or inventions whose use in everyday life reveal a degree of variation and porosity at odds with the idealised representations of language and language using found in pedagogical materials.


John Gray is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Education at University College London, UK and co-director of the Centre for Applied Linguistics. His research interests include the ways in which neoliberal ideology plays out in language education; language teaching materials analysis; language teacher identity; and issues of gender and sexuality in language teaching and beyond.



审核:毛燕 卢以若





